Star Trek - The Enterprise Project

Started by batmite, April 07, 2009, 10:16:55 AM

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Hello, found this article on a toy site I like to visit and I thought it was pretty cool. Personally I liked Jim Lee's Enterprise the best.

Star Trek: The Enterprise Project

"Respected graffiti, FX, and pop artists from all over the world have designed their interpretation of the USS Enterprise - for The ENTERPRISE PROJECT - as part of the promotions for the upcoming J.J. Abrams-directed STAR TREK [tagged]. These 34-inch-long replicas of the USS Enterprise from the upcoming film were cast from the actual 3D digital models created for the film by Industrial Light & Magic. These models will begin touring the world starting in March (See the location details on each ship to find it's current location).

25 Models / spots are shown on the project's gallery website @ [all images via] - with a selection of customs ranging from the sublime, to the beyond the sanity-frontier! Artists currently include Amanda Visell, Ragnar, House Industries, comicbook artist Jim Lee and even filmmaker Robert Rodriguez! (I wonder who else is in that list?). Star Trek premieres May 8th, 2009."