New Upcoming Podcast schedule

Started by Rico, November 24, 2008, 09:11:15 AM

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I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Lol oh Rick lol ;) my comments been sent.


as have mine.  and the contest entry.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Thanks for the comments guys and for the contest too.  Still have time for more if anyone wants to still send in anything.  Going to be a fun cast to do tomorrow!


Make sure you send in some comments to Al (Quadshot) for his "Timecop" guest cast this coming weekend.  If you want, you can send them to me and I'll forward them on to him.


Looking for comments for the Enterprise episode "Vanishing Point" coming up this weekend.  Also, comments are always welcome on TV, movies, books, etc.


Comments, comments, Beuller,...??  ;)


Doing a little prep work for the Cheesy Sci-Fi cast for the coming weekend.  Comments welcome.
Listen to the song below:


That song makes me question my masculinity...


Quote from: Bryancd on April 14, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
That song makes me question my masculinity...

Bryan, I thought the hot pink Speedo would have done that already! :) ;)


Quote from: QuadShot on April 14, 2011, 07:55:53 AM
Quote from: Bryancd on April 14, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
That song makes me question my masculinity...

Bryan, I thought the hot pink Speedo would have done that already! :) ;)

Hell, no! That reafirms it, I rock a Speedo. :)


Hoping for more comments on Cheesy Sci-Fi TV shows or movies.


Looking for comments for the podcast coming up this Sunday on the Voyager episode, "Collective."

Also, for the vidcast for next weekend on upcoming summer films I'd love some video from you guys.  Send me a short video clip telling me the movie you are looking forward to the most for the summer of 2011.  Get them to me by the end of May 1st, please.  :)


Comments for tomorrow's podcast still welcome - and needed.  ;)