BIG SHOW # 200!

Started by Rico, November 23, 2008, 09:42:43 PM

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Ok - I'm uploading the show now. Always hit a few snags. I'm heading to bed and will update my feed in the morning. About 45 minutes from now, the file should be ready to download if you want a sneak peak. It won't show up in iTunes or RSS readers until the morning when I update my feed. This will be the link in about 45 minutes. File size is about 373 meg.

going to bed,...



Thank you Rico for working all day on this.. I'm sure it's going to be great...


Feed is updated now.  Enjoy the show!!!


Oh - before we go any further in this thread I just want to again thank those that sent in videos for this special show. Your creativity & enthusiasm always impresses me. Thanks!


Congrats Rico on podcast 200! It was a great episode and I really enjoyed everyone's contributions. Thanks for your dedication to do the show each week!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


If you guys enjoy the show, please put some comments on the main web page in the blog entry for the show.  Here's a direct link to that:


Done! I can't wait to get home to watch the big show.


Just got done posting a comment on the main blog.

Again, I really enjoyed this show and the great videos everyone sent!  Silly as this may seem, my favorite part was when the dog was walking around below Rico.  ROFL!!

Wish I had time to make something for this, but is just wasn't to be.  :(


Kaylee likes to get in on the action!


Just finished watching the show oh man i laughed. Great contributions from all, well done Bryan, Jen & Dave, Rob, The Moyers, Tim, Vartok and of course well done Rico.
Highlights for me were Bryans fantastic OTT acting, you always cheer me up, Great early 90's footage from Rob there, Jen and Dave, HOW ORIGINAL man that cracked me up, great eye brow acting from Dave (Roger Moore would be proud), Great titles Vartok, nice start to the show, Moyers you both are so cool and i didn't get the questions right ha ha, Tim, oh Tim i nearly choked with laughter at your wonderfull ears, man you rock. Finnally Rico, fab scenes mate and fair play in the jet set fair dinkum department for shedding the shirt, great sword action.
Thanks for the help on my video, it was much apreciated.

This podcast and this forum is amazing, i love coming on here and i'm proud to be a member, thank you all.


GREAT SHOW RICO!  The videos were all very fun.  A fitting tribute to Treks in Sci Fi's 200th show!  AWESOME!   

Thanks everyone for doing the video stuff, and thanks for this great forum and community.

I have to admit that I fast forwarded through the "babe and hunk" video due to my contractual marriage vows and all around commitment to my wife Amy.  :)  and family friendly viewing, but I watched everything else.  Both Nathan and I cracked up.

Vartok, nice stuff.  I love Spock and his Ipod.  Rico your opening segment was killer, as well as all the other stuff you did.  OH I JUST LOST IT when you had the guts to take off your shirt and fight like Sulu!  AMAZING!  You are up there with the bowflex commercial... "I have friends who have lost a bunch of weight, but you don't see them on tv with their shirt off!"  heheh.

Rob, nice vid as usual.

Meds-  brilliant yet once again.  You are the man. 

Bryan, once again you dazzled us with your acting skills.  I love your starfleet shirt, you could be a model for star trek.  Much better than my imitation where I couldn't keep it together while yelling KAHN!

Jen and Dave, you knocked it out of the park my friends!  "He's biting that female!"  AWESOME!  I really enjoyed the silent movie idea, and the behind the scenes stuff was really good.  :)

Tim-  EXCELLENT!  "PAIN!"  I was so impressed with your kids yet once again, and your ears mate... incredible!  I liked the Horta, the reveal at the end was priceless.  Dude, keep doing videos, you are great. 

It warms my heart to be involved with such cool people like you all.  I love this community and I dig the Treks in Sci Fi podcast!  May you and it live long and prosper!


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Awesome videos everyone!

Great job Rob

Trekkygeek you crack me up! Your kids are so cute!

Rick...I...Have had...enough...of YOU!!!! LOL! Are you wearing Chucks in that scene? Great camera work by Nathan! You've got skills.

Vartok, nice animation...What did you use to create that? :)

Meds, I love the exchange and I have no doubt that's exactly how it would go down! :D

Bryan... bravo! I was laughing with Dave when you did "Kahn!". :D

Rico, I love the smile and cut away scene to the chick in the debriefing. ;)
I want to hug Kaylee!

Very fun episode. Happy 200th Rico...and yes, Dave was not interested in helping me with the video until I showed him the scene from "The Offspring" and told him he was playing Riker and I was playing Lal. :D

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


OK, finally got a chance to watch. Awesome. Some of my best results in Ironman are the fruit of hard work...kind of like learning to appreciate me Rico, thanks for the kind word because at heart, we agree on the most important thing, our love for something as special as Star Trek. Vartok, great intro and a little creepy! I know picture Meds surrounded by little cutout faces of Shatner...which is how I always picture him! Tim's kids continue to be uber cute and his ears i always picture them to be as well..; ). The only thing as cute as Tim's kids is Jen as ususall and I love the outakes! And Rick, any time you want to have a KAAAAHHHNNNN face off, you are on brother!!!!

Tan-Ru (banned)

Great videos everyone!

Thank you for continuing to include me and making me feel welcome.

Again, congratulations on the incredible accomplishment of 200 podcasts Rico.

Your all a great group of people and at this time of the year I am thankful to have known you ALL even if it is only on my computer screen. It's been a tough few months for me and this community continues to be a great place to be.

As I sit at my table this Thursday, I will say a silent prayer in my heart that everyone here will be happy and prosperous in the months and years to come.
Love you guys, Happy Thanksgiving!
Rob from Orlando :cheering


Downloading now; can't wait to check it out!  Thanks Rico and all of the contributors for putting this thing together!