HBO's Game of Thrones

Started by Bromptonboy, August 18, 2009, 06:17:55 AM

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Another good episode:
[spoiler]The final 2 episodes for this season are going to be action packed.  I think they have to stop at the Red Wedding and Joffrey's wedding.
They will most likely move the Jon Snow story line along up at the wall.
Loved how they showed the death of the Other at Sam's hands.  I wonder if they will get Bran under the wall this season.  Hope so, that actor is growing fast.[/spoiler]


Yeah, with recent events and Robb's Queen being a totally different person, it's become it's own story. While some things are similar to the books, this is it's own separate universe with lots of surprises for even the avid readers of the series.


Quote from: X on May 20, 2013, 07:13:44 AM
Yeah, with recent events and Robb's Queen being a totally different person, it's become it's own story. While some things are similar to the books, this is it's own separate universe with lots of surprises for even the avid readers of the series.
Yes - I think they are doing a good job at presenting the books.  I am disappointed we won't see all of book 3 this season - and hate to have to wait another year for the 2nd half..  :(


Gonna catch up on the latest ep tonight. woot


Quote from: Bromptonboy on May 20, 2013, 06:45:28 AM
Another good episode:
[spoiler]The final 2 episodes for this season are going to be action packed.  I think they have to stop at the Red Wedding and Joffrey's wedding.
They will most likely move the Jon Snow story line along up at the wall.
Loved how they showed the death of the Other at Sam's hands.  I wonder if they will get Bran under the wall this season.  Hope so, that actor is growing fast.[/spoiler]

I can't decide [spoiler]which bloody wedding I'm looking forward to more. This is gonna be good.

The latest ep was awesome. But Samwell!! Pick up the dagger!  ;D


Enjoyed the most recent episode.  Tyrion is still by far my favorite. 

[spoiler]LOVED the part where Tyrion insulted Joffrey's 'manhood' at the wedding reception.  So many stories going on.  And that red lady is nasty!  Leeches!  Yuck!!!  Was that some kind of curse they used them for??


Quote from: Rico on May 23, 2013, 05:23:58 AM
Enjoyed the most recent episode.  Tyrion is still by far my favorite. 

[spoiler]LOVED the part where Tyrion insulted Joffrey's 'manhood' at the wedding reception.  So many stories going on.  And that red lady is nasty!  Leeches!  Yuck!!!  Was that some kind of curse they used them for??
[spoiler]Yes - he has named each of the 'other' kings as he throws the leeches into the fire:  Joffrey, Rob Stark, and Euron Greyjoy (Theon's dad)[/spoiler]


Yeah the Tyrion scenes in the latest were fantastic.


By Sean T. Collins
May 22, 2013 2:05 PM ET

Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth in 'Game of Thrones'
Helen Sloan/HBO
With the possible exception of the bear she battled, it's tough to think of a performer on Game of Thrones more perfect for the part they're playing than Gwendoline Christie as the towering, glowering Brienne of Tarth. At 6'3", she captures the sword-wielding maiden's imposing physicality. But it's her willingness to totally ditch the sex appeal and glamour of virtually every other character on the show and embody Brienne's lonely life as an outcast, clinging to a moral code it often seems she alone upholds, that makes her a justified fan favorite. To hear Christie tell it, Brienne's recent experiences with Jaime Lannister (played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) are opening up new paths of exploration in a part she's been dying to play since before she even knew it existed.

This is the first time I've interviewed an actor who moved me to tears in the last thing I saw them in.
Wow, was it that bad? [Laughs] No, I'm really touched. What was it?

When you said "Goodbye, Ser Jaime."
I'm really, really, deeply touched, I really am, because it's marvelous to hear when your work touches someone. But it's so much more than me – it's the writers, it's the writing, it's the director, it's the cinematography, and it's the brilliance of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

'Game of Thrones' Q&A: Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau on the Hand of the Kingslayer

A lot of the impact came from seeing Brienne treat a person with kindness who's not used to being treated that way, but it's also that in doing so, she was letting her own guard down.
In that moment, she recognizes him as a man rather than a monster. I'm so pleased that that came across, that she wants to give him the respect that she feels that he deserves, to be recognized as a man and worthy of the title of "Ser" as well. I don't think he's experienced that for a very long time.

Brienne is very focused on a moral code, on the good of the world around her and what is right. But in their bathtub scene, she recognizes his humanity, and his own struggle with what it is to be honorable. She's also seeing something of him in her – she's seeing his striving for the good of all, to an extent. It's a revelatory moment. It really expands Brienne's mind, shows her not to regard everything as being quite so black and white. We start to see the complexity of a person's mind developing.

Nikolaj described Jaime's time with Brienne in much the same way. She's shown him something outside the closed systems of the Lannisters and the Kingsguard.
They're quite similar people in terms of their psychology and their lives. They found a kind of symmetry, somehow. A kinship. Brienne has certainly never had a relationship with a man like Jamie. I mean, in terms of physical proximity and what they share emotionally, this is the closest she's ever been with any man that she's not been related to certainly, but probably with any man, full stop. For the pair of them, there's a moment of enormous expansion where everything they've regarded as normal and set in stone prior is changed, and there's a multitude of possiblities.

Is romance one of those possibilities?
Do I think they will get together? [Laughs] I mean, it's very . . . The world of Game of Thrones, the world that George R.R. Martin has created and that Dan [Weiss] and David [Benioff]'s translation adapts brilliantly, is a world that's never straightforward. I genuinely have moments of absolutely no idea. I don't even know if I want them to, because what they're experiencing is a bond that is quite unusual and quite pure bond. He did come back and save her life, which is enormous. I think it makes us examine a lot of possibilities and angles of what love is, and what love makes us capable of.

