HBO's Game of Thrones

Started by Bromptonboy, August 18, 2009, 06:17:55 AM

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OT - but I have come to love our Sony Google TV - it seems to have it all (save for a DVR).  The best thing is the remote - which is about the size of a iPod Touch - with a QWERTY keyboard on one side and track pad on the other.

I ended up selling my 2nd gen Apple TV.  The means of entering text was painful during a search.


I've read good things about this device:  the WD TV Play, really the first set top streaming device that has tempted me to consider buying.  I don't really need one since I already have consoles hooked up to the TV with apps for most of what I'd get out of the TV play...but it still seems like a good, cheap alternative
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Caught up on latest episode. It was great! I think they are doing a good job following the books. Stannis seemed a little off-character but we'll see how that goes. Love the Jaime/Brienne scenes this episode. At the end scene is that supposed to be Vargo?

The production value on this show has surpassed all my expectations. I'm so impressed.  :thumbsup


I think it is Vargo.

Some other thoughts:
[spoiler]I think that the guy freeing Theon is actually Ramsey Snow-Bolton.  This part of the story was left until book 5 I think.  So look for a betrayal there IMHO.

Stannis is off character - how he pined over Melisandre.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Bromptonboy on April 17, 2013, 06:50:27 AM
I think it is Vargo.

Some other thoughts:
[spoiler]I think that the guy freeing Theon is actually Ramsey Snow-Bolton.  This part of the story was left until book 5 I think.  So look for a betrayal there IMHO.

Stannis is off character - how he pined over Melisandre.[/spoiler]

Ah yes, [spoiler] my wife also thought that was Ramsay. That makes a lotta sense.

Yes totally..Stannis should be disgusted by his adulterous behavior, not embracing it!

I've been informed that the hand-chopper isn't Vargo, just some new guy they made up, Roose's best hunter or something. I guess they are skipping over the whole bloody mummer thing.

Can't wait for fiery death in Astapor, which I'm assuming will happen next episode. I love how Missandei has been played, how she does her translating--totally spot on (even though they aged her). Good stuff [/spoiler]


Quote from: Praxis on April 18, 2013, 03:55:17 AM
Quote from: Bromptonboy on April 17, 2013, 06:50:27 AM
I think it is Vargo.

Some other thoughts:
[spoiler]I think that the guy freeing Theon is actually Ramsey Snow-Bolton.  This part of the story was left until book 5 I think.  So look for a betrayal there IMHO.

Stannis is off character - how he pined over Melisandre.[/spoiler]

Ah yes, [spoiler] my wife also thought that was Ramsay. That makes a lotta sense.

Yes totally..Stannis should be disgusted by his adulterous behavior, not embracing it!

I've been informed that the hand-chopper isn't Vargo, just some new guy they made up, Roose's best hunter or something. I guess they are skipping over the whole bloody mummer thing.

Can't wait for fiery death in Astapor, which I'm assuming will happen next episode. I love how Missandei has been played, how she does her translating--totally spot on (even though they aged her). Good stuff [/spoiler]
The little breaks from the books are nothing egregious, which I love, kinda keeps me from ticking off things on a list. I am very interested to see how they weave in the viewpoints from all the books, since many happened at the same time but a book later and so on. It won't just be adapting Book3 or Book 4 for a season.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Quote from: ChrisMC on April 18, 2013, 05:50:10 AM
Quote from: Praxis on April 18, 2013, 03:55:17 AM
Quote from: Bromptonboy on April 17, 2013, 06:50:27 AM
I think it is Vargo.

Some other thoughts:
[spoiler]I think that the guy freeing Theon is actually Ramsey Snow-Bolton.  This part of the story was left until book 5 I think.  So look for a betrayal there IMHO.

Stannis is off character - how he pined over Melisandre.[/spoiler]

Ah yes, [spoiler] my wife also thought that was Ramsay. That makes a lotta sense.

Yes totally..Stannis should be disgusted by his adulterous behavior, not embracing it!

I've been informed that the hand-chopper isn't Vargo, just some new guy they made up, Roose's best hunter or something. I guess they are skipping over the whole bloody mummer thing.

