Heroes Volume Four "Fugitives" (Spoilers)

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 11, 2008, 12:57:53 AM

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The finale was pretty good.  But it brought up quite a few questions for me still.

[spoiler]Sylar replacing Nathan I thought was not a great idea.  I understood it, but these people should know by now not to let Sylar run around, even if his mind has been altered.  Also, wouldn't his healing ability still be in place?  I wish we knew why Hiro is having issues with his power - no one else seems to have them.  Seems like just another way to control his powerful ability.  I really had thought Tracy was still alive all along.  And now she is out for revenge.  Overall not too bad, but I still feel this show has a lot more potential.[/spoiler]


I thought the finale was interesting as well, but I did not find it as solid as the previous episode.
[spoiler]The Nathan/Sylar thing I am not really sure about. For me, I get that they transferred Nathan into Sylars body, and all his thoughts and memories. But to me, there is soul and his essence and I don't see how they could transfer that, so to me, they don't really have Nathan. I suspect as they alluded to, their are still elements of Sylar buried, and probably next season those will come out, and their will be some conflict between the two. I agree with you Rico, that it is not smart to still have Sylar running around, and in a position of power as well. The Hiro/Ando story is my favorite, and to be honest, I was happy they did not answer what is happening to Hiro. Gives me something to think about during the break, and at least it is not rushed for an explanation[/spoiler]


[spoiler]They did the replacing because Momma Petreli had the dream, so they figured it would work. At this point I don't think that they have an option about Sylar. They don't know how to stop him and they can't kill him. I think she's trying to eat her cake and have it too. (The other way makes no sense). I'm also glad that Tracy is back. Losing Ali each season is getting silly.

As for Hiro. I think they explained it perfectly. His and Peter's powers were stolen. Peter got new powers from an injection. Hiro didn't. Baby touch and go restored Hiro's power, but his body is now rejecting them. If we knew what Papa Petrelli did when he stole their powers, we could figure out something, but that storyline kind of imploded. He shouldn't have been taken out like he was with both Adam and Peter's healing powers.[/spoiler]


One more gripe ... Did they retcon Claire's ability to resurrect the dead with a dose of her blood?


I think Mohinder just wasn't around to suggest that option.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Quote from: Scott on April 28, 2009, 10:51:36 AM
I think Mohinder just wasn't around to suggest that option.
Except the person that benefited from the blood in the past and the person that ordered the treatment were in the room watching and actually sent claire away. It was very poor writing that ignored several seasons of information.


Was anyone else frustrated by:

[spoiler]Finally we get a battle sequence and they pull an old school special effects where you saw nothing.  Lame?  Sad?  Unfortunate?  I think so. 

Putting Sylar in Nathan's place was a terrible idea.  Poor writing in all of that.  It also makes Season four fairly predictable.

Who else was disappointed by "President Worf's" lack of dialogue/screen time?

Great to see Tracy is alive and well.  And it seems, even more powerful than before.

Is Danko dead?  Or will he survive the tranquilizer?

Ando/Hiro's storyline was just kinda bland this time around.  Although I guess considering that Season 2 Hiro and Ando had a lot of screen time then....[/spoiler]

All In All, it was OK, but this show could have so much more and they aren't even half way there.  I'm incredibly disappointed with the season as a whole.  They fell way short of what could have been with bad writing, bad plot design and just random arcs.  I also thought Sylar's attempt at power was rather short notice and quickly implemented.  Seems to me anyway....

Will season 4 be any better?  I have my doubts.  Season 3 fell flat on its face and although the last episode was enjoyable to a degree, the rest was rather painful, retcon (way too much) central, and pretty much lack of consistency, is proving to rear its ugly head in this series.  Next season really needs to step it up, or it is time to put this show out of its misery. 


P.S. I know my words sound harsh, but it is time they woke up to the fact that they need to step it up.  Or step down.  I still enjoy it to a degree, but there could be so much more. 
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Finished watching the finale...

[spoiler]hmmm... It ended quite well. They hyped that a hero would die but it was a little of an anti-climax really. I'm guessing making Sylar into Nathan may have something to do with Zachary Quinto's schedule next year?  ;) Let's see if 'Nathan' can pull off a good Sylar impression next season.

One thing that bugged me about all this shapeshifting... If it was DNA based why would his clothes change as well?

I think season four will have to be make or break.[/spoiler]


Did his clothing change when Sylar shape shifted?  I was getting confused by that.  Sometimes it seemed like it didn't.


Quote from: Rico on April 29, 2009, 04:53:15 AM
Did his clothing change when Sylar shape shifted?  I was getting confused by that.  Sometimes it seemed like it didn't.
Yeah it did. Which didn't make sense because the guy that first had the power couldn't do it. The only other answer is that he did pick up that illusion power from the girl a few seasons ago when his powers were not working. The only problem with that is it kind of makes the shapeshifting redundant and unnecessary.


Wasn't there a scene when Danko brought Sylar some other clothes even at one point when he was first shifting?


Quote from: Rico on April 29, 2009, 05:30:52 AM
Wasn't there a scene when Danko brought Sylar some other clothes even at one point when he was first shifting?
Yep. It just doesn't make any sense. They aren't applying past episodes to future ones.


I enjoyed the epsiode well enough. I agree with most of the complaints voiced here, but I am looking forward to a new season. Jamie and I felt this season was much better than the last one.


Yup, a new one will be good. We felt it really tightened up toward the end of this season. It's definately better than the last one.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I just think the director either didn't think that we would notice the clothes changing, or just didn't think about it. I doubt the writers left a note in the script saying that it was imperative that Sylar keep the same clothes.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers