Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor - spoilers

Started by Meds, February 24, 2010, 12:14:35 PM

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I can't think of other season similarities. It just seemed like the next step in the ongoing timeline crack storyline....

...and I'm also sure that this reality we are now on will at some point dissolve and time will go back to the way it was supposed to be with [spoiler] Rory still alive and kicking......maybe finishing the season with Amy and Rory visiting themselves and waving during the Hungry Earth/Cold Blood story[/spoiler]


Really enjoyed this second part. i was a bit iffy with the first part but loved this one. I really liked the way you ended up being really annoyed with the mother and not with the military officer. Smith is fast becoming the ultimate Doctor. I tell you this i cant wait to have a good old discussion with Kenny and Kasey on this series.


Quote from: ori-STUDFARM on May 30, 2010, 03:40:55 AM
I can't think of other season similarities. It just seemed like the next step in the ongoing timeline crack storyline....

...and I'm also sure that this reality we are now on will at some point dissolve and time will go back to the way it was supposed to be with [spoiler] Rory still alive and kicking......maybe finishing the season with Amy and Rory visiting themselves and waving during the Hungry Earth/Cold Blood story[/spoiler]

I think it was the ...

[spoiler] Oh Rory isn't dead, he didn't exist. No need to grieve or make sense of that. It reminded me too much of Donna losing the memories of the doctor except now, it's Amy and Rory. [/spoiler]


I didnt get that feeling Chris, in fact it didnt even cross my mind. If anything it reminds me more of The War Games, the last episode of the Second Doctor.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 30, 2010, 08:18:39 AM
I didnt get that feeling Chris, in fact it didnt even cross my mind. If anything it reminds me more of The War Games, the last episode of the Second Doctor.
The only reason I got that feeling is .... [spoiler] my wife has a serious issue with the idea of someone getting their mind tampered with or losing memories in a story. It really weirds her out and for her, it's like killing a character and replacing them with something lesser. [/spoiler]

When that happens in stories, I tend to notice it more now and after years of being with the wife, I've grown sympathetic to her issues.

[spoiler] Maybe I just accepted long ago that no companion's death would ever come close to that of Adric and they should stop trying. [/spoiler]


Yeah but the difference is we were glad to see Adric knocked off lol


I liked it, first for the general story but also for the killing of Rory (however temporarily) and the partial reveal of the crack. The memory thing might have annoyed me but for the fact that I believe it to be nothing more than a temporary plot device rather than a permanent situation.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Mike have you seen war Games, the last of the Troughton episodes. Jamie and Zoe (i think its Zoe) have their memory erased by the time lords. Great episode. Ive been watching more Troughton recently.


I've seen the closing scenes but I don't think I've seen the whole story.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Really worth seeing if you can. Its a awesome DVD.


Quite a nice little episode this week. Not overly taxing or complex but enjoyable.

The presence of Bill Nighy did no harm and always adds to the comedy content, even in a straight role. The writing of Richard Curtis (Four Weddings, Notting Hill, Love Actually, Blackadder etc) worked too although I think he'd have a bit more trouble with a weightier story.

Overall, a pleasant and un-taxing 45 minutes of entertainment.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah I thought it was a nice, easy going episode. Set production brilliant, loved the sunflowers and the way everything looked like his paintings. Nice nod to the 1st and 2nd Doctor, and when they are all in the museum with Nighy saying how much he loved the artist was classic Curtis tear jerking moments.

One scene I loved was when Van Gogh says can you hear it and the doctor does a double take. Brilliant


It was nice to see that [spoiler] the screwdriver wasn't front and centre of the solution for once too. It came out but didn't do much. We had another gadget but I can live with that.

Actually, arguably, The Doctor didn't do too much at all and Vincent was the main tool to resolution. For an insane moment at the end I thought he was going to join for the rest of the season![/spoiler]

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I feared that too....I even thought Nighy was going to join too!! One thing I like about this series is the way one story leads into another....I always get the impression that a bit of time has passed since last we saw the Doctor. In fact, this week, Amy even mentions some stops that we haven't been shown....excellant for Big Finish to insert thier own storylines


Yeah that's a good call for Moffat. Still think Bill would have made a good Doctor :)