Vidcast # 246 - Trek Fan Films

Started by Rico, September 27, 2009, 08:13:10 PM

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Well, I had a couple of issues and delays, but I'm getting this vidcast uploaded now.  Should be all up in about an hour.  Warning - the file size is big (about 535 meg).  But, I think the show came out well and I tried to hit a good selection of some of the best Trek Fan Films out there.  I hope you enjoy the show and seek some of these cool films out, online.  I'll get the feed set soon and podcast notes up tomorrow.  Let me know what you think.



I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Well I got half of it downloaded before work this morning, the other half will wait for tonight.

I'm sure it's worth it.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


One day I will find a better editing & encoding program.  Some day,...


I usually listen to the cast during my Monday commute.  I am looking forward to watching this one tonight.


Great show Rico, thanks for all your hard work on that!  I hadn't seen some of those.  Now I have to find time to watch some of them.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Fun show Rico but I think I would have liked some more personal commentary on the different shows. Also, you mention Hidden Frontier and Odyssey but failed to mention The Helena Chronicles. Odyssey and Helena Chronicles really go hand in hand. Two different ships but each with a different perspective on the same central event that kicked off in the first episode of Odyssey. That may change as the two series progress but the two shows are pretty interwoven. I know you couldn't mention every show but I do think those two go together.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Singularity since I just saw that one a couple of weeks back.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Sorry it wasn't to your liking.  My goal was to provide an overview of some of the fan films out there.  Like I said on the cast, I haven't watched all of these and I commented briefly when I could.  To add even more commentary would have made the cast even longer.  As it was, the whole thing took me about 11 hours of work to put together.


I've not played it yet, but just wanted to leave advice for anyone unable to play it on thier iPod Classic.

If you right click the podcast on iTunes and select "create ipod/iphone friendly version" the podcast format will be changed to a playable version for the Classic and deposited in your iTunes Movie library.

Be aware that it takes a while to convert the file and it can cause your whole computer to slow down. So don't do it on a busy PC night!

(Took me months before I figured this out for Carpool! Before that I had only the audio!)


The podcast shouldn't need to be converted at all.  It should be iPOD compatible. 


I think you did a great job Rico! I loved seeing all the visual FX's, as I think in most of these, that's the strongest part. Well done and thanks for the tour of what's out there. Some looks even passable! ;)


Quote from: Bryancd on September 29, 2009, 04:52:53 PM
I think you did a great job Rico! I loved seeing all the visual FX's, as I think in most of these, that's the strongest part. Well done and thanks for the tour of what's out there. Some looks even passable! ;)

Thanks Bryan.  I had fun doing it.  There is quite a bit of good stuff out there.  I only was able to give you a small taste of it all.


Quote from: Rico on September 29, 2009, 04:49:37 PM
The podcast shouldn't need to be converted at all.  It should be iPOD compatible. 

It was only playing as audio on my Classic, but worked fine after converting. I'm pretty sure it wasn't in a mixed audio/video playlist as I know this can cause that same audio only effect, but I wouldn't put money on it. I'll keep an eye on it in future.

BTW, excellant episode. I'm not normally fussed about Video podcasts. There's the odd Scott Sigler epsiode that is filmed from his camcorder and I do subscribe to CarPool, but I tend to not look at the screen much. (I listen whilst driving big plant machinary at work)

Thios morning was very quiet and I spent the first hour waiting for lorries to turn up. This was so entertaining whilst I was waiting!

I keep saying Thank You on this forum to various members, but again, I feel I have to. "Thank You!"


It plays fine for me on my iPOD Classic (no conversion needed).  Make sure your iPOD firmware is up to date.  And I don't mean iTunes.


That download was huge, it took the past few days to download it with my internet speed / tendency to cut out randomly every few hours (college life I guess). This would be no problem back home. Now I've just got to try and find the time to watch. Thanks Rico (that's genuine thanks for the show, not sarcastic thanks for the bogging down of my internet for the past three days).