Science of the Movies

Started by Geekyfanboy, May 28, 2009, 10:39:23 AM

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Did anyone else catch this really cool series on The Science Channel? It's airs Tuesdays at 9pm

It's called Science of the Movies and it goes behind the scenes on movie SFX. It's a pretty cool series.. episode one just aired.

Science of the Movies
Motion Control

Host Nar Williams explores the motion control technology behind cloning and the famous Spidey-sense from Spider-Man, rides a CG elephant created by the creature effects team behind 300 and embarks on a chase scene using wireless camera mounts.


I saw it and I thought it was really cool.  I have my tivo set to record it next week.


Any else watching this?? Just saw episode two and it's a really cool series.. if your a geek it's must see TV.