The iPad

Started by Bryancd, January 27, 2010, 12:03:57 PM

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So, 9.7" screen, built in Wi-Fi, internet browser, media player, a much more impressive gaming device than the iTouch or Iphone, IWork applications for spreadsheets, word processing, ect., $499 base price point for 16GB, optional 3G, flat rate data plan of $30/month or $15 for 250MB per month, an e-book reader with contracts signed with all the major publishing houses, a new iBook store. The online experience with this willbe so vastly superior to the iPhone or Touch ajnd that initial price point is Apple's efforts to put this into as many hands as possibel. I think it's a homerun.


I am not sold yet - although I want to love it.  (I have an iPhone which I love).
For me, a netbook is a more logical choice - I want a keyboard I can use - with video & connectivity.  This iPad looks cool, but the price is too high (once you ad a decent sized drive..and 3G....and WiFi...).
No way I am going to pay $30 for data on top of my iPhone (can you say tether?) - and then pay each content provider a fee on top of that.


Quote from: Bromptonboy on January 27, 2010, 12:10:26 PM
I am not sold yet - although I want to love it.  (I have an iPhone which I love).
For me, a netbook is a more logical choice - I want a keyboard I can use - with video & connectivity.  This iPad looks cool, but the price is too high (once you ad a decent sized drive..and 3G....and WiFi...).
No way I am going to pay $30 for data on top of my iPhone (can you say tether?) - and then pay each content provider a fee on top of that.

It will be interesting to see if AT&T offers discounted packages to current iPhone users. It does have a virtual keyboard which still allows for a large screen environment above it. And at $699 for the top 3G model, how is that too much vs. a laptop? And just wait, that AT&T exclusivity will likely be gone by mid year.


I love it.. I don't have an iphone or an itouch ipod. I do have a netbook and love it and was thinking of getting a kindle (book reader) but now that this has come out I'm going to get the iPad. Soon enough comic book companies will be putting their books up in the ibook store and that makes me very happy.  This reminds me of a Star Trek TNG PADD and that is AWESOME. Can't wait to see them up close.


Me too, Kenny. I really never "Needed" an iPhone, my cheap Verizon phone it just fine. I really like the iPod touch for Wi-Fi browsing and games, but the screen was too small. This is perfect for what I would want out of a portable experience. I certainly don't need all the processing power or memory of a laptop.


I guess the issue here is that an iPhone fits in your pocket, not sure if carrying around a 10" thing saves me much from carrying a netbook or full on laptop. It's cool, but I feel like this is really a niche product.


Joe, consider it a combination netbook and Kindle with a much better visual; experience. Very much not niche, look at Kindle sales for Amazon, now add internet, gaming, business applications, ect. That's big, very big.


I see where you're coming from. I guess I'm interested in seeing if the form factor actually appeals to people.


Apple makes good products no doubt but to me they are like designer clothes...too flashy and way overpriced. They seem to really want to push this device for ereading but I'm going to say right now that any backlit device will be no good for long book reading. It will give you headaches and eye fatigue. There is no way around that. It's the very reason why Sony adopted and developed the eink screen and the Kindle and Nook and many other ereaders have followed suit. Undoubtedly the Ipad is flashy, colorful and beautiful to look at. It certainly caters to the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh but it does not mean it will make a good reading device. Now as far as movies and video games I think it would be ideal but most people that like these kind of things already have devices that can do those very things. I have to agree with Billybob on this is a niche device and I think sales will be slower than Apple is expecting.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Any pictures of this goodie yet?  Sounds intriguing.


Quote from: Rico on January 27, 2010, 03:02:18 PM
Any pictures of this goodie yet?  Sounds intriguing.

You can go here for a blog about it.. lots of pictures


Quote from: Geekyfanboy on January 27, 2010, 03:05:46 PM
Quote from: Rico on January 27, 2010, 03:02:18 PM
Any pictures of this goodie yet?  Sounds intriguing.

You can go here for a blog about it.. lots of pictures

Cool.  Oh, I like this picture of it!


Yeah they played Star Trek during the presentation.


Quote from: Ktrek on January 27, 2010, 12:55:36 PM
Apple makes good products no doubt but to me they are like designer clothes...too flashy and way overpriced. They seem to really want to push this device for ereading but I'm going to say right now that any backlit device will be no good for long book reading. It will give you headaches and eye fatigue. There is no way around that. It's the very reason why Sony adopted and developed the eink screen and the Kindle and Nook and many other ereaders have followed suit. Undoubtedly the Ipad is flashy, colorful and beautiful to look at. It certainly caters to the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh but it does not mean it will make a good reading device. Now as far as movies and video games I think it would be ideal but most people that like these kind of things already have devices that can do those very things. I have to agree with Billybob on this is a niche device and I think sales will be slower than Apple is expecting.


Well, that's what everyone said about the iPod, which went on to be the biggest selling portable music player. That's also what everyone said about the iPhone which has gone on to be one the biggest smart phone seller. So now Apple has a netbook/e-reader portable device...anyone want to bet against them? I make my living anticipating future sales and earnings for companies. Apple will sell these like they are going out of style. Why? Because Apple makes products that WORK. They are easy to use, intuitive. People pay up for the Apple experience. This will be no different. And the price points on this are VERY compelling. I was anticipating around $1000 for the base model and they came in at $499. Amazing bit of marketing.

Hmmm, yeah, the Kindle looks great next to the iPad! Not!


I am so excited about this.  I absolutely LOVE my Ipod Touch, or as Tim would say, Ithingy.  The only complaint that I have had is that it isn't big enough.  So the Ipad answers that.   Oh, I must start saving my moola.  I want this baby. VERY COOL!

As I watched Steve present that Ipad I started to drool.  :)

SO for  now, Idrool.

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