Got ripped off(Trek Comic question)?

Started by cassious, November 12, 2009, 04:03:37 PM

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Ok, so today my friend brought a Trek TNG comic to school(#57, 'Alien Minds' if you're wondering.) I offered to buy it off him for $10(Canadian).

As a total comic n00b(seriously, I never read a comic before this. I had to get my friend to explain how you read them), I'm wondering if I got ripped off or if he did? Thanks!!
"Would you like refreshments?""No""...Would you like a pillow?""No!""Perhaps some music?""No thank you!...Sir!" Gotta love when an android tries to be caring ♥
My cyberpunk fic:


Sounds like a fair price.  That issue goes for around $10 US online, plus shipping charges. Sounds like you got a pretty decent deal.


"Would you like refreshments?""No""...Would you like a pillow?""No!""Perhaps some music?""No thank you!...Sir!" Gotta love when an android tries to be caring ♥
My cyberpunk fic: