Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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I'm the opposite. I think the Smith/Moffat era is far superior than the Eccleston and Tennant era (unless you like RTD style stories which were mainly stroke my ego stories).

I agree that i would like to see a slightly slower pace and yes i'm a classic series fan but for me Smith is exactly how the Dr should be and so the stories benefit. I also agree about the questions leading to questions etc but i think that will be different next year. I know a lot more stand alone episodes are being wrote and with new companions coming as well it will take another turn.

It has to be noted that we classic fans have to realise that the 2005 version could not be like the old series, the BBC in the infinite wisdom does not like Dr Who even now but for it to succeed as a continuous series it has to do well in America and as Kenny says it is shooting up the ratings there and has brought Dr Who into a level never before seen. 


Sorry I agree Matt Smith and his Doctor is great I just long for them to do more with him and take the time to develop things. It is the pacing, the focus on Earth, Amy being so darn interwoven in things and important in practically every major plot that's wearing thin for me.


I think that's why Amy is going. It was the same with Rose and we don't want a repeat of that. The popularity of Who now means more revenue and for me I'd like to see More 'classic' touches eg different planets, going back to Mondas or Skaro, going back in time to Romans or even bring someone like the celestial toy maker back, now that would be awesome against Matts Doctor.


Exactly how I feel for both of the above two posts


I think there is a difference between how newer Who fans view the show and some of you "long time" fans.  I'm perfectly fine with the way the show has been.  I loved David and now I love Matt as the Doctor too.  I also love Amy and have no problem with how they have handled things in that area.  I just tune in when the show is airing and enjoy the ride!


Found this pretty awesome pic of Matt and Karen.


I really think that some Who fans are missing the boat with the companions. For someone starting out, they need to be able to relate to the Doctor and more times than not, that's through the eyes of someone that they can relate to. Enter the companions. I mean, sure it's easy to want something else once you have suspended belief and come to believe in the doctor, but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water. New people are watching everyday and they need something to relate to.

A human thrust into the doctor's world is something that anyone can relate to on some level.

Take that away and you have some crazy guy in a blue box that knows everything and nothing.

I also think that most of the best Doctor stories are never really about the Doctor himself. I see him more as a guide into the fantastic than the center of the show. AS much as you want to relate to him, you never really can and that's not good for putting butts into seats.


I've said it before and I'll say it again modern tv thinks you're idiots. You don't need a companion to 'get' The Dr. You could easily have episodes with no companions and still enjoy the show just watching the Dr.

I actually like Rory & Amy I enjoy seeing them with the Dr but the 'classic' formula would still work today. Kids and adults don't want to be a companion they want to be the Dr. Think of it that way.

All in all though the future of Dr Who is looking great and it's ultimately down to Moffat & Smith pushing The series into foreign mainstream. It's not just the UK or USA that success has been high. In Australia and Japan Dr Who has become incredibly popular. If Japan take hold which it looks like it is doing then boy are we going to see some crazy stuff.


I think there is actually some really smart TV on today - some of it.  But you have to seek it out.  I put current "Doctor Who" in the smart camp.  Styles change too - look at the new version of Star Trek.  I just try and go with the flow.



Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on December 30, 2011, 02:38:32 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again modern tv thinks you're idiots. You don't need a companion to 'get' The Dr. You could easily have episodes with no companions and still enjoy the show just watching the Dr.

I actually like Rory & Amy I enjoy seeing them with the Dr but the 'classic' formula would still work today. Kids and adults don't want to be a companion they want to be the Dr. Think of it that way.

All in all though the future of Dr Who is looking great and it's ultimately down to Moffat & Smith pushing The series into foreign mainstream. It's not just the UK or USA that success has been high. In Australia and Japan Dr Who has become incredibly popular. If Japan take hold which it looks like it is doing then boy are we going to see some crazy stuff.

I agree that you don't need companions to get the doctor, but I think that they have been trying hard to dumb down the Doctor for easy viewing for new people. Reinventing some of the older races so that new people won't get confused. Or just ignoring things that were too embedded in the past.

I loved the Doctor's Wife, but in all of that talking there was not one single mention of Susan, she who named TARDIS before it became The Tardis. I think it was part of the effort to move him from a mentor and father figure to something close to a leader and guide.


There is a slight conjecture of Susan naming 'Tardis' the Tardis's are grown and I think Susan in An Unearthly Child is being a little bit 'Childish' and showing off in front of Ian & Barbarah. It's never mentioned again and the Tardis vessels were around hundreds of years before Susan was born.


Saw these earlier. Great stuff.


Keep an eye on  They do a daily t-shirt design and often they will have DW themed shirts.  They only offer the design for one day.  I wish I'd have seen the Tardis Storage Company shirt when it was for sale: 

I did get this one though

and this one for the Firefly fans:



cute pics! i've been late to join the dr. who bandwagon i must admit.