Podcast # 244 - "Body and Soul"

Started by Rico, September 13, 2009, 10:28:21 AM

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Fun episode to cover for this week.  Thanks to those that sent in comments.  Enjoy the podcast!



I've obviously just discovered Treks In Sci-Fi. This was the first episode review I'd listened to and I loved it. I have some memories of this episode (the Tuvok story) but couldn't really remember the Doc and 7 of 9 body share.

Firstly. I have the audio of series 1 and 2 of Red Dwarf on audio cassette that I did years ago. I used to listen to it in my machine at work before I got the iPod. I'd assumed that I liked it so much as I had seen it that many times, I didn't need the visual. After listening to this episode, I realised that perhaps audio is enough for me to get thoroughly immersed in the story. The episode absolutely flew by...and I'd swear I'd actually watched it!!

Secondly. I did a review recently of "Thanks For The Memory" from Red Dwarf series 2. Basically the crew awaken with a missing few days from their memory. They do an investigation into where the missing days went. What they discover is that they themselves had erased thier memory and they would have been better off NOT recovering it. At the time, I pointed out how Star Trek had used the same concept 2 years later in the episode Clues. It is claimed that it was a bit of a homage from the writers. Well this episode reminded me of our next episode up for review. Bodyswap. In this one, the hologram switches body with the main character. The hologram rediscovers his lust for food and cigars etc...and finds it hard to give these luxeries up. Storylines are very different, but there are enough similarities for me to think I'll mention them on our episode

Thank you and I look forward to your next episode review. Didn't realise how much I'd enjoy it! :thumbsup review


An enjoyable episode as always. I actually listened last night (it was a late one!). Good calls on the commentary and the other news is always interesting.

Just one point. I believe the episode was a little louder than normal in proportion to your voice.

Did you say you were moving to the end game of Voyager? Does that mean you'll do no more episodes after that? If so, I might be in contact to reserve one ;)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah - I noticed the volume problem a bit too late - sorry about that.  I think the next couple I'm going to go back to clip type shows for a change of pace anyway.  And no - even if I do the finale of Voyager or another Trek series, it doesn't mean I will be done talking about the episodes of that series.


The sound wasn't a big deal, just something I noticed in passing.

It's funny, I thought we wouldn't get to a series finale without ending the podcast as well. I've always imagined you'd do the end of each series as the last five podcasts of all.

Morbid thought, isn't it. I'm happy to know you'll do otherwise :)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I'd hate to see that since I consider "All Good Things..." to be one of the best series finales in the history of TV.


Yeah - maybe I'll do like a "Finale" month sometime.  Start with TNG, then DS9, VOY, then ENT.


Great podcast Rico.  Thanks so much!

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Quote from: moyer777 on September 16, 2009, 06:34:06 PM
Great podcast Rico.  Thanks so much!

Glad you liked it.  Fun to do just a "Trek episode" show after a few weeks of special topics and shows.