Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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LOVED the latest episode with the Doctor trying to live like a normal bloke.  Great stuff!  And completely enjoyed the love story angle of this one too.  I'm a big softy for that kind of stuff.  Really, really enjoyed this episode completely.  The whole season has been really good so far.  Sorry there are only two more to go.


Loved this episode!

Anybody notice what number The Doctor was playing as in the football match? Priceless! :) 


I did nice nod there lol. This was also a homage to the fifth doctors cricket game.


Quote from: Dangelus on June 16, 2010, 02:03:04 AM
Loved this episode!

Anybody notice what number The Doctor was playing as in the football match? Priceless! :) 

No, missed all of that.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Blimey, too much to say but would spoil everything. All I'll say is............. Blimey.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on June 19, 2010, 05:23:20 PM
Blimey, do much to say but would spoil everything. All I'll say is............. Blimey.

I say Hmmm and remain unconvinced. Should get round to more detail later.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


There's a lot going on in this episode, almost too much. So many questions and a whole week to wait. Mike we could be faced with either one of the best Dr Who episodes ever next week or it could be the biggest let down.


I'm curious to see where this goes, but it would explain some things in the first episode that didn't quite make sense.


I'm curious too but also nervous. There was so much in this not to like that I had real trouble with it.

If it pans out right, next week could be brilliant and this week will be forgiven. If not then it will be a big let down for the end of the season.

[spoiler]I mean, since when did the Doctor stand on a rock and shout at space ships? Some of the stuff before that was quite good but that point just lost me from the story.

Also, why do these new Cybermen suddenly have space ships? They never did before so why now?[/spoiler]

Too many unexplained bits but perhaps that's part and parcel of the unexplained bits throughout the season. I that's so and if they tie it all up, next week could be amazing!

Man, I'm rambling!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I think that ...

[spoiler] In the first episode, we heard the Tardis return for the young Amy. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's how they fix it. The doctor visits Amy early and changes the course of history.[/spoiler]


Agree Chris. You never saw what happened there, you just saw her look up and smile.


In terms of the last couple of minutes of the episode, I totally called it [spoiler] when it was revealed that the Pandorica was a prison for the Doctor. I was quite proud of myself. :)[/spoiler] There were things I liked and disliked about the episode, but I think it's a good set up for the end. And I think this is the first time where I watched an episode and wasn't completely annoyed with River Song.


[spoiler]I actually thought the pandorica had the Doctor inside and the doctor was going to meet himself.[/spoiler]
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Quote from: Scott on June 22, 2010, 06:21:10 PM
[spoiler]I actually thought the pandorica had the Doctor inside and the doctor was going to meet himself.[/spoiler]

I kind of thought something like that too.  WOW - what an episode.  They really are going all out this season.  Could have easily been the season ender to keep us hanging.  Who knows - maybe it will still not all be quite resolved next week.  Just great stuff.

- Oh, I'm loving the music too this season.  Is there a CD out with it yet - or soon?


Last episode for us this Saturday here's my theory

[spoiler] River Song is the human form of the Tardis, hence the diary in the shape of the Tardis, to save the doctor she destroys herself. Only a little idea and i cant back every angle on it lol