PS 3 or XBox?

Started by dataskatt, June 10, 2009, 06:38:44 PM

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I'm on a very early model and haven't had any issues so far. I must be lucky.

*knocks on wood*


We've had a couple 360's fail and needed to send them in for a replacement.  I would certainly buy a new one rather than preowned.  Better hardware, no previous owner spilling coke on it, etc.


Get one of the slim models. Not only are they new, they have a great hard drive size and built in wi-fi. It's worth the price for the larger drive and the wifi.

The larger drive is worth it because you not only get to store games on the drive, you store your purchased content.

The slim also has a power supply for the kinect built in.

If I didn't own four xboxes right now, I'd be all over the slim.


Never, ever, EVER, get pre-owned anything.  (Electronic)  The risk is just not worth the pay out.  You might save $$, but more often get a buggy/doomed gaming system.  Spend the extra dough and get the guarantee, it is much more worth it.

I'd also go with what X said, but in my honest opinion:

Get neither.  Wouldn't even bother with the Wii unless you really like the idea. 

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Pre-owned is ok if your warranty is good. Are major games stores give 1 year warranty which is the sane as new warranty so you have nothing to lose.


Still might get me one of these.. got a Wii a few months back.


Quote from: Geekyfanboy on November 11, 2010, 03:14:24 PM
Still might get me one of these.. got a Wii a few months back.
You should. The 360 has a great value for the price and has really become the core of my entertainment system.


Indeed, highly recommended. Honestly I use my 360 more for watching netflix and downloaded videos even more then I use it for gaming.


I'm pretty sure you already have a Blu-Ray player Kenny, but the PS3 does have that added benefit.  The other great thing about both systems is the ability to use them to stream video content from your PC and the web.  I'm really enjoying watching Hulu, Netflix and other video files from my PC via the PS3 now.  Very nice!