Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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Hmm that's a new one to me. But if she had a rag doll that means she would know her. Hmmmm


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 05, 2010, 12:46:09 PM
Hmm that's a new one to me. But if she had a rag doll that means she would know her. Hmmmm

She doesn't seem to know a lot of what she should though so I guess it's possible.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I liked the second part quite a bit.  I guess we can kind of talk a bit more freely about it now.  I enjoyed the ending with Amy and the Doctor.  I thought it made perfect sense and I think there will be more.  I'm kind of a romantic at heart so that kind of stuff appeals to me.  And the two characters (and actors) just seem to have great chemistry.  I say - go for it!    :wub


Rico you old softy. I thought the ending was silly and pointless. Plus I don't think she was after the Dr for a relationship just a one night stand. I'm hoping there is more to it because this is repeat Rose and we all know what classic fans think of that.

Also I'm sick of them mentioning the Drs age and getting it wrong. 907 noooooooo. He's older than that, if you judge it by actual years he's got through 3 regenerations in 7 years very silly consideing he's had 8 forms in 900.


Well, the Doctor does seem to have a "companion" with him quite a bit of the time, so he obviously needs someone.  It will be interesting to see what they do with the two of them.


Well yeah but who doesn't like company. It's about time he has a male companion because he can just be friends. It's weak story telling to have to have a romantic tinge. I'm sure there is more to it but I'm sorry I can't stand easy formula writing. As Kenny said at least with Donna who felt safe there was no sexual chemistry.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 06, 2010, 01:02:27 AM
Rico you old softy. I thought the ending was silly and pointless. Plus I don't think she was after the Dr for a relationship just a one night stand. I'm hoping there is more to it because this is repeat Rose and we all know what classic fans think of that.

Also I'm sick of them mentioning the Drs age and getting it wrong. 907 noooooooo. He's older than that, if you judge it by actual years he's got through 3 regenerations in 7 years very silly consideing he's had 8 forms in 900.
Hey I'm a classic fan and I liked the rose and doc elements. Obviously he has some interest in humanity to keep hanging out with them.

I'm not saying that he wants to shag the planet, but this "hot for the doctor" thing has been going on since the first revival attempt movie.


Yup and I don't think I need to say what a bunch if crap that movie was ;)


I don't really find romance in drama weak story telling.  It all depends on how it's written and the actors who bring it to life.  Sure, some stuff is rubbish (to use the UK term), but some can be great.  Again, I think if done properly it can be very powerful to watch.  It's also a huge part of human nature.  And the Doctor does love humans.



I'm not religiously pro or ante but Saturday's episode did make me cringe in that regard. I don't think it added anything to the story being told (unless it turns out to be due to alien influence).

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Just been trying to investigate the Riover Song doll....can't find anything so I think that was nonsense that I'd heard.

I did come across a theory that Amy Pond could be a younger version of River Song though. That intrigued me and got the old brain cells ticking.


I thought that but the fact the Doctor knows who she is doesnt work lol.


I was discussing with a friend of mine, he thinks Amy may be a Timelord before her first regeneration. He thinks that's why time is cracking because some Timelord escaped when Gallifrey popped into time again at the end of 'End of time'. They then left Amy with some human to take care of. Time is cracking because she shouldn't be there.

It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure I go for that one.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


If the truth is half as good as all these great theories.. it's going to be a fun Doctor Who season.