New Upcoming Podcast schedule

Started by Rico, November 24, 2008, 09:11:15 AM

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Al and Bryan ride again! This time no one is coming out alive!!


I rewatched Alien Cubed at your suggestion...I enjoyed it more than I have but it's really just OK...I watched some of the alternate stuff on the Bluray and some of that could have been cool. It does look like The Godfather compared to Alien Resurrection...written by JOSS WHEDON.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Did you watch the Assembly Cut? It helps the story make a bit more sense. Oh, we will get to Resurrection and it's going DOWN!


Yeah, I did. I think the movie is very visually striking and the score is amazingly gothic. The story is kinda where it falls down for me...I really didn't connect with the characters the way I did in A1 and A2...but it's not as bad as I thought. David Fincher has come a long way.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Quote from: Chris-El on May 18, 2012, 04:03:44 PM
Yeah, I did. I think the movie is very visually striking and the score is amazingly gothic. The story is kinda where it falls down for me...I really didn't connect with the characters the way I did in A1 and A2...but it's not as bad as I thought. David Fincher has come a long way.

Well critiqued. I agree but I think some of the characters offer a lot and others are just "Inmate # whatever". They are hard to distinguish as they look and sound so much alike. We will cover all of this, i can assure you!


Quote from: Bryancd on May 18, 2012, 04:05:58 PM
Quote from: Chris-El on May 18, 2012, 04:03:44 PM
Yeah, I did. I think the movie is very visually striking and the score is amazingly gothic. The story is kinda where it falls down for me...I really didn't connect with the characters the way I did in A1 and A2...but it's not as bad as I thought. David Fincher has come a long way.

Well critiqued. I agree but I think some of the characters offer a lot and others are just "Inmate # whatever". They are hard to distinguish as they look and sound so much alike. We will cover all of this, i can assure you!

Aye I had a hard time with this the first time I saw the film (at a drive in in college so the picture/sound was not that great either) but on mutliple rewatches I've come to appreciate the film on many levels.  I especially liked how it was more of a return to the feel and tone of the original film after such a departure in the first sequel.  I'm most interested in hearing your thoughts on Resurrection which I also believe has its merits...especially the scene in the cloning lab!  Was that the first scene of it's kind, I know I've seen it repeated in films since then even recently but I can't quite remember where...
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Alien3 podcast is in the bag! Awesome time as usual with my good buddy a producer extraordinarre Al!


I can't wait to give it a listen!

You guys are awesome!!!  :cheering

In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Bryan, as usual, was spot on and an awesome host! :)


I'm looking forward to listening to the next installment. :cheers


Al sent me the complete show and it's great. Al does such an amazing job editing this together and dropping in dialogue from the film at the perfect moments. Really spot on!

Only problem in the podcast is for some reason I keep saying "Yutini" instead of "Yutani". I had Jawa's on the brain.  :shocked


"Potato - Potahto, Yutini - Yutani - let's call the whole thing off!" (he sings out of tune)


thanks Bryan for the kindness!! :) And yeah, you did say Yutini...thought either you were thinking of having a martini a lot or that Alien3 was SO just had a brain fart! :)


That happens to everyone, where we get something stuck in our heads and keep pronouncing it a certain way. I think I have done that on a few occasions. Once I pronounced chewbacca inproperly and got geek rage in a follow up podcast from some guy. Looking forward to the Aliens 3 podcast as really enjoyed the first two so far.


I'm still waiting for my first "I can't believe you said that/you didn't know that" email. Once I get once of those, I'll have made it!