Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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See with stuff like that it must mean that they are remembering back which could be ok but then you have to be careful to make sure that it is in between star trek 6 and genarations so you can keep congruent. I wish they would just to a war with the borg or Romulans with the three cast that are left then just start a new series 70 to 100 years in the future that show the federation just getting back on its feet after the war with a new crew and NEW Enterprise. Also I see picture of this ship that looks like the nx but they call it the enterprise j what episode is that from.


That was from an episode of "Enterprise" featuring the temporal cold war story line.


Oh ok thanks I have not seen that one yet.


I'm still in my wait and see mode.. but I'm not liking what I'm hearing.

I don't mind the re-imaganing of Trek.. it's the fact that it sounds like they are going to use characters that we already know and love. If you want to re-imagine Trek then start with the ideals of Trek and create new characters.


Thank you kenny that is what I think of as well i am use to seeing Nimoy , shatner, doohan , and the rest it will be different I a huge trek fan so I will watch it.


As long as it's TREK, I'll be there.
"I aim to misbehave."


Im thrilled about the 'reimagining' aspect, and that its 'starship' based.

The academy aspect was scaring me. Like it or not, I think it's important to try and bring in new fans. That may take some reimagining.

I think Star Trek has been good at bringing in legions of new fans, two different times in particular. TOS started the craze, especially when it went into syndication. Then when we thought it may be dead, TNG ramped it up again, and honestly I would say to an even greater level.
Really, while TNG is obviously Trek, it took me a while to warm up to it because it looked nothing like the original, had a French captain, aliens on the bridge, etc.
TNG was a reimagining disguised as a leap forward in time.


Quote from: Kirk-Fu on March 10, 2007, 06:48:34 AM
TNG was a reimagining disguised as a leap forward in time.

I agree with earlier sentiments that they should do this again, leaping forward time provides for lots of reimagining opportunities.
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


J.J. Abrams Talks Star Trek
Source: TrekWeb
April 18, 2007

TrekWeb says that Star Trek producer/director J.J. Abrams talked to Star Trek Magazine and mentioned that "James T. Kirk appears in the movie."

This marks the first time that Abrams or anyone from the production has disclosed any plot detail about the film.

"The respect we all have for Star Trek canon - and for a brand-new audience - is massive," Abrams added. "The script is done. We're now starting pre-prep, and we can't wait to start shooting! Many more details to follow!"

Paramount Pictures is targeting a December 25, 2008 release for Star Trek.


Sylar as Spock?

Zachary Quinto, who plays the menacing Sylar in NBC’s hit series “Heroes” could be in the running to play one of the icons of science-fiction television and moviesâ€"Mr. Spock.

Since the news that J.J. Abrams was helming a revival of the “Star Trek” film franchise that would recast the original crew, Quinto say there has been a huge groundswell of support for him to don the pointed ears.

“When the news about the next Star Trek movie began to surface, I became inundated with e-mails and links to Web sites where people were saying, ‘Zach Quinto should play [young] Spock,” said the actor, according to the most recent issue of Starburst that hit newsstands in the United Kingdom this week. “I started opening myself up to the idea and I think the exploration and immersion to be done with such a character would be amazing.”

While casting rumors have been running rampant, several actors have expressed a desire to take on reimagined roles of Star Trek’s greatest figures that include Capt. James T. Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy. While a lot of interest from various actors has more to do with how much they are a fan of the science-fiction franchise, Quinto says his interest is far more professional … and logical.

“I tend to be a type of person who acts from a very visceral place and reacts emotionally to situations, and to ‘become’ a character that is completely the opposite of that is one of the reasons why I am an actor,” Quinto said. “I would love the opportunity to understand what it is to only operate from a place of logic and look at things so specifically from that perspective.”

It is still unclear if Quinto will have some extra time in his schedule this fall as his fate seems to be undetermined for the second season of the hit NBC series, which will return in the fall.


I've heard this rumor before.  Not really buying into it.


 â€œStar Trek” (XI) Casting Revealed Next Month

Posted by Sam on Monday, 18 Jun 2007
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Certain roles in the J.J. Abrams directed/produced Star Trek film will be announced next month at San Diego’s Comic Con, according to IESB.

Abrams’ “Lost” collaborators and writers of the “Star Trek” script, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, sat down with a group of reporters at a press conference being held for Michael Bay’s “Transformers” movie and they revealed this and some other information when queried by reporters. The other bit of news is that shooting on the 11th film of the 41-year old franchise will begin this November.

Neither Orci or Kurtzman would say if the casting announcements coming next month will be for major roles or supporting cast.

“Star Trek 11,” or simply “Star Trek,” is looking at a Christmas Day (Dec. 25th) 2008 premiere.


