Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on June 23, 2010, 06:07:51 AM
Last episode for us this Saturday here's my theory

[spoiler] River Song is the human form of the Tardis, hence the diary in the shape of the Tardis, to save the doctor she destroys herself. Only a little idea and i cant back every angle on it lol

[spoiler]That would explain why she can pilot the Tardis better than the doc. Also why she knew the whooshing sound was the "parking break". Hehehe. I find myself typing spoilers almost as much as she says it. :P[/spoiler]
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Meds you been listening to 'Kooky theories of the week' lol.

There is a lot of talk of really huge game changing stuff happening at the end of this season. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it pans out.


Lol yeah Dan but the funny thing is [spoiler] Lol yeah Dan lol, funny thing is [spoiler]  me and Kell started trying to figure out what is it with River and flying the Tardis, I then said it's got to be the eye of harmony and the power must be transferred to River because she knows how to land it, she mentioned the hand brake, she can fly it better than the Dr & as all companions have met her say how close she is to the Dr & we all know the closest person to the Dr is the Tardis. Then I heard kooky theory and thought bugger I'm in the kooky club lol [/spoiler]


Lol it would be very interesting if you're right!


The mire I think if it the more I think it's less kooky. Less than 24 hours to find out.




Here we go

[spoiler]Loved  the line "I dont trust that Richard dawkins", that killed me. The whole episode bounced in between 1890 odd years from the roman times to almost present day. This is a serious Time travel episode, backwards and forwards, jumping here jumoing there. Rory really steps up to the plate. Lots of answers, the jacket with the angels ah so thats why?? hmmm.

The ending of this is just amazing, I sat there with a huge, huge smile on my face and yes its punch the air time, its clapping time, its a bloody good episode.

Matt Smith is just awesome, fantastic in this and fantastic as the Doctor. He's close for me to becoming the best Doctor so far.



....that was just fun. It may not have made the best logical sense....but I didn't care. As TV entertainment, it more than entertained!! I'm happy.......

...and I agree with the awesomeness of Matt Smith. He says and does things that other Doctors may not have pulled off. I think he easily comes across as a being who is hundreds of years old.....yet I still think he fits in and pulls off a young and sporty fella when he needs to!! (I'm thinking back about 3 weeks ago)

Who else can play "youthfull and unsure" and then convince you of his age wisened....erm....wisdom!


Totally agree, fantastic episode!

From the outcome of this I know there will be a certain podcaster wearing a loin cloth at the next convention!



Lol Tom on The Doctor Who Podcast bet the others that a certain event was not a continuity error. The fortfeit was they had to wear 'fancy dress' at the next Gallifrey.


Oh yeah, thats right. I think I had better email Tom.

Dan M

I loved this episode.  Matt Smith has done very well in the role.


 :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin

Just finished watching the last episode for the season.   HAS TO BE ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I HAVE WATCHED IN A LONG TIME!  FANTASTIC doesn't even come close.  I can't believe how much I've come to care about these characters in such a short time.  Just loved how it all came together.  Like you Meds, I was smiling and stomping my feet and punching the sky!  So, so great!  Hate to bring it up but this is the kind of thing we deserved at the end of "LOST."  And this isn't even the end.  Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, and Alex Kingston all deserve huge praise.  I was especially moved by this episode.  I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop there.  Except,....  "GERONIMO!"