National Novel Writing Month

Started by SPOCKFAN, October 27, 2009, 11:16:33 AM

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It starts this sunday!!  National Novel Writing month starts november 1st.  If you have never heard of this you should check it out.  Just type National Novel Writing Month in gogle and it will be the first site.    It is alot of fun and I would love to have some writing buddies from Treksinscifi.
So is there anyone here doing it?


I'm already signed up and a winner from a few years back. I only tried it one and finished in a record time, so I didn't try again. Now that I have a certain project in the works, I signed up again. I'm thinking that my writing partner and I should shoot for 75k to 100k to make it a challenge.


I am signed up for this as well - although this will be my first go.  A few ideas percolating in my mind - but we'll see if the pan out or not.


Well good luck all. I have the utmost admiration for novelists. Alas for me I've been a script writer for far too long to change my style. Good luck and keep us informed on how you all get on. :)


This sounds like something I've always thought I'd love to have a go at one day. I haven't ever really written anything since school though so a novel would be out of the question at the moment. (Also it's a national thing and not in my nation :))

The RPG and surrounding backstory episodes have given me a recent outlet that I've never had before (so glad I joined!) but that's obviously playing in someone else's sand box. The idea of creating my own is a little daunting. 

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yes, this will be my first go since my school days as well.  The plan is to devote some time each day - or try to write about 3-4 pages a day for me.  My idea:

A young boy yearns for something new in his dreary existence as a moisture farmer on the desert planet of the Shire.  The Ring he inherited from his father keeps giving him visions of a mountain in the desert, but this race of cybernetic like beings created by humans attacks the Shire, and he must lead his people in search of a new planet called Earth....

Wait a this too derivative?    ;)


Feathers its Called National, but not sure why because it is international


I will Start a thread on NanoWrimo forums for treksinscifi members so we can connect on there. So look for it.


THE forum is under forums-genre lounges-science fiction-TREKSINSCIFI wRITERS




Cool I just added you as a writing buddy


I may just join to see how everyone gets on lol


How's everyone getting on with Nano? 1week left, ive just cracked the 40000 mark, hard work but enjoyable.


Considering that I bent the rules a bit....I have wrapped it up (if that can be said about my so called work)..  :)


Just hit the 50000 mark.