Star Trek: Season 9

Started by Geekyfanboy, February 14, 2009, 08:29:14 PM

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Joseph and  Susan walked into the Afterburner, looking a bit sheepish Joesph let Susan walk in and he followed allowing people to see her first. Several of the crew turned and waved at both of them, Joseph smiled and Susan waved manically suddenly seeing Ryla talking to J'dan and Mackie, Susan headed over to them. Joseph shrugged and headed to the bar looking for K'tan who still owed him several beers. Looking down at his white dress uniform he laughed to himself and nodded to the second barman.

"Usual please mate."

Turning round he lent on the bar and looked at all the people chatting and laughing. One of the crew walked past and smiled at him, Joseph nodded and this made him feel quite content.


Nathan stood in front of his mirror straightening his jacket for the millionth time. It's been a while since he has worn his dress uniform and it seems he's gained a little weight.  The door chimed. "Come in" he said, as he pulled on the jacket one more time.

Nicholas Took entered looking very dapper in his dress uniform. He walked over to Nathan, who was still fidgeting with his jacket and gave him a peak on the cheek. "Stop fiddling with your jacket, you look great", he said with a smile. Quinn stopped and returned the smile.  He walked over to his table and picked up a padd and started to read over his speech. Nic grabbed it out of his hand and laid it back down. "Your speech is fine, you look wonderful, now lets get going."  Nathan laughed and took a deep breath. "After you Mr. Took".  Nic walked out the front door while Quinn looked one more time into the mirror before hearing Nic yell from outside the room. "Leave it!!". Nathan chuckled to himself, picked up the padd and left his quarters.

Moments later Quinn and Took entered The Afterburner. The room was beginning to fill up but several senior officer were still not there so he and Nic walked over to the bar to grab a quick drink.


K'arath was no officially running down the corridor. He was still in his cycling gear, his clip shoes and helmet in his hand as he ran barefoot towards his quarters. He had lost track of time while riding a holodeck simulation of the Alp D'Huez climb from the Tour de France and was now late getting ready for the ceremony in the Afterburner. He figured 5 min to undress and shower, another 10 min to jam himself into the dress uniform, 2 min to negotiate the way to bar. He would just make it......Assuming he could find his dress uniform.


David and Rose entered the Afterburner. David looked across the heads of the people till his eyes spotted the hairy headed fur ball of a man. They walked round the crowd to the far wall where he stood. Fissual saw them coming and pulled out a chair for Rose to sit down.

"Anything happen yet?" Reese asked.

"Just population of the room." Fissual replied.

"Good." Reese looked around at all the people. Then back at Fissual. He seemed tense. He'd been like this the past few weeks, ever since the attack. Reese returned his gaze to the crowd, but not without a quick glance in Rose's direction.


"And then the woman says, 'No sir, but do you mind if I wait around here until someone does?'" It was her dirtiest joke yet, and Cyra was rewarded with the uproarious laughter of her companions.

Cyra sipped her drink and smiled as the compliments kept coming. She was the type of performer who didn't always need to be on stage to grab the attention of an audience. As long as there was a group of a decent size and they were in her general vicinity, they were guaranteed a show. And if the audience was mostly male—which it usually was—they were treated to a no bars held comedy routine. Men always found charm in her mix of natural flirtatiousness and lack of censorship, and she found joy in the attention she gained from it.

As her group commented on her delivery and went on to discuss other raunchy jokes, her eye caught sight of the two women J'Dan had begun to converse with. She recognized the short-haired blonde immediately from the day of the Borg attack.  She thought back on that moment as if it were a dream, a terrible nightmare that was too real for her liking. Cyra had hidden herself away from the battle, forgetting every fighting tactic she had learned from her father and her own experience in school brawls. She could only watch the maddening blur of the Borg assimilating and killing innocent lives, Starfleet officers firing their weapons, and J'Dan and his friends trying to protect the two small children, M'rynn and N'vall.

