Thinking of Eve Online

Started by billybob476, August 26, 2009, 06:07:08 AM

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So, I'm on a little WoW break (haven't suspended my account, just not really logging in much at the moment) I was thinking of giving Eve Online a whirl.

Things that I know about Eve:

1. It has a high learning curve
2. It is a "one server" world
3. Being in a good guild/corp helps

Things I'd like to know:

1. a good 'getting started' guide
2. some good 'getting started' advice (King I'm looking at you here :) )
2. Will the following machine run the game at all:

Pentium D 3.0 Ghz
Win XP SP3
nVidia GeForce 8800GT 512MB

I know the community at Galactica/Galactic Watercooler has a pretty strong Eve presence, I may seek them out. I figure I'll do the 14 day trial and see where that takes me.


That machine should be fine Joe.  My younger son was really into EVE for awhile and enjoyed it.  I'm sure Kinglinksr will chime in here with his thoughts too.


I have been tempted to try this out...especially after the galatic watercooler podcast convering Eve.  Seems like it borrows quite a bit from the David Drake military sci-fi series.  This could be like opium to me, so I have to tread carefully!  :)


Well I played over the weekend. The game is really pretty and I joined up with a 'help the newbies' corporation. I did the Industry tutorial missions and I'm working on the Military ones now, then I'll try out the commerce-type missions.

It's definitely a big change from WoW, a lot of small details that can be overwhelming but if you take things one at a time it isn't so bad.


Joe - just a side idea but I'm downloading the AION beta now to try out.  Open beta is now available here:


hm...not a bad idea.

EDIT: let me know what you think of it. The thing I like about Eve is it's NOT a fantasy MMO.


Sorry, didn't notice this thread till now.  I would have easily suggested Eve University Corporation.  They are considered the best learning corp in-game.  

Which really, is the only way to start the game.  CCP has been trying to overhaul their tutorial, but that is pretty difficult to do so for the time being, player-run corps are the best way to go.  

Your machine should be able to play this game, though a duo-core is considered better, but that's my only thing.  Eve is fairly intense on graphics.

As for advice...:

Go to a player learning corp (Eve university being my recommendation)
Bigger is not always better.  Frigates can compete with Titans in this game.  (Crazy, isn't it?)
Fly only what you can afford.  (This is the best advice of all really).
If you ever find a ship, or collection of ships that you really like flying, stay in them and train them out to max.  (I'm still looking and I've been playing for a year....)
Patience.  Must have :)
This isn't WoW.  Its harsh, unforgiving and if you screw you up, well, you can die (in-game of course).  
There is always a chance to lose everything, so don't get too attached to anything.  (This goes from ships, to assets, to corporations your a part of)
What you do in-game can affect your reputation.  So if you act like a pirate/thief, then that will affect your reputation.  Do not worry about this too much, just remember that your actions do affect how you will play this game in small or large ways.  
Trust is hard to come by.  You will find that many people aren't very trusting (or trustworthy).  This goes back to fly only what you can afford.  
Scams, piracy, and theft are legit ways of playing the game.  What is not: Buying/Selling illegal Isk (CCP actually has the option of buying isk from them)  or hacking/abusing the game.  
Always remember to make sure your clone is up-to-date!!

And of course, remember that it is a game in the end and as such, should have fun.  :)  

If you ever want to talk to me in-game, my character is Isaac Starstriker.  Just add him to your address book and I will happily take your private convos.  


P.S. Tons of edits.
P.P.S.S. Hopefully I didn't scare you away, it is a complex game as you said and thus I have lots of advice for new players.  :)  
A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Ok, I think I'm done editing.  Its still a fun game, despite what it looks like.  Its just a complex game on a single server so there are many different things that go on.  Although you can lose everything, that chance is always small.  (Like 0.01%) so as long as you don't undock all your assets at once, you shouldn't have a problem.  

What I will say about Eve, is that unlike WoW, there is actual history and historical events that happened that changed the game forever.  Eve is vast.  There are so many different things to try it will take quite a while to try them all...and you may never try them all.  There are many corporations that are 6 years old and still rocking the stars.  Heck, one person changed the course of 0.0 forever with one action.  It can be really interesting what you can do in Eve. 

Hope you have fun dude!  :)

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Eve university look interesting. I joined up with Paladin Order but it seems like they have some very specific roles for people to play once the whole training period is over. I think I may switch over as I'll definitely be a casual player.


Yeah, Eve Uni actually has teachers and classes set up for new players so there is always something going on.  You also have the chance to experience a lot of things like war-decks, PVP, low-sec and null sec action, Industry, Mining, Wormholes, etc etc and more etc.  And they are casual about it.  

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


I actually found an interesting podcast called "The Drone Bay" which seems pretty newbie-focused. Listening while I work.

I don't know if this dates me, but Eve really reminds me of an old BBS door game I used to play called Trade Wars 2002.


Yeah, the Drone Bay is ok, I haven't listened to them since they "rebooted".  I currently listen to Podded Podcast myself as well as Warp Drive Active (WDA doesn't produce as many shows, thus they fall behind on Eve news, I may cancel them soon.)

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


I actually found Drone Bay via Podded. At this point Podded is a little too "advanced" for me, I like Drone Bay's newbie segments.


Quote from: billybob476 on September 02, 2009, 11:00:15 AM
I actually found Drone Bay via Podded. At this point Podded is a little too "advanced" for me, I like Drone Bay's newbie segments.

Yeah, Podded is more for advanced peeps who've been playing for a while.  Lots of 0.0 news and Dev Blog stuff, its all good though :)

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: