"STAR TREK Into Darkness" - 2013

Started by Rico, June 17, 2009, 04:46:54 AM

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Well, I loved it.   

[spoiler]I sent a video into Rico with my thoughts. First off, I was very happy to be completely spoiled for the story and the major plot points, characters, even the Kirk death scene. That might have been tough to take going in cold for me. I still find it curious why they felt the need to revisit the basics of this story, although this is a very different telling of it. The characters where terrific,all the actors were spot on perfect. I was charmed, engaged, invested in all the personal relationships. The movie was 100% perfect up until the Khan reveal and the return of Admiral Marcus. It took the focus off Khan and suddenly he and Kirk are having adventures together. Then we have the very clunky scene with Spock Prime which was clearly there for no other reason then to remind the audience that Khan is the bad guy. Once they get through that, the film picks back up for me and even though I was a concerned about the beat for beat death scene imitation, it played great because I cared and believed Kirk and Spock were that close. [/spoiler]


Again - everyone that can (and hasn't yet) send in a video for this weekend's big, spoiler filled vidcast about the movie!  I'm frankly still gathering my thoughts about it one day later.  I plan on trying to see it once again in non-3D soon - probably Saturday before I record my video review and comments.



Thanks Bryan.  I'll start checking out the videos tomorrow once this week is finally over.  Been crazy!!!


I'm not seeing it until Saturday afternoon.. but I'll do my best to get a video into to you.


Quote from: Rico on May 16, 2013, 04:14:24 PM
Thanks Bryan.  I'll start checking out the videos tomorrow once this week is finally over.  Been crazy!!!

I bet! Hope all is well at the new job!


Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 16, 2013, 04:17:02 PM
I'm not seeing it until Saturday afternoon.. but I'll do my best to get a video into to you.

Please do Kenny.  Even up to the afternoon on Sunday to get it to me is fine.  Love to hear what you think.


Quote from: Rico on May 16, 2013, 03:45:44 PM
Again - everyone that can (and hasn't yet) send in a video for this weekend's big, spoiler filled vidcast about the movie!  I'm frankly still gathering my thoughts about it one day later.  I plan on trying to see it once again in non-3D soon - probably Saturday before I record my video review and comments.

I feel you on the Gathering your thoughts thing.  I'm still digesting the movie myself.  The more I think about it, the more impressed I am at what the movie did. 

[spoiler]  I absolutely love the fact that this film served to give Kirk & the crew some more seasoning.   When I watched the last film, I assumed that the next step was the beginning of the crew's first Five Year Mission.  Somehow, Kirk and the crew felt a little too green to be jumping off into what I thought was a parallel to the beginning of the original TV series.   

After the events of this film, Kirk & the crew feel a little more ready.  They've gone through some pretty harrowing stuff, and I feel that THIS crew is ready to begin the Five Year Mission.  They don't feel like a bunch of kids thrown together by circumstances; they now feel like a seasoned group of professionals with the experience and maturity to go where no one has gone before.  :)  [/spoiler]

Quote from: Bryancd on May 16, 2013, 02:28:57 PM
Well, I loved it.   

[spoiler]I sent a video into Rico with my thoughts. First off, I was very happy to be completely spoiled for the story and the major plot points, characters, even the Kirk death scene. That might have been tough to take going in cold for me. I still find it curious why they felt the need to revisit the basics of this story, although this is a very different telling of it. The characters where terrific,all the actors were spot on perfect. I was charmed, engaged, invested in all the personal relationships. The movie was 100% perfect up until the Khan reveal and the return of Admiral Marcus. It took the focus off Khan and suddenly he and Kirk are having adventures together. Then we have the very clunky scene with Spock Prime which was clearly there for no other reason then to remind the audience that Khan is the bad guy. Once they get through that, the film picks back up for me and even though I was a concerned about the beat for beat death scene imitation, it played great because I cared and believed Kirk and Spock were that close. [/spoiler]

I loved the movie as well.

[spoiler]  I was kind of hoodwinked by the Khan & Kirk adventures.  Kudos to the writers; they had me believing that this was a different, more sympathetic Khan instead of the villain he turned out to be.    [/spoiler]

[spoiler] OH!!!  I just remembered one of the things that almost had me jumping out of my seat with glee!  FINALLY SEEING THE KLINGONS UNMASKED!!!!!  I am so freaking GLAD they stayed true to the ridged-forehead look, and I am impressed with the tweaks they did to the design. :)  [/spoiler]


Going again with Amy and Catherine tomorrow morning.  LOL.  They haven't seen it yet.