The moment the Trill woman had been shot, something within Cyra awakened her dormant instinct and she took charge. She picked up the firearm J'Dan had left behind and took cover for him as he carried his wounded friend out. It didn't matter if the Borg had adapted to it or not—any weapon was better than no weapon at all. She remembered the vulcanoid child the Trill tried to rescue from the shadows, and she immediately crossed over to her hiding spot. Though the boy was no where to be seen, but she found his sister and bent down to the toddler's level, holding out her arms for her.

"It's alright," she said. "I'm going to get you out of here." She picked the child up, and with one arm carrying the child and the other with the sidearm in tow, they made their out the lounge. Cyra had relied on the little one to alert her to any danger of a surprise attack from one of the many drones, but was relieved to have made it passed the doors of the Afterburner. However, the relief was short lived when M'rynn called out a name at the sight of a lifeless body. Sure enough, there was the Trill woman on the floor of the passageway.

The little girl continued to cry out, but Cyra kept moving. With each step she made, the wails of the toddler grew louder and louder. She wanted to stop to soothe the child, to explain what was happening. She wanted to turn back so that perhaps M'rynn might be able to say goodbye to her protector. But she couldn't shake the memory of centuries old images that depicted children weeping as they watched the people around them die in the name of warfare, forever suspended in time with nothing but despair. Tears stung Cyra's eyes as M'rynn clung to her and buried her tear-stained face into her shoulder, but they kept moving...

She was pulled away from the memory by the sound of disgruntled groans, a response to man had attempted a joke and failed miserably. She joined in briefly, but then excused herself.

"Sorry, boys," she said. "But I think I require a little intermission right now, if only for the sake of getting another drink." Despite offers to wait while one or the other fetched a drink for her, she moved away from her party and stepped closer to survey the atmosphere between J'Dan, the Fertillian, and the resurrected Trill.


K'Tan paused outside of the Afterburner to give his dress-jacket a final tug, then brushed a few stray bits of imaginary lint from his pants leg. Satisfied that his pristine-white formal gear was in order, he strode confidently into the ship's lounge,

...And stopped dead in his tracks.

There, standing across the room, was Ryla.  

K'Tan was overcome by a storm of conflicting emotions.  First, there was guilt over his tryst with Lt. Applegate, which made him want to turn and flee the lounge.  

But Ryla said she wanted to take things slow; to just be friends for now,
he tried to rationalize.  

In contrast to his shameful desire to run away, he also felt a protective urge to approach the doctor and see how she was doing; to embrace her and assure her that everything was going to be alright.   But in all honesty, he didn't know for a fact that things were going to be alright.  And her standoffish response to previous such encounters left him feeling that the last thing she wanted was a reminder of her injury.  

Injury?  That didn't come close to describing it.  As little as he knew about joined Trills, K'Tan still understood that they were basically two beings melded into one.  The loss of her symbiont wasn't a mere injury; a part of the doctor had died that day.  

K'Tan doubted that she would share a Klingon's perspective on death.  The phrase "A good day to die" wouldn't cut it in this situation.  

From across the room, Ryla glanced at K'Tan; as their eyes met he knew that his fantasy of running away was no longer an option.  

As if it were a blessing from Kahless, the appearance of his good friend D'Callan offered K'Tan a temporary reprieve from his uncomfortable position.  He gave Ryla a brief smile and a quick nod, then turned to join D'Callan at the bar.


Before Ryla could side-step the unwanted attention, Susan Caine caught her in an emotional embrace. Ryla gave Mackie a smirk over the nurse's shoulder then smiled at Susan as she finally pulled back to look at the Trill. "I'm so glad to see you, are you feeling? I didn't think you would come."

"I'm...fine. " She smiled for the woman who discovered her alive, in the morgue.  Nurse Cain had seen to Ryla's needs for few days, after her return from the dead. Soon the Trill was well enough to reclaim her old quarters and she hadn't seen Cain or any one else from sickbay since that time. It had been a while since they last spoke, but she hadn't forgotten Susan's kindness.

"Thank you," she uttered quietly.

The taller woman nodded and smiled in understanding, "anything for a friend."

