Happy Birthday Meds

Started by Geekyfanboy, September 03, 2009, 05:17:52 PM

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Happy Birthday Buddy..  :happybday :happybday :happybday

This is such a small close knit community and many times we have folks join who chat with us for a few weeks to a month and then disappear, but not you. You became an instant member of the Treksf Family. You came and stayed and we are better as a group for it. Thanks for everything you have done on the forums and thanks for being a good friend.

Hope you have a great day tomorrow.  :cheers


Yes, Cheerio and have a cheekey birthday!  YOU MY FRIEND ROCK!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


The birthdays are a hopping now!  Big Happy Birthday mate!  You're a daddy now, a little older, and I know with your intelligence and good humor you will continue to shine and do well.  Very glad you found your way to our little online family.  Have a great one!

:happybday :cheers :happybday


 :happybday :cheers

(A smiley is worth a thousand words. Just imagine how many words two are worth)


 :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybdayHAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday

Yes, totally, word, foshizzle.  


Hope your having a wonderful Birthday and bloody hell I hope you have fun.  I'm glad you could come aboard here!  


A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


 :happybday Happy Birthday Meds  :happybday
You're awesome, a great podcast, filmmaker, and friend. (And I'm sure you're a great dad as well.)


Happy Birthday!

Doesn't time fly but I'll bet this years affair is a lot different from last! Children have that effect.

Have a great day with the three of you and be sure no to touch the beer - that's our job ;)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


 Happy Birthday Meds!  :happybday

Enjoy your day! :happybday


Hi Meds, and Happy Birthday!  Love the podcast.


Happy birthday sir, all the way from the colonies! :)


Wow firstly thankyou all for you fantastic birthdsay messages.

Thanks Kenny for starting this thread, i love our chats on skype (hopefully once you have set up home and my life has calmed down a bit we can kick off our little project ha ha), Rick, Rico and Tim. Many thanks you rock, Chris cheers mate (hey i've had a xbox live pack for my birthday so looks like i'm gonna kick your ass sooner than expected ;)  ), Dan, Mike, M-5 and Brompty cheers guys its great knowing you chin chin. Joe, cheers ,my Canadian drinking buddy, hope that job comes off for you.
Crystal, thanks for the awesome virtual present, wow my own bar. I expect to see you in the bar first for a cheeky drink, in fact everyone is welcome here at Treks forums, because at Hawkeyes, everyone knows your avatar name  :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers


Happy Birthday Meds, enjoy the day and I am sure you will have a few pints as well :)


Happy birthday Hawkeye Meds. I don't know very well, but what I do know I like. :)
I hope you and your new little family have a great day.


Indeed, to an outstanding chap and a great forum friend and a fellow Virgo! Chin chin, Meds!!
