Heroes Volume Four "Fugitives" (Spoilers)

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 11, 2008, 12:57:53 AM

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I thought the episode was OK but I agree that it felt out of place.

[spoiler]Did they really need to go all the way there and start to dig up bodies? They are fugitives, do they have time for this? Like Peter or Nathan said, "you couldn't have just told us all this in a restaurant?"[/spoiler]

Good back story and a little history which was interesting and pretty good acting on the part of the young guest actors.


I thought this last one was the best so far out of chapter 4.


Wow, this one was a good episode.  Nice to see Sylar's powers are starting to have consequences to him. 

[spoiler]Who was reminded of Gollum in Lord of the Rings when Sylar was doing all that stuff?  I thought that was very cool myself. 

Seems Hiro's powers have hit a limit with him bleeding out his nose.  It was good to see him finally acknowledge Ando as an equal.

Is Sylar now invincible?  Or will his powers consume him?  That's the question.


Otherwise, Great great episode it definitely turned a corner this time. 

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Just finished watching this episode.

[spoiler]Boy, it's The Sylar show. He's a fantastic character and I love getting more insight on him. Can't wait to see where they are gong with this. I suspect the shape shifting power has altered his DNA so that his previous weakness (the achilles skull) no longer applies. I find it fascinating that the more powerful he gets the 'weaker' he is portrayed. Great writing![/spoiler]


Agreed, great Episode this week.

[spoiler]An odd bit of mercy shown by Sylar towards Michah. One thing to help him get away, another to actually let him stay at his apartment, albeit for a short time. The Hiro - Ando stuff is interesting, interested to see what happens with Hiro. Parkman going back to his ex doesn't do much for me, I never really cared for her in season 1. Would much rather have Daphne still around, hopefully they did not kill her off just so they could start up the Parkman and his Ex story line.[/spoiler]


Interesting episode.  I didn't know until the end that next week is already the season finale.

[spoiler]I liked the Hiro and Ando stuff.  Maybe super-charging Hiro up by the baby hurt him somehow?  The Sylar stuff was cool and he continues to be the most interesting character.  Rumor is he may kill a "Hero" next week.  We'll see.[/spoiler]


I liked the Nathan stuff from the last two.  I hope they give him some time next week to do something cool.



It may have been a little flat, but it was satisfying. It gave me things to think about and that's what I like most about the show. Story wise, it was slightly lacking, but some of the things they put forward will have my mind working till next week. :P
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


I didn't think the episode was flat at all.  With that much crazy Sylar stuff it sure didn't seem that way to me.


I'm not really sure where this last episode fell because, to me, all the pieces were there but I didn't feel like the story was being built to a fever pitch.  I think had Micah escaped from Sylar rather than having been let go it would have been more exciting.  Then to have Syler close to replacing the president, etc. 


NBC Likely To Trim "Heroes" Order Next Season
April 23, 2009 by Michael Hickerson   || Category: TV News

For its third season, NBC's "Heroes" got an 25-episode order. For its fourth season, the episode count is likely to be reduced according to Advertising Age. The series will get an episode order between 18 and 20 episodes for next season.

It appears NBC is following the trend established by other serial dramas like "Lost" and "24." While "24″ can't have a reduced episode count because of the nature of the show, "Lost" has seen a reduction in the episodes produced per season in the past several years. Both shows have been scheduled in an un-interrupted block during the winter and spring seasons, allowing both to gain momentum in the ratings and make each series feel more like an "event" for fans.

"The serialized action-adventure dramas, if you think about 'Lost' and especially '24,' making it once a year makes it that much more special — and it also saves you money if you have fewer episodes," said Shari Ann Brill, senior VP-director of programming at Aegis Group's Carat.

Of course, NBC has other reasons to cut the episode order for "Heroes." While it's still the network's highest rated scripted series, "Heroes" continues to set new lows for viewership with each passing week.

The writers strike and "story-line issues" have contributed to the program's decline, Brill said, but the current story arc "really has picked up a lot. I don't know if the audience has followed."

The current season of "Heroes" wraps up Monday night at 9 p.m. EST on NBC.



Well tonight was interesting!  I kind of enjoyed it.
[spoiler]It was a bit of a stretch for me with the whole Sylar is Nathan now... I know that's what they wanted me to think.. but still.  Amy and were grossing out when Nathan's throat got slit.  YUCK!  ewwwwww!  I hope Hero will be ok.  I like  him.  Anyway, it was nice to see Warf again.  Michael Dorn rocks... and makes a cool president, even thought we haven't seen a whole lof ot him. :)  Fun to see Tracy again, and now she is drowning folks?   Hmmm, seems all wet to me. :)  OH, and Amy speculated that Matt was fooling everyone into seeing Sylar burning up not Nathan.  Yes?[/spoiler]

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The shapeshifter guy that died when looking like Sylar was the one burning.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers