Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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Quote from: Rico on September 10, 2012, 08:36:52 AM
I liked the dino's on the spaceship episode.  Kind of a fun romp for the most part and I liked the Doctor with more people helping him on this one.  But one thing I keep thinking about...

[spoiler]I know it's been addressed at times but the Doctor can go anywhere in time and space - right?  So in this latest episode, why doesn't he just go back before that bad guy dumped off all the Sonarians in space?  I mean each week he could take care of most of the issues he runs into if he just went back a little bit more in time.  I've heard him say that time travel doesn't quite work like that for him.  That only certain points can be changed or something like that.  Anyway, love to hear what the Who experts have to say on this.[/spoiler]
Rico, to answer your question.

[spoiler] I think there are a few things that decide his actions. If he's there when it happen and if it's a fixed point. It also can't cross his own time line. Stopping the genocide would prevent the ship from reaching earth and his being called to stop it. In this case, it was a crossing of the timeline that would prevent him from fixing the problem. If he goes back to fix it, he would have never been called to be aware of this problem. Anyway, that's my take on how he can't change things unless he's following a preexisting timeline. [/spoiler]


Not sure about that. Up until now, he's simply never had that much control of the TARDIS so has had to cope with what he finds when he gets somewhere.

I don't know how well that stands up in the 'new era' (the whole 'where you need to go' thing has muddied the waters a bit and I accept that some elements of control have been shown in recent years) but in the absence of some explicit plot point I still tend to go along with the old explanations.

(I don't think there are spoilers here...)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah, the lack of exact Tardis control is my main thought on all this.  But even that has been messed with at times when the Doctor seemed to be able to be very precise with where and when he went.


Quote from: Rico on September 11, 2012, 05:43:59 AM
Yeah, the lack of exact Tardis control is my main thought on all this.  But even that has been messed with at times when the Doctor seemed to be able to be very precise with where and when he went.

There's always the get out that even if he now can control the thing, he doesn't necessarily trust that he can so doesn't take the risk.

[spoiler]Of course, in this specific case, I don't think he gets an exact time point at which to aim and given the length of time the ship's been out there, it could take a lot of attampts to hit just the right point in time in order to be able to prevent things going wrong.[/spoiler]

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


It's something thats always bothered me about Doctor Who. He should run into a lot more time paradoxes. We don't even know when the Doctor is originally from when he encounters "villains" they always seem to be in sync with each other and their previous encounters. It was refreshing when they changed that with the way he encounter River Song. This is how it should be more often when meeting up with other time travellers.

For a series with a time machine it isn't really about time travel at all so it doesn't bother to reconcile these sorts of issues.


Well he can cross his own time line and indeed he does, lets face it he did it with Amy in the forest, he did it with the carton of milk etc. Time travel in any series is never going to be easily explained and nor should it. Being a dedicated Dr Who fan even I have to put my hands up and say "look, its time travel, its fiction, its a story" LOL The original series was meant to be about educating the viewer with historical fact, so he'd go back and play with the Romans and then bugger off. Now of course we have had 49 years of stories and so many options of bumping into himself.

You see he could go back and help Oswin before we see her, he doesnt. Why? well if he did then what we would have seen wouldn't have happened which means it would be a dead episode and make no sense. The Tardis scenario, well the Dr does not tell the truth regarding this in any occasion. Its a console that is meant to be manned by at least 4 people, the Tardis takes him where he needs to be? (thanks Neil) its a old machine, no matter how many times its redecorated it's still a type 40 machine and does land in the right place (not necessarily in the right time). A lot of the time though he just runs through time and space.

Just my thoughts.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on September 11, 2012, 03:30:57 PM
Well he can cross his own time line and indeed he does, lets face it he did it with Amy in the forest, he did it with the carton of milk etc. Time travel in any series is never going to be easily explained and nor should it. Being a dedicated Dr Who fan even I have to put my hands up and say "look, its time travel, its fiction, its a story" LOL The original series was meant to be about educating the viewer with historical fact, so he'd go back and play with the Romans and then bugger off. Now of course we have had 49 years of stories and so many options of bumping into himself.

You see he could go back and help Oswin before we see her, he doesnt. Why? well if he did then what we would have seen wouldn't have happened which means it would be a dead episode and make no sense. The Tardis scenario, well the Dr does not tell the truth regarding this in any occasion. Its a console that is meant to be manned by at least 4 people, the Tardis takes him where he needs to be? (thanks Neil) its a old machine, no matter how many times its redecorated it's still a type 40 machine and does land in the right place (not necessarily in the right time). A lot of the time though he just runs through time and space.

Just my thoughts.

Totally agree and my observations weren't a critisism, more like a frustration on my part. I get that it works perfectly for the stories they are telling. There's only so much they can present and you don't want to over complicate it otherwise you'll lose people. There is a certain level of suspension of disbelief needed (go figure!) :)


Good discussion and info guys.  Maybe something that could be touched on this subject in the upcoming Who podcast?  Hint - hint!  :)


Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Another fun episode this week.  I always enjoy these episodes that brings the Doctor out West.


Yes, I agree. Lots of fun. I am liking these stand-alone episodes. I have been able to get a couple people to watch them, it's a good hopping-on point.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Really enjoyed this episode, some great little nods to the classic series and the set looks brilliant. I have walked down that street and ran around it a few years ago. Its in Catalonia, awesome place. Next weeks looks fantastic as well.

Just had a awesome chat with Chris for a TSF podcast, great discussion thanks Chris, i had a blast.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on September 16, 2012, 02:12:51 PM
Its in Catalonia, awesome place.
For a moment there, I read that as California!

I thought this week fell down a little over the previous two but I think that's just personal preference. Still an excellent episode and fun to see Ben Browder in Doctor Who.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Oh latest episode is brilliant, Power of Three has some great humour and there is some sadness to it, its not obvious but there is something hinted at. Is it  because we know the Ponds leave next week or was it just teh way its wrote. You decide lol. Smith once again acts his chops off. Mark Williams shines as Brian, Karen and Arthur both on fine form. This series for me is amazing.
