"N00b Boyfriend meets L33T Parents" - video

Started by Rico, August 11, 2009, 03:19:31 PM

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Man, this is funny, even after watching it a few times now.  What a great idea.



I don't even think Rico or I would make the cut, we play on Earthen Ring, that's a role play server.
These people seem like they'd only approve a boy on a PvP realm.


Yeah - and I still have some VHS tapes too.  ;)


I have a VCR in a box in my closet...I think I've used it twice :)

My dad still has a fully functional BetaMax.


Oh man, if only this were true, I'd have it made. 

*Sighs*  :P

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Hehe, love the clip!

I still use my VCR. Now I feel old and I'm not even 20 LOL.
"Would you like refreshments?""No""...Would you like a pillow?""No!""Perhaps some music?""No thank you!...Sir!" Gotta love when an android tries to be caring ♥
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