Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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I think its a mixture of grief for the Dr and also so they can tie the 50th anniversary in for possible additional Dr's. having the old console back is easy for mapping of old footage (i am guessing here obviously)


Quote from: Meds on December 20, 2012, 03:14:00 PM
I think its a mixture of grief for the Dr and also so they can tie the 50th anniversary in for possible additional Dr's. having the old console back is easy for mapping of old footage (i am guessing here obviously)

Hmmm. Intriguing idea.

Should I complain that they keep spending my license fee money on new consoles do you think? ;)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Could be worse Mike, it could be spent on a new series of The Voice... oh hold on... bugger lol ;)


The Christmas special has just finished over here in the have a GREAT show to watch later today in the States!!  I loved every minute of the show! 

Merry Christmas to you all!  :)


Hopefully about to settle down and watch it once the kids are in bed. Well, it's either that or Downton Abbey I suppose.

Thank The Lord for DVRs and the iPhone Sky+ app which allows recordings to be programmed from anywhere.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


New titles, new music  ( both have a superb nod to the classic series) new interior, great bit of comedy with suspense and a 'what on Earth??' Nice nod to 23rd November.

Best Christmas special so far.


Absolutely agreed and I think the tie in to the larger story is partly responsible for that (no that's not a spoiler, all I mean is that they carry on where they left off a lot more than they've ever done at Christmas before - this isn't just a 'could be plugged in between episodes randomly' story).

Surprising casting in at least one case, but welcome all the same and it does lead in well to next year I hope.

[spoiler]With the whole Holmsian bit in the middle, was that not the 'Sherlock' incidental music that they played?

...and since I'm in the spoiler tag, how cool is getting Ian McKellan to voice Doctor Who! Great stuff!

...and to all who said that the Oswald character couldn't be the same one... Ha! (Not that I ever suggested otherwise, you understand, but all the same...)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Very cool episode!  I think this special was actually a lot more interesting than most of the first half of the last season.  [spoiler]  The tie-in to the season's premier was nicely done!  It feels like the show-runner had the events of this special in mind when the premier was written.. it all fits together too perfectly.  And the intro:  COOL. :)  the Doctor's face appearing reminded me of the old Tom Baker episodes.  Last but not least-  NEW TARDIS!  SO FREAKING SWEET!!! 



Wow. Best. Christmas. Special. Ever.

Not only was it fun, it did something that few other Christmas specials have done. It made you want the new season NOW!


I agree.  After the departure of the Ponds, I feared that the new companion wouldn't hold a candle to them.  Now, I feel pretty excited to see what this new woman is all about.   :)


Ok so a few posts back I wrote a hint about a person wearing a certain coat, rumours rife of course but now after watching the special it could actually be true..

[spoiler]right I said a report had come in of someone wearing a large fur coat like the second doctor, the second dr fought the yeti, the yeti battle twice with the second Dr including in the London Underground  but the biggest clue is the yeti are part of.....the Great Intelligence.. Yay [/spoiler]


Yeah, lots of fun to be had in this one. Loved the opening titles, with that little shot of Matt Smith's face at :18 seconds. Pretty nice. Love Richard E. Grant.

DOCTOR WHO - New Opening Title Sequence [HD]
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Really enjoyed it. Moffat is slowly converting new 'Who' to the best elements of 'Classic Who' and dragging today's young fans along without them realising.

Only one thing I could have done without....

[spoiler]Another mystery surrounding the Doctor's companion. I hope this is resolved fairly quickly and isn't the focus of the next season. It is an interesting idea that Clara seems to be (and die) in different time periods and I hope it leads to the revelation that she is an alien with some sort of ability but please don't tie her to the plot too much. :)[/spoiler]


That opening was cool, Chris. Waiting for this latest season to show up on Netflix. I hope they are not waiting for the second part of the season before they put it on.


Just watched this year's Christmas special and loved it.  Lots of great moments I thought.  What I especially liked was...

[spoiler]How they dealt with the Doctor and the aftermath of the Ponds.  I was glad they let him deal with that a bit even if most of the time was off camera between seasons/series.  Matt Smith continues to impress me with his range.  I loved all the 'friends of the Doctor' kind of looking after him too.  Clara continues to be fun - in each incarnation.  Looking forward to seeing her on a regular basis.  Just a great holiday treat![/spoiler]