What are good Trek/Scifi books to read?

Started by Quantum-Charles, December 09, 2009, 07:04:09 PM

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I just recently bought my first Star Trek Novel. The book is "Mudd in Your Eye". not sure if anyone else has heard of it.

I am wondering if anyone else has any good books they could recommend  for me to pick u and read. I am interested in starting the 6 book series called " The Capitan's Table". Let me know what you think....



Gosh - there are a ton of Trek books.  I've actually read "Mudd in your Eye" too.  I like the Shatner written books too and a lot of the older books put out by Bantam.  I know others will chime in with their choices as well.  The Titan series I think is a recent one that is pretty good too.  I guess it partly depends on what crew/ship you like to read about.

There is a great guide book to Trek books out too.



Thanks Rico. I will definitely follow up on the Titan series.   It would be cool to follow Capt. Riker.


Do you like hard sci-fi as well?  My current favorite author (non trek stuff) is Alastair Reynolds.  His 'Revelation Space' book & series are a few of my favorites.


I have been reading sci-fi since before TOS.

In general good non-Trek sci-fi books are better than Trek books.  I haven't read a lot of Trek books though I tried 4 in the last year.  I managed to finish 3.  The Voyager story Shadow which is part of the Section 31 novels was the best one.

Here is a site with a lot of recommendations that I tend to agree with?


I couldn't stand Reynold's Revelation Space.

This review most closely matches my opinion:


I don't care for Consider Phlebas either.


It was just dumb violence lurching from one meaningless event to another.  I quit 2/3rds of the way through and only went that far because so many people say its good.  But it was still better than Revelation Space that I forced myself to fininsh because I promised someone.

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling


Quote from: Quantum-Charles on December 09, 2009, 07:04:09 PM
I just recently bought my first Star Trek Novel. The book is "Mudd in Your Eye". not sure if anyone else has heard of it.

I am wondering if anyone else has any good books they could recommend  for me to pick u and read. I am interested in starting the 6 book series called " The Capitan's Table". Let me know what you think....


Welcome to the forum, Charles!

If you're looking for a good Next-Gen era series, I recommend the New Frontier series by Peter David.  The books do a great job combining sci-fi action & humor, and the characters grow on you pretty quickly.  Link- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_New_Frontier


'Mudd in Your Eye' was my first Trek novel, and I loved it :)) (I was about 11 at the time, but I bet I'd still love it now). Other TOS-era novels (or with those characters) that are worth checking out are 'Spock's World' and 'Sarek'. I remember reading one involving dinosaurs really being aliens that got trapped on earth during a fact finding mission, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called :S
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


And here I was (post-Voyager) thinking that the dinosaurs of Earth had sent explorers out from there to explore other planets :)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.

Captain BJ Wanlund

I can recommend all of the Captain's Table books except for #3, that one got a bit talky and slow.

I also picked up The Kobayashi Maru in a used bookstore, and that was a great book as well.

So, there's 2 recommendations for ya!

Love Star Trek TOS & TNG (never really got into DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise).  Also love Star Wars (everything save for the prequels...), and Indiana Jones, and ElfQuest, basically anything remotely SF or fantasy is my bag, tho I tend more towards SF than I do fantasy.