Trek Script Done, Shoots In Fall

Roberto Orci, who with writing partner Alex Kurtzman is scripting the new Star Trek movie, told SCI FI Wire that they have finished the script are in preproduction on the movie, which will go into production in November under director J.J. Abrams. "We're still casting," Orci said while promoting his next film, Michael Bay's Transformers. "We're in preproduction, actually, this month."

While revealing little about the 11th Trek film's top-secret plot, Orci offered a few tidbits. "Kirk is in the movie," he said. "Some kind of Kirk. ... We literally haven't cast them yet. It's actually one of the challenges, and so we're hoping to have something by Comic-Con [in San Diego in July], but we'll see."

Orci added that producers are wrestling with whom to cast. "That's one of the debates, you know?" he said. "Like, how much does a familiar face hurt or not?" As for rumors that Matt Damon is in line for Kirk or Adrien Brody for Spock, Orci would only smile. "I've read all those rumors, too."

Is the Trek movie being eyed as the kickoff of a possible TV series? "I'm sure CBS is thinking about that," he said. "That's not [something] we're thinking about. We're just thinking about the movie. Certainly, I don't know how they could not think about that."


Frakes Gives Opinion on Next Trek Film

Actor/director Jonathan Frakes is no stranger to television, movie-making or Star Trek. For seven years he portrayed Commander William Riker, first officer of the USS Enterprise D on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and followed that long performance with four feature Star Trek films. In the final film showcasing The Next Generation cast Riker and Deanna Troi get married and he finally accepts promotion to Captain with command of his own starship.

Frakes is also very comfortable behind the camera in that real center seat. He cut his teeth on directing in his Next Gen TV days taking the helm for eight episodes of the highly acclaimed series. From there he directed three episodes of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” a Trek video game, three episodes of “Star Trek: Voyager” and two Trek movies â€" “Star Trek: Insurrection” and “Star Trek: First Contact,” considered by many (and box office and DVD sales) to be the second most popular Star Trek film after the TOS blockbuster “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan.”

He continues directing and acting today with his most recent gig as one of the chosen directors for the upcoming “Masters of Science Fiction” series this fall. Frakes hasn’t given up acting in front of the camera either. He will be in the 2009 release of “Castlevania.”

With all that experience under his belt â€" most of it with Star Trek (20 years worth), what better person to ask about J.J. Abrams’ attempt to jump start the Trek franchise for a whole new generation of movie goers? That is exactly what was done recently when Jonathan was being interviewed by Trek Movie Report. They put the question to him and here is how he responded.

“J.J. Abrams, who created Lost, which I think is one of the greatest shows on television, has been given the keys to the spaceship and I for one, being the eternal optimist that I continue to be, am very optimistic about what he will do with the franchise, what he will do with the next film and I think all of us who are excluded are reacting in different ways. My feeling is, from the work that he has done and the passion that he has for the franchise and the legacy and the vision of Roddenberry that it will be in good hands…It’s going to happen so we can’t be upset. And I’m very glad that the franchise is carrying on, obviously, but it could be great. And that’s what I hope.”


 Spock Minus Kirk in Trek XI

The man who brought Captain James T. Kirk to life won’t be making a cameo in the upcoming “Star Trek” movie. William Shatner, who has lobbied furiously for a cameo in the upcoming “Trek” prequel will not be making an appearance. Instead the cameo role will go to Leonard Nimoy as Spock.

The prequel, directed by J.J. Abrams, will recast the iconic roles of the original “Star Trek” (as if you could ever truly replace Shat!). Script rumors speculate the story will be that of the first voyage of the starship Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk. (Though how you get Dr McCoy in there without violating canon, remains to be seen).

Rumors are swirling as to who might replace the original actors in the roles. Shatner has endorsed Matt Damon to take on the role of the young James T. Kirk.

Shatner is said to be very upset about not being offered a role in the upcoming film. No word yet on how the Nimoy cameo will fit into the film. Bill isn’t upset with his longtime friend, but with the studio. However, this is not a precedent setting event â€" Shatner starred without an appearance by Nimoy in “Star Trek: Generations,” although that was Leonard’s choice to be left out, not Paramount’s. But remember, this is Hollywood. If enough pressure can be brought to bear on the backs of execs, they will succumb, and Star Trek fans, as well as Bill himself, are notorious for knowing how to put on the pressure. If he really wants the role bad enough â€" it will be his in the end.

Since this is “Star Trek,” regardless of the franchise’s infamous security precautions, I expect the entire script to be leaked on-line within ten minutes of J.J. Abrams turning it over to Paramount execs by some overzealous office staff…..and, thank goodness for them.