Star Wars on Blu-Ray

Started by Geekyfanboy, April 17, 2010, 10:12:10 PM

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Sorry, wording was off. VADER was silent, the Emp was screaming like a little girl.
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FINALLY home and able to watch the clips. Wicket looks great, I think that's a nice change. The dug and big door at Jabba's Palace are fine, no big deal. The NO I could do without, as much as it would have alerted Palpatine who could have turned the lightning on him as well as it plays better without the dialogue.


Another essential change:

R2D2 needed more doodads in this scene, some CGI reflections and smoke. :)






Now, that's a change I can get behind!  :)


I felt compelled to drop a not to the guys at The ForceCast regarding some of the fan reaction to the changes we have seen and what seems to be a sense that GL should consider fan reaction and or opinions about any changes he makes to the films in his decision process. Here's what I wrote:

To respond to those who feel that GL should consider the fan reaction and or opinions as to what should or should not be in the films, I suggest they really don't understand the man. GL has built his entire career around the concept of following his own creative direction. From the very beginning, he never considered popular opinion, accepted norms, or the traditional approach to creating content, storytelling, and film making. If he had, we likely never would have had STAR WARS, LucasFilm, ILM, Skywalker Sound, and any other of the myriad of advancements which can be directly ascribed to GL doing what he felt was appropriate for his vision. He understood bowing to outside pressure was a path to mediocrity. So to excpect him to read EU novels, film reviews, or internet forums and adjust his own cretaive output to satiate public opinion is misplaced. It's perfectly fine for people to have opinions on his creative choices and to give voice to those opinions. Certainly there have been choices, both creative and aesthetic he has made that i may not agree with but that doesn't make me right or him wrong. At the end of the day it is incumbent upon GL to see his vision through as he see's fit and not attempt to censor or alter his vision by committee. The creative process is not a democracy nor should it be.


Bryan, he most certainly listens to the fans.  Heck, he wears their t-shirts!


Nice post Bryan, totally agree.


Quote from: Rico on September 01, 2011, 09:05:55 AM
Bryan, he most certainly listens to the fans.  Heck, he wears their t-shirts!

Go back a few posts, I mentioned that t-shirt to Dan. :)

"He certainly was well aware of the Han shot first contoversry as he wore a shirt that said "Han Shot First" in a photo from the set of Indy IV!"

And he's more then welcome to listen to whoever he wants and accept the input IF it's something he feels strongly about or agrees with. My point is that he shouldn't be polling people to see what he should do, he should do what he feels is right.


Quote from: Rico on September 01, 2011, 09:05:55 AM
Bryan, he most certainly listens to the fans.  Heck, he wears their t-shirts!

Might send him this one



LOL i want one of those. I've been thinking about this the past few days and obviously GL can do what he likes its his little family of films but i do think he should release the 'traditional' editions on Blue ray as well (ok do a nice transfer etc) he would make a good few bucks as well.


Even more changes by digitally replacing our beloved characters with Disney toons!