Podcast # 242 - Hitchhiker's Guide

Started by Rico, August 30, 2009, 06:34:00 AM

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Bizarre twist of fate :) or maybe not...show numbering is in Rico's hands. I had no idea when it would go out (recorded it a few weeks ago - you notice I mention no show number).

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Just like to say thank you for an excellant show. I love HitchHikers TV show, love the first book and have got all the audiobooks in a queue on the ipod. Movie however.........:( Although I didn't actually mind Mos Def as Ford Prefect.

It is difficult to solo host a podcast and get away with it. I've only come across a few that pull it off, but your enthusiasm shone through and you more than managed it. Hell, I struggle to make a solo 2 minute audio comment.....

Again, thanks.



Finished listening to the podcast today. You did a great job! You should really consider doing more podcasts. You get the info across really well and you are very articulate, a real natural.

You have brought back some childhood memories for me about Hitchhiker's, a saw it many years ago before I was really old enough to understand it. I'll have to listen to the original radio shows now!


Great Job Mike. I learned a lot more about Hitchhikers. I had seen the movie a few years ago, but past that I did not know the history of it. Thanks for covering, I felt you did a thorough job. I liked your delivery as well, I like how you comment on things, very British, or at least how I imagine it :)



I enjoyed doing this but I didn't expect such a positive reaction from everyone else. Thanks very much guys (and girls).

(With all this encouragement I may now try to do another one, but only if I can think of a suitable topic.)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yes - you did great Mike.  Most people that never try this don't realize how tricky it is - especially going it alone.  I think I mentioned this to Meds before (maybe you could team up), but I'd love to hear our UK members do a podcast (or multiple shows) sometime on the James Bond films.  I'm not sure how much of a Bond fan you are but I thought that might be a good subject for you guys to tackle sometime.  Perhaps even bring some discussion on the books into it too.  Just an idea.


I meant to say that from my listening I screwed up the final mix an got silence instead of the names of Dave Prowse and Peter Davison. Was that a common experience or was it just my download that had a problem?

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


You did a great job! Very informative and I loved it. I'm surprised that when you mentioned the translator technology, you didn't mention Farscape. I'm more than sure that the translator microbes were an homage to the bablefish (Which is also a translation website)


You know, I completely forgot about Farscape in that context. I'm surprised I didn't mention it too.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


The Dave Prowse and Peter Davison were missing from my downl;oad too, but I caught just enough to know who you were on about


That was in the file that way that I got from you Mike.


Quote from: Rico on September 04, 2009, 12:20:38 PM
That was in the file that way that I got from you Mike.

Yeah, I figured as much. I made the newbies error of a last minute regeneration of the file without then checking it properly before I uploaded it. Hey ho.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I haven't posted here?  Man I'm slacking. 

Twas a good show Feathers, learned quite a bit of information on this series that I never knew.  (Although admittedly, I knew very little).  I am tempted to go and rent the movie just for the sake of it.  Since, as you said, there are so many inside jokes due to the series of things.  Thanks for doing it! 

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You can watch the movie in the "Now Showing" streaming box here right now.  If you don't mind a little streaming flash video.