Heroes Volume Four "Fugitives" (Spoilers)

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 11, 2008, 12:57:53 AM

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Last night's episode was pretty darn cool and enjoyable I thought.  I liked all the various stories and we learned some things too.  I was a bit confused by the very start of the episode.  Who left the little "gift" for the bad guy chasing all of them?  Loved the Ando and Hiro stuff.  Also read below...

[spoiler]Does anyone think Tracy might be alive still somehow?[/spoiler]


I agree, it was a great episode, had a lot of great elements in it, Really like that Hiro and Ando are back in the story again, and look like they might have an important role to play.

[spoiler]I am not sure what to think of Tracy, maybe she is still alive as her ice head winked at the end.
Great to see Micha again, no real surprise he was Rebel, like everyone had speculated, but nice to see that they answered that.
I think it was Sylar who left the gift for Danko, he seems like the only one who would be powerful enough to bring puppet man in.And I thought I saw him hiding in Dankos apartment in the previous episode.
Baby Matt Parkman is cool, hopefully he sticks around, his mom I do not care for, so hopefully she is not around for to long.[/spoiler]


Jeff has said pretty much said everything I was going to say and I totally agree! I'll just add:

[spoiler]Scene of the Year has got to be Hiro and Ando's 'ET' moment in the closet! Hilarious![/spoiler]


Did you guys catch the "Life from Lifelessness" line Hiro had?  Cool stuff!


Yeah - those scenes with Hero, Ando and kid were hilarious.  :roflmao


They had many Star Trek references last night.  It was a MUCH better episode.  Best one this season IMO!

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Did anyone else interpret Tracy's "Keep doing what you're doing, Rebel" as a tip of the hat to "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi?"  It sounded rhythmically the same to me and there was no other reason for her to call him Rebel and Micah 2 seconds later.


What a blegh episode.  Just was all over the place imo and very....ehh. 

This series still doesn't seem to get better.  It gets worse. 

Thumbs down.

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Quote from: Kinglinksr on April 14, 2009, 08:12:25 PM
What a blegh episode.  Just was all over the place imo and very....ehh. 

This series still doesn't seem to get better.  It gets worse. 

Thumbs down.


But you keep watching...


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on April 14, 2009, 11:40:14 PM
Quote from: Kinglinksr on April 14, 2009, 08:12:25 PM
What a blegh episode.  Just was all over the place imo and very....ehh. 

This series still doesn't seem to get better.  It gets worse. 

Thumbs down.


But you keep watching...

Which is true.  I keep hoping it gets better soon.  Starting to think that's a fool's hope.  Ah well...:(

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


I liked the most recent episode dealing with Angela and her past and the company.  Man, that girl playing here in the past was perfect for her.  Anyway, some nice background and I was glad how the episode ended.  Time now for taking some action, I say.


Yeah, I liked this past episode as well. The backstory for Angela was very well done and I agree that actress was spot on. It got a bit week towards the end with the storm cellar scene, but otherwise good episode.


That episode was ok, and did provide some back ground on Angela and a few others from the first season. I guess my big issue with it, is that it seemed to come out of no where, no real lead up, I had a tough time in seeing how it really tied in with the present story. It answered a lot of question, which I think were important, but I just did not realize those were question I was thinking about. If Heroes had more of series wide story arc, this would have been a higher impact episode. In a sense this felt a bit like them taking a page from LOST, with the Dharma Initiative. I do hope that more episode like this will come, and they do more at tying all the seasons together and have some longer running story arcs.

[spoiler]The scenes about the socks and Angelas sister were nice, and provided insight into when we first saw Angela in the series after she was caught for Shoplifting[/spoiler]


This episode is next week for us but we've had the lead in episode so I can guess what you're talking about in general.

Do you think this change reflects the return of the Season 1 writer (Brian Fuller?) to the series. It seems like someone's getting a grip on things and trying to take it somewhere at last.

What we've seen this year has got better as it's gone along but is still very much a story of people 'treading water' and trying to stay afloat rather than actually going anywhere. It appears that this may be changing with a bit of back story hopefully being thrown out in order to highlight something in the near future.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Feathers on April 15, 2009, 07:45:43 AM
This episode is next week for us but we've had the lead in episode so I can guess what you're talking about in general.

Do you think this change reflects the return of the Season 1 writer (Brian Fuller?) to the series. It seems like someone's getting a grip on things and trying to take it somewhere at last.

What we've seen this year has got better as it's gone along but is still very much a story of people 'treading water' and trying to stay afloat rather than actually going anywhere. It appears that this may be changing with a bit of back story hopefully being thrown out in order to highlight something in the near future.

Yes, I felt for this episode, with even the one episode lead up, it just felt that there would have been a bigger payoff if this would have been part of a longer story arc.  Coyote Sands seemed to come up, and if there was maybe more of a search for it, it might have made the story all the more intriguing for me. If they have brought back the writers from season 1, it does show as we are starting to see references from season 1.