Ryla's gaze followed the captain as he approached the bar to order a drink, but her eye stopped on the officer standing just beyond him.  Her hand subconsciously moved to her coat pocket where the Terossick talisman rested. The officer had given the healing charm to her a week prior, and it was then that he expressed his feelings for her.  Ryla had been fond of K'Tan...before. But now she wasn't sure who she was, or what she felt for anyone... let alone a man she knew so little about. She suggested they try being friends first. At the time, it seemed like an appropriate response. Now she wondered if instead of beginning a friendship, she had actually destroyed an opportunity. wouldn't be the first time.  Part of her hoped he would say hello, but in that instant she recognized the dread reflected in his expression and was certain that he wouldn't. K'Tan gave her a half-hearted smile and a curt nod before bellying up to the bar with Joseph D'Callan. She slowly turned her eyes back to Susan as the nurse continued her story about a pregnant Vulcan who looked just like Commander Sevryll.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Margon rode the turbo lift silently. 

"Here we go" he muttered as the doors opened.  He stepped out and walked towards the entrance of the Afterburner.  He paused briefly as he adjusted his dress uniform.  Then the blue man took a deep breath, put a smile on his face and walked into the room. 

There they were, many of his crew mates that were also his patients.  Overall it felt good to hear laughter.  It wasn't as awkward as he had anticipated.   

From across the room J'Dan greeted him. 

"Margon! Welcome my friend!"  he smiled, excused himself and quickly made his way to the counselors side.  "Root beer and vinegar?" he said with a smile. 

"Sure J'Dan", he mused.  "How are you my friend?" 

"As good as can be expected and a tad bit busy as you can see" he quipped back.

"It looks like most everyone is here, things should get underway soon, you want your drink here or at the bar?"

"The bar is fine, thanks" said Margon.  "Gentlemen, can I join you?" he said to Joseph and K'Tan. 

"Sure Mate" said D'Callan, "How is the counselor this fine evening?"

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Lester waited for the turbolift doors to open. He found it curious that the journey was taking so long until he remembered that some of the lift shafts were still closed for repair. Coupled with the fact that most of the crew were headed to the Afterburner for the ceremony there was bound to be some congestion and delay.

He resisted the urge to display his impatience even though it was making him anxious. His fellow passenger was not as restrained. He could hear her sighing in protest and tapping her thigh. She smiled at him as if to apologise, Lester nodded in acknowledgement before quickly averting his gaze.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doors opened.  Making his way out of the turbolift he only paused for a second before heading for the doors to the Afterburner. It was at that moment that Lester realized that he had never visited the lounge before, much less in a dress uniform.

A lot of the crew were already there, many had congregated into groups and decibel levels in the room were high. As Lester walked in heads turned toward the doors to see who it was. Most did not know him and vice versa, but this didn't bother him, this is how he liked it. Making his way through the crowds to the bar, instead of joining a group he found a seat.

"What can I get you Ensign?" asked the civilian bartender.

"Earth lager, Southeast Asian variety please" Lester requested, with a tinge of embarrassment.

His refreshment arrived surprisingly quickly considering how busy it was. Taking a sip, Lester turned in his chair a little so that he could observe the crew and waited.


Doctor Peterson and Myella entered the Afterburner to the sound of laughter and noisy conversation. They quickly took a seat in the corner away from the crowds and sat quietly watching the crowds of people interact.

Casey's thoughts wandered as exhaustion had been his faithful companion for the last few weeks. It was clear to him that some rest was the next thing on his agenda. Myella looked over at her husband with concern, "Are you ok dear", Casey responded, " Yes I am fine, just tired ".

Casey looked down at his Purple Heart resting on his Chest, and still had many misgivings about receiving the medal, as it was tangled up In memories of loss, failure as well as self sacrifice that had left far reaching scars that he was still trying to deal with.

Myella quickly broke the silence and deep thought her husband seemed to be in by asking him if he wanted something to drink.  Casey responded, " Yes dear I will have a Mojito". The waiter took the drink orders then quickly disappeared.

All that was left to do was to wait for a few more senior officers to arrive and then the ceremony could begin.


Aeric's smile grew as he weaved through the throngs of people gathering. It was still quite early for many of the crew, but for others, it was nearing the end of a long duty shift. That was part of the magic of a starship. Day and night were constants dictated by the shift that you held, not the rising and setting of a star.