Can't wait for fiery death in Astapor, which I'm assuming will happen next episode. I love how Missandei has been played, how she does her translating--totally spot on (even though they aged her). Good stuff [/spoiler]
The little breaks from the books are nothing egregious, which I love, kinda keeps me from ticking off things on a list. I am very interested to see how they weave in the viewpoints from all the books, since many happened at the same time but a book later and so on. It won't just be adapting Book3 or Book 4 for a season.

WORD. Totally agree. What's best for tv will be different from what's best for the written word.


The end of the last episode shocked me a bit...

[spoiler]Seeing Jamie Lannister get his hand chopped off was a shock.  I guess he won't be so good with a sword now.  It's weird but when he pushed Bran out the window I hated Jamie but he has become a little sympathetic since then - but just a little.[/spoiler]

Also, I'm getting a bit muddled again with all the different players and things going on at this point since I haven't read the books.  They seem to really be jumping from place to place a lot so far this season.  Lots going on.  Just trying to keep track of it all and all the characters.


Quote from: Rico on April 19, 2013, 08:51:58 AM
The end of the last episode shocked me a bit...

[spoiler]Seeing Jamie Lannister get his hand chopped off was a shock.  I guess he won't be so good with a sword now.  It's weird but when he pushed Bran out the window I hated Jamie but he has become a little sympathetic since then - but just a little.[/spoiler]

Also, I'm getting a bit muddled again with all the different players and things going on at this point since I haven't read the books.  They seem to really be jumping from place to place a lot so far this season.  Lots going on.  Just trying to keep track of it all and all the characters.

Yeah I've been wondering if the show would be confusing for people who haven't read the books. So many characters and limited screen time. It's much easier to track in the books.

And about that scene:
[spoiler] Yes shocking eh? :) The hand-chopping is particularly devastating in the book because you see repeatedly how much of Jaime's identity is wrapped up in his excellence as a fighter. As the Kingslayer he's not getting much love from anyone, but at least he's feared and respected for his skill with the blade. [/spoiler]


Wow, what an episode!
[spoiler]Loved the moment when Daenyrs turns the unsullied loose on the masters.  Sad to see the old bear get it, but we knew that was coming.  I don't recall that bit about the gagged man in the box that Varys was dealing with - but I do recall him telling Tyrion his story at one point.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Bromptonboy on April 22, 2013, 03:06:16 AM
Wow, what an episode!
[spoiler]Loved the moment when Daenyrs turns the unsullied loose on the masters.  Sad to see the old bear get it, but we knew that was coming.  I don't recall that bit about the gagged man in the box that Varys was dealing with - but I do recall him telling Tyrion his story at one point.[/spoiler]

Yeah holy cow that episode was amazing!! :metallica:
[spoiler] Whew! Yes Dany's scene was da bomb. Perfect. Gave me chills. I don't remember the spider's gagged sorcerer box either, but that scene was good stuff. I love the part where Lady Olena is making fun of house tyrell's words, so true and funny about "growing strong"...what most fans have probably been thinking :). They are really getting so good at distilling the books down to the essence, doesn't seem crammed or forced at all, they even have room to fit in those unnecessary but very fun bits of soiaf flavor (like olena's scene i mentioned). Tywin's scene with Cersei was great. Looking forward to Beric vs Hound.[/spoiler]


Yeah, this latest episode really made me love this series.  I had a hard time with this show at first but I'm glad I stayed with it.  Really some great stuff going on now.  Daenyrus has become quite the leader.


Another great episode last night!
[spoiler]I almost felt sorry for Cersei!  This was more of a build up episode.  We should get more action next week.  They must be planning to cut this season off at the halfway mark for book 3 - there is too much more ground to cover in the remaining episodes.


Yes, an exposition episode, which is needed for what's to come. Diana Rigg continues to be great as Oleanna Tyrell. I bet she wins an Emmy this year. 
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Yeah, very good episode:
So many great scenes, and my favorite was probably the one with Dany and Grey Worm. A really good one to pull direct from the book.

In that one short dungeon scene they managed to make both Davos and Shireen more likeable than in the books. I like that Shireen in the show comes across as sweet and smart as opposed to just pitiable.

Well, it's looking like Patchface might not turn out to be very important after all, since he is omitted in the show. I like the homage to him with his creepy song in the end credits!!!

I agree, Olenna is awesome.

Yeah that scene with Cersei, Tyrion, and Tywin was so good. Cersei's turn from smug to horrified was well done.[/spoiler]