Take Him With You- my new podcast

Started by moyer777, January 29, 2009, 11:10:37 AM

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yeah, kind of tough topic, but really important to talk about!  Thanks for listening!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Absolutely tough - if there were an arguement, I could come down on both sides of it at the same time from my experiences :)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Great Podcast, very interesting to hear Jen and her Husband Dave speak about some things in their lives. Great job all, looking forward to part 2.


Ok, well wow. I've had a morning of take him with you and as usual i always feel a little bit more perky after every show. I loved the interview with Jeff, great stuff both of you it was so much fun to hear about your life Jeff, great interview Rick. Just heard Jen and Davids interview and wow so interesting. I can't wait for part 2. It's interesting because i'm not religious, i've read the bible, i've studied religion & i have my reasons but i find it so absorbing to hear about Ricks beliefs and today Jen and Daves. Great shows and it was so cool to hear Dave speak. Well done Rick, Jeff, Jen, Amy & David. Hey you'll have to interview me Rick ha ha.   


I've talked a lot about my faith in the past to many different people...I don't know why it made me so nervous to discuss this with our pal Rick, but it did. I'm glad I talked about it though.  I guess I was worried that we were going to sound like complainers and that our experience would turn some people off. I hope it hasn't. I

I guess what I learned from my church experience, and I'm not sure if I communicated that well, is that not all churches are the same. They have personalities just like people do and sometimes people change. Sometimes the change is good...sometimes it's not.

Church is an important part of Christianity, but it's not what it's all about. Believing in God (what I keep referring to as 'faith') is more than Church.  Believing in God means you have a willingness to take to heart what Jesus taught about God, life, people and how to treat each other. And it's not something you do on certain days (like Sunday mornings).  Church makes that connection easier to maintain and it strengthens you when you start to feel like your straying, but it shouldn't come before God. People shouldn't be there to be entertained, gain power or respect from others.  I guess that's what I learned from my experience..  

Anyway, I know Dave was nervous too. What's funny is that I'm typically the shy one. Talking online and on a podcast is way different than talking face to face to a bunch of strangers. Dave on the other hand is an extrovert and it was interesting to me to see how uncomfortable he was in front of the mic. But he wanted to talk. I was proud of him and I'm glad you found the episode interesting. I was worried that we would be boring. LOL. :)

Thanks Rick for inviting us on. I also enjoyed your interview with Jeff. It was interesting to hear of his experiences as well. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Jen, I found your comments very insightful and really enjoyed hearing you and Dave discuss your experience. You all did a great job discussing both your faith and the issue's of modern Christianity. These are issue's I have discussed with my family as well. My family are Anglican's and are fairly consistent church goers. Wasn't the case when i was a kid, but they do go know. My Mom converted from Dutch reform to Catholic and goes to Mass every week. Anglican can be a bit hevy on the scripture and ritual, kind of like Roman Catholic light, and I have often discussed the inability of the Anglican church to be more inclusive and flexible in an effort to reach out to more people to spread the Word of God. I have also witnessed some very un-Christian behavior from them. Jamie and I often talk about bringing God into our lives, but have yet to really make the commitment.

Rick, I promise I will send comments for your show soon, I really value it. I think it would also be interesting for you to interview people of other faiths and lifestyles which may not always be considered "traditional".


Cool Bryan.  I am planning some of that soon.  :)  Great minds!  :) 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Jen you're interview was so not boring so don't worry about that. I found it incredibly insightfull, the same with Jeff's. As i say coming from a non religious person i always find listeneing to other people faiths and views very insightfull. If i'm honest i don't believe in church (as in a building) I never have. From my point of view i think if you believe and have a faith and it is important to you then that should be enough. Take him with you as a wise man once said. So looking forward to part 2. You both compliment each other so well, i hope me and natalie sound so close when we've been married as long as you have. :-)


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on June 09, 2009, 11:48:43 PM
Jen you're interview was so not boring so don't worry about that. I found it incredibly insightfull, the same with Jeff's. As i say coming from a non religious person i always find listeneing to other people faiths and views very insightfull. If i'm honest i don't believe in church (as in a building) I never have. From my point of view i think if you believe and have a faith and it is important to you then that should be enough. Take him with you as a wise man once said. So looking forward to part 2. You both compliment each other so well, i hope me and natalie sound so close when we've been married as long as you have. :-)

Good point Meds. :)

And your comment about how Dave and I complement each other made me smile...thank you. I know you and Natalie have that too. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: Bryancd on June 09, 2009, 04:55:21 PM
Jen, I found your comments very insightful and really enjoyed hearing you and Dave discuss your experience. You all did a great job discussing both your faith and the issue's of modern Christianity. These are issue's I have discussed with my family as well. My family are Anglican's and are fairly consistent church goers. Wasn't the case when i was a kid, but they do go know. My Mom converted from Dutch reform to Catholic and goes to Mass every week. Anglican can be a bit hevy on the scripture and ritual, kind of like Roman Catholic light, and I have often discussed the inability of the Anglican church to be more inclusive and flexible in an effort to reach out to more people to spread the Word of God. I have also witnessed some very un-Christian behavior from them. Jamie and I often talk about bringing God into our lives, but have yet to really make the commitment.

Rick, I promise I will send comments for your show soon, I really value it. I think it would also be interesting for you to interview people of other faiths and lifestyles which may not always be considered "traditional".

Thanks Bryan. :)

Interesting. Yeah sometimes you got to shop around for where you fit in...its true in everything, even church and faiths. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Ok, part two of the interview with Jen and Dave is up!  Plus, are you addicted to Farm Town on Facebook?  My new glasses and more!  :)

Direct download is here: http://www.takehimwithyou.com/podcast/061409surviving2.mp3

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Looking forward to listening Rick.


Love the podcast Rick! And yes, I am now addictied to Farm Town...
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


COOL!  Thanks!  Well, Farm town can get to you.  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Great show, great chat, fab interview and i'm not going anywhere near farm town ha ha.