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Quote from: wraith1701 on May 16, 2013, 02:01:46 PM
Quote from: moyer777 on May 16, 2013, 11:03:01 AM
as far as

[spoiler]Spock's Kaaaaaahhhhhhhn!  a bunch of people laughed in our theater.   It was stupid, in my opinion, it was like Darth Vader yelling NOOOOOOO in his "Rise) scene.  It just didn't fit.  Not sure if the old Spock was necessary, he looks like he is going to choke on dust and die... hahaha, but in our showing there were several times that we all applauded and yelled out loud in excitement!  It was so fun!  The opening sequence reminded me of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and seeing the Enterprise rise from the Ocean was spectacular!  The IMAX sound was amazing, but VERY LOUD, and that is saying something coming from me.  The 3D effects were really excellent, I thought they did a great job on them.  The Klingons were mystical and cool, loved their eyes!!![/spoiler]

I enjoyed the film overall, but you nailed the one thing I actually actively disliked.  That moment made me shrink down in my seat a little & cringe out of sympathetic embarrassment for the film. 

I was...
[spoiler]Surprisingly ambivalent about that. I knew it was coming so maybe that helped. The emotion of the moment allowed me to give Spock the response but again they had spent so much time dealing with Marcus it almost seemed he was as much to blame.[/spoiler]


Just got home from seeing the new movie. I really didn't like it. JJ butchered Trek on this one.


Quote from: hillbillyhemi on May 16, 2013, 09:47:49 PM
Just got home from seeing the new movie. I really didn't like it. JJ butchered Trek on this one.

Perhaps you could expound on that?

Another nice nod..

[spoiler]The inclusion of the Enterprise NX-01 model on Marcus' desk.[/spoiler]


I like that!

You know

[spoiler]I would be so much happier if they have us some clues that this universe was created due to incursions during the temporal cold war :-) [/spoiler]


 I would be happy to.

First of all I am not a T.O.S. junkie my favorite series was Deep Space Nine, so I am fine with exploring the darker side. I loved the last movie resetting the universe seems like a smart thing to do to make room for new stories.
This film reminds me of the American Godzilla, if they would have just called that movie Big Lizard in the city it would have been OK. If this film had been called Space Fight or Galactic Action no problem pretty good mindless action movie.
I have heard it said several times on Treks in Sci Fi that the Trek of the big screen has to be different from that of TV and I agree so I was not expecting a mind expanding story.

  Here are my issues with the movie.
1. Kirk and Spock's relationship. In the original Wrath of Khan Kirk and Spock have had decades to develop their relationship and the emotional attachment to each other. In this film its been what 2 years?
2. The story. Why reset the universe and make a cheesy remake of the classic?
3.The Klingon's. Yes nit picking here and they were very minor in the movie but I did not like the new look at all.
4. The big "twist" that was lazy very very lazy and don't get me started on the Spock screaming out Kaaaaaaaaaaaahn! I even leaned over to my wife as soon as I saw Kirk going into the warp core and said the only thing that would make this cheesier is if they have Spock yell out Kaaaaaaahn. Well a few minutes later it came true. LOL

I'm sure many of you will love this movie and maybe I will go see it again to see if i change my mind, however at this point not getting my hopes up. Maybe they can redeem themselves in the next one but for now Trek has been kicked in the groin.

EDIT: Put spoilery things in spoiler tags -Joe


Quote from: hillbillyhemi on May 17, 2013, 06:33:56 AM
I would be happy to.

First of all I am not a T.O.S. junkie my favorite series was Deep Space Nine, so I am fine with exploring the darker side. I loved the last movie resetting the universe seems like a smart thing to do to make room for new stories.
This film reminds me of the American Godzilla, if they would have just called that movie Big Lizard in the city it would have been OK. If this film had been called Space Fight or Galactic Action no problem pretty good mindless action movie.
I have heard it said several times on Treks in Sci Fi that the Trek of the big screen has to be different from that of TV and I agree so I was not expecting a mind expanding story.

  Here are my issues with the movie.
1. Kirk and Spock's relationship. In the original Wrath of Khan Kirk and Spock have had decades to develop their relationship and the emotional attachment to each other. In this film its been what 2 years?
2. The story. Why reset the universe and make a cheesy remake of the classic?
3.The Klingon's. Yes nit picking here and they were very minor in the movie but I did not like the new look at all.
4. The big "twist" that was lazy very very lazy and don't get me started on the Spock screaming out Kaaaaaaaaaaaahn! I even leaned over to my wife as soon as I saw Kirk going into the warp core and said the only thing that would make this cheesier is if they have Spock yell out Kaaaaaaahn. Well a few minutes later it came true. LOL

I'm sure many of you will love this movie and maybe I will go see it again to see if i change my mind, however at this point not getting my hopes up. Maybe they can redeem themselves in the next one but for now Trek has been kicked in the groin.

EDIT: Put spoilery things in spoiler tags -Joe

Gotcha and I think all of those are very fair criticisms. You certainly need to "give" this movie a few things going in to really enjoy it.

[spoiler]It is interesting how much it copies the first film in '09. When that movie ended I figured it was time for "These are the voyages". Instead Kirk is busted off the bridge, is back banging aliens, and drinking bourbon in bars. However, I found myself very invested emotionaly in the Kirk/Spock relationship and bought in that they had become that close. mostly due to the excellent banter and dialogue and perfromances of Pine and Quinto. I also was very engaged by the Spock/Uhura relationship.[/spoiler]