Adjusting the pristine white uniform tunic, he found himself drifting towards the bar. He didn't need his telepathic gifts to feel the emotions and life in the room. Those gathered around him were survivors. They had weathered much that the universe had thrown at them, but they continued on. Aeric couldn't help but be honored as his course drifted towards Ryla. He couldn't begin to understand the depths of what she might be feeling, but something pushed him in the direction. She was one of the few people on the ship that Aria had the pleasure of working hand in hand with.

Write a book on the impact that Drett made, he projected to her. He didn't know Trill society that well, but something inside Aeric's mind told him that an autobiography after death might be something new. It was also a story that he wanted to hear.

Leaning on the bar, Aeric ordered a glass of water and continued to observe the room.


Margon lifted the drink to his lips and he took a sip, he noticed K'Tan and D'Callan watching him.

"Gentlemen you seem to be expressing an intrest in my drinking technique"

K'Tan sniffed the air and D'Callan wondered around and sniffed the tumbler.

"Mate. I'd normally put this stuff on my potato wedges"

Margon looked at the two men and then burst out laughing. D'Callan and K'Tan nodded to each other. They knew that Margon had been extremely busy dealing with the well being of the crews minds but they also knew that Margon himself had been injured both physically and emotionally. The best thing they could do for their colleague was to make him laugh.


Dunn walked up the the closed doors of The Afterburner and stopped to take a deep breath. His formal uniform jacket made it feel like he was slowly asphyxiating to death but his hand was steady. The doors parted and he quickly slid into the room in an effort to avoid detection. He looked around the room and saw most of the senior staff and crew were here. He needed to make a move when he saw D'Callan at, of course, the bar with K'Tan and the Bolian councilor.
He smiled and walked towards them.


K'Tan looked up as Dunn approached the bar, and raised his glass in greeting.  "Mr. Dunn, good to see you. I was starting to think you'd be late." 

Dunn pulled out a seat and joined the group.  "Not on your life, sir."

Dunn cracked a smile.  "My mother always said that tardiness was a sign of a lazy mind, so I always try to be on time, if not early."

As he thought back on the times that Dunn had shown up in the nick of time to save the day, K'Tan couldn't help but nod in agreement.

K'Tan turned to Counselor Margon.  The Bolian was wearing a tired smile that didn't quite make it to his eyes.  With all the trauma inflicted on the Arabella and her crew during the recent encounter with the Borg, K'Tan understood the Counselor's pensiveness.  Even now, weeks later, the aftereffects of the ordeal were still being felt.

Since his transfer to the Tiberius, and then to the Arabella, K'Tan had come to know and respect the counselor, both as a mentor and a friend.  Margon's insight had been crucial in helping K'Tan face down some of his own personal demons, and he felt a strong desire to help brighten the Counselors spirits. 

He recalled one of the exercises the Counselor had given him years ago--

Sometimes, you have to reach out to people.  A kind word goes a long way.

K'Tan cleared his throat.  "I've been meaning to say thank you, Counselor Margon.  The help you provided me when I first arrived on the Tiberius has helped to turn my life around. Without your efforts, I doubt that I would have lasted much longer in Starfleet."

K'Tan gave the Bolian a firm, comradely punch in the shoulder, then raised his glass up before him in salute.  "Qapla'".


Margon tried to hold it together.  It really touched him that K'Tan would say that, and in front of others. 

He raised his root beer up and shouted "Qapla!"

His smile turned to seriousness as he said, "You worked through a lot of it yourself K'Tan  I only encouraged you to find yourself."

Margon rubbed his shoulder, K'Tan was being friendly, but his shoulder now hurt. 

"I just wanted you to know how much you have helped me Counselor." K'Tan said again.

Dunn and D'Callan laughed as the Bolian rubbed his shoulder. 

"We need to get you into the holodeck Gym." Dunn mused.

"Perhaps a friendly game of parises squares?" barked K'Tan.

"Name your time" Margon said in jest as he took the last swig of his rancid root beer.

It was good for the counselor to smile.  And it was genuine.

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