I'm stuck in the middle of a short story.

Started by alanp, November 29, 2008, 12:29:05 PM

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OK guys, Where should I go from here?

I'm trying to write a story where a guy from Canada drives to New Mexico after getting a call that his mother has died.  He gets there just in time to attend his mother's funeral.  But that's not her in the casket.  And everyone in his home town is trying to convince him it is.  From his neighbors, school teachers, grocery store owner, etc.  Everyone insists this woman is his mother, and yet it obviously isn't.  I'm thinking I want something, Rod Sterling-esk.

What should I do with it?


Sounds like a cool premise. 

Rod Serling-exque, eh? 

How about the guy has a series of increasingly strange encounters/confrontations with the townspeople.  He gets progressively freaked out and paranoid, and decides to high-tail it out of town, but he cant- the road out leads back into the town.  He finally gets fed up, and returns to wherever the cadaver is being kept to find a group of the main characters he's interacted with waiting for him there.  As the protagonists raves about how crazy the situation is, the townspeople look at him, shaking their heads in pity.  They talk amongst themselves about "the plan", and how the protagonist's "personality implant" was too strong; it's overshadowing his true identity and mission.  The mayor (or some other authority figure) says that maybe the protagonist can't recognize his mother because of her camouflage.  He hits a button and the mother's body transforms into the stereotypical big-eyed, big-headed alien. 

Maybe one of the characters makes some comment like "You always did have your mother's eyes".

Oh, and the town is located right outside of Roswell, New Mexico.

Java The Hut

Rod Serling-exque twist....

this may not make any scene....  but how bout

he does not know his mom because he has not been born yet , the people in the town maybe are angles trying to glide sols into life
what he sees as death is just he next (first) chapter in his life.

I'm thinking of a backwards telling of the ep "A stop at Willoughby"

ya I know the show is like 20 years old but.....
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