City of Heroes- Should I bother?

Started by ChadH, July 31, 2009, 11:43:36 AM

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I'm thinking about trying City of Heroes. Is it worth the time? If anyone has played this one I'd welcome your thoughts. Thanks.


City of Heroes was my first MMO. I played it for about 2 years. It was fun but I eventually got bored as at the time there wasn't a huge depth to the gameplay.

It's really easy to pick up, the character creation is awesome and it's fun to play a super hero.

I haven't played it since I started WoW in 2006 so I imagine they have added a lot of stuff.

I'd give it a try. Can't hurt!


Both my boys played it for a bit and enjoyed it.  Kind of early on in the release.  But I'd say after maybe 6 months grew tired of it.


It does look like fun. Thanks, I appreciate the input. :)


Just for a follow up on this, I tried Champions Online last night. It's the new superhero MMO by Cryptic (same guys as COH/COV). I played through the tutorial and it was fun. Character customization is better then COH, more powers, more 'comic book' like animation (cell shaded).

Basically they took everything they learned in COH/COV and applied it to this game. I think it'll be entertaining.

Now all I need is a better machine! Even after updating my video drivers etc etc I was still only getting about 20 FPS at best.


What kind of processor, RAM, and video card do you have Joe?


Pentium D 3.00Ghz, 2GB DDR2, GeForce 8800GT.

My processor is the bottleneck at this point. Also the game came out about a week ago, i checked the forums and they are most definitely having performance issues with the clientm the devs stated as much. So it's not all me. I'll give it some time.

Apparently there are some people with better machines then me who get 1-5 fps standing still! I can't complain that much.


Yeah, the processor is definitely the weak spot.  Can your motherboard support a Core 2?  Also, I recently tried the Aion beta and even on a solid machine it was lag central.  These new games definitely need some major fine-tuning before I would even play them.


I think it does support it but at this point I'd just go for a new machine, frankly I've wanted to get one for the last year and a half. Maybe if my current situation works out I'll look into a new one as a gift to myself.


It's amazing what you can buy for the money these days.  It doesn't take a huge amount of cash to build a kick butt machine.  And the hard drive space right now - is nuts!  Terabyte drives for under $100!  I love it when things not only get cheaper, but they get better too!


Yeah, I guess before when I was only playing WoW on the PC my current rig was fine. But now that I'm doing a few other things too it's starting to show its age.


Quote from: billybob476 on September 09, 2009, 05:03:44 AM
Just for a follow up on this, I tried Champions Online last night. It's the new superhero MMO by Cryptic (same guys as COH/COV). I played through the tutorial and it was fun. Character customization is better then COH, more powers, more 'comic book' like animation (cell shaded).

Basically they took everything they learned in COH/COV and applied it to this game. I think it'll be entertaining.

Now all I need is a better machine! Even after updating my video drivers etc etc I was still only getting about 20 FPS at best.
Thanks for the follow-up billybob476/Joe. I'll check out Champions Online. I hope you get your computer issue sorted out.


I have been toying around with starting on WoW, but afraid of it's opium-like effect on my life....


this is a little off-topic but has anyone tried Pirates of the Burning Sea?