And Brienne is a virgin and Jamie has only slept with his sister, so . . . [Laughs]. We're looking at two highly unusual individuals. I don't think that anyone genuinely can predict the way in which their relationship will go in any regard. Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, it's a wonderful thing, to be utterly cherished in whatever form it takes.

I enjoy asking these questions about shipping, because it's absolutely one of the pleasures of fiction. But I worry that it flattens the range of intimacy that is available to human beings. To force it all into a romantic or sexual framework is to deny a lot of human experience.
Yeah. But at the same time, we wll want to see the impossible actually happen, to see these two extraordinary characters reach that amazing stage. Everyone's a sucker for some love and romance and whatever that may bring. But with those two? Lord knows. [Laughs] I mean, he couldn't even say goodbye to her! He just kind of nods and looks at the floor and leaves. If anything, it's the virgin that's making great strides. [Laughs]

You've spoken very frankly about how your unusual height has affected your life, and some of your modeling work seems to touch on this as well – taking ownership of your physical body. Brienne has struggled with her physicality as well. She's gone a different road, obviously – she's a warrior, not an actor – but I wonder if you see overlap between her and yourself.
Absolutely. That's why I wanted to play the part so much. I never thought I'd ever come across a part like this. I was always told about this in drama school, that occasionally you might come across a part where you say, "Yeah, I know that. I know it. I don't have to pretend to try and get there. I know this." As soon as I read about the character, I had to play it.

And it's a character that we don't see that often. I'm certainly really rather tall at 6 foot 3, and I've been this way since I was 14, but for years women who are even 5 foot 10 have come up to me in the street and said, "Oh, it's so nice to see a woman who is taller than me. I've always felt like a giant." They describe it to me like outsiders. It sounds a bit worthy, but I genuinely feel that as an actor part of my job is to highlight those recesses of human life and human psychology that we don't see that often. And if I have the opportunity, which I very luckily have, to play the part of an outsider, then I felt like I might be doing some good. Occasionally I get messages from women saying that I've brought them some joy, and that's unbelievably thrilling.

An additional wrinkle for Brienne is that she's pretty much universally seen as ugly. When you're made up to look that way, when you change your hair and your demeanor and your physicality to look that way, does it change how you feel?
Yeah, totally. As a woman, we all want to feel attractive. We all want to feel that we're making the very best of ourselves so we can accept ourselves. It's like all of these gorgeous, devastatingly beautiful actresses in the show, and then there's me harrumphing around. [Laughs] So it can be tough to look like that.

But you have to step outside of that and think about what these things really mean. I am still a person with a sense of superficiality that I'm trying to challenge. I hope that it makes us examine exactly what "unattractive" is. Perhaps it's not the conventions that we have or the blueprint in our minds. And if it makes people question for a minute what unattractive is, and the way in which we may respond as people to what we think unattractive is, then it's worthwhile.

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'Game of Thrones' Producer Discusses Series End
Frank Doelger charts number of seasons for hit HBO show
May 17, 2013 1:55 PM ET

Frank Doelger
Gilbert Carrasquillo/FilmMagic
Seven books, seven seasons – that's the hope for Game of Thrones producer Frank Doelger. The HBO series based on George R.R. Martin's fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and Fire has its sights set on seven seasons, which would match the number of planned entries in the book series.

'Game of Thrones': Rolling Stone's Complete Coverage

"[The number of series] is being discussed as we speak. The third season was the first half of book three, season four will be the second part of book three. . . George R.R. Martin has written books four and five; six and seven are pending," Doelger told Radio Times at the BAFTA Awards last weekend. "I would hope that, if we all survive and if the audience stays with us, we'll probably get through to seven seasons."

Seven seasons would create a potentially awkward timeline for Game of Thrones: Season Three and Season Four split the series' third novel, A Storm of Swords, into two parts, meaning one future season might have to pack in two books' worth of material to make the fit.

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Arrgh!  Hate missing a week due to a holiday!


Arrrggh!  George keep writing the main novels!!  Please!

George R.R. Martin/Game of Thrones-series fans will either be angry or overjoyed at HarperCollins' recent announcement: the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' author will be coming out with a new book in December, The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister.

HarperCollins confirmed this last night at their showcase of fall book titles.

The new book will apparently be a compilation of Martin's favorite of the beloved character's witty musings. Our own favorite (we even shared it on our Facebook page): "A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge."

For those of you who are only vaguely familiar with the series, Tyrion Lannister, who is played by Peter Dinklage in the HBO adaptation, is the youngest of the super wealthy Lannisters. He is constantly criticized and belittled by his family, yet he is by far the nicest and most empathetic of them.

George R.R. Martin fans tend to get pretty upset when he's doing anything other than writing the next book, The Winds of Winter, in his popular series. One person called this new endeavor "the equivalent of a Christmas album."

However, seeing as Tyrion says so many hilarious, charming, smart things, considering how popular he is, and as George R.R. Martin may use the opportunity to add further insight to his character and perhaps the series in this upcoming book, we can see fans going either way.


Cool, thanks for posting the info. That would be great to have 7 seasons of the show. Even though book 3 is taking 2 seasons already, I think this can work because later in the series I think there is more tangential stuff that is cuttable. Like the entire Quentyn Martell storyline.

Lols at the Tyrion quotes book. Seriously......  ::)
I mean, more stuff is cool, but this is something that would be cool AFTER the series is written. I don't think GRRM necessarily "owes" us anything but c'mon man, write!  :P

I always think of Stephen King's wake up call with finishing Dark Tower when he had the brush with his mortality.


I guess that Martin let the producers in on how things are going to be wrapped up, so they could actually have the end out before the books. Weird.
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I doubt this Tyrion book has really taken much of his time up.  Creative types need a break sometimes from projects to recharge.  You can't always just sit down and say, "time to write now."  Not quite that simple.