Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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Well, just 2 weeks ago JJ Abrams admitted they didn't have their Kirk yet or several of the other main cast members.  So unless they have signed people up very recently I don't think they have the cast nailed down yet.  They are suppose to start shooting in November.  Honestly, a year will be fine.  They are doing the Indy movie in about the same amount of time from when they started shooting it.  Keep in mind those long periods to make a movie involve a lot of preproduction time, which has already been happening for Trek XI.


I like the idea of casting Tom Cruise as Captain Pike. His name would lend the production a little star power and help to ease any fear in Hollywood that Trek is a failed franchise. The actors on Abrams  "A" list could be afraid to risk their careers on getting involved  (that might explain Bill Shatner's absence too).
To bad it has to be made in Hollywood.
Can you imagine "Farscapes" Ben Browder  cast as the young Capt Kirk?


A few more tidbits trickling in....

Zachary Quinto, who will play a young Mr. Spock in J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Trek movie, told USA Today that he will begin shooting the top-secret movie in November, during a break from his role as the villainous Sylar on NBC's Heroes.

Quinto added that 11 sets have been built on the Paramount lot and that two weeks will be spent shooting in Iceland.

Quinto also offered a few hints about the movie's storyline. "I really identify with Spock's struggle," Quinto told the newspaper. "We're going back to a time before anything [original Spock Leonard Nimoy did in the original series] was established. These characters are in a completely different stage of their lives."



Quote from: davekill on August 16, 2007, 07:55:51 PM
I like the idea of casting Tom Cruise as Captain Pike. His name would lend the production a little star power and help to ease any fear in Hollywood that Trek is a failed franchise. The actors on Abrams  "A" list could be afraid to risk their careers on getting involved  (that might explain Bill Shatner's absence too).
To bad it has to be made in Hollywood.
Can you imagine "Farscapes" Ben Browder  cast as the young Capt Kirk?

Having star-power in this that is not Trek-based just to have a star in it will turn off the fans and probably not bring in the rest of the consumers. Did Tom Cruise fans go see The Last Samurai? Not really. Did they see Magnolia? Not really. Lots of people saw those movies, but the average Cruise fan (of which I find there are less and less) would not be inclined to see a Star Trek film just cause he's in it. And many fans would NOT see it just cause he's in it. Or it will be a harder sell if they do, and the criticisms will be much more harsh.

No, they need to stay away from that kind of selling out, and I really think Abrams knows better.

As far as being made in Hollywood, even movies not made physically in Hollywood, if they are an American film, are "made" in Hollywood. But that doesn't mean it has to be a "Hollywood' film. Again, I think Abrams is smart enough not to do that again (See MI3).
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Iceland huh? Humm, does anyone have a theory as to which location Iceland will represent in the Trek Universe? Andoria? Or maybe its just Iceland? Hoth is obviously out of the question. I can't think of any other cold planets in Star Trek. But then I'm not the guru some of you folks are.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Actually I'm no expert on Iceland but it's not really that ice like from what I have heard.  It's more rugged and New Zealand looking to me.  If I had to guess I would say it's going to be some new planet we have not heard of or seen before.


Yes Iceland is very green.. and Greenland is very icy. Go figure...

Darth Gaos

Yeah shooting in Iceland could be used as anywhere in the Trek verse.  Iceland has a VERY diverse ecosystem.  Not anything like what many people believe.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


They could shoot in New Zealand and discover a planet the call Middle Earth.


I should of known that. I've seen several documentaries on the Discover Channel/ History Channel. Is it like that in the winter though? I thought I read they were going to start filming in November.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I read today that Quinto has signed a several film deal. So, apparently the powers that be have confidence that the film will be somewhat successful, which is a good sign!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


That's standard now a days.. they sign the stars to a three picture deal.. doesn't mean will get three.. but  just in case it's a hit they don't have to renegotiate a deal.


Star Trek’s New Uhura? is reporting that they have heard from sources close to the production of the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie that actress Zoë Saldana (”Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl”) has been offered the part of Uhura - the USS Enterprise’s communications officer originally played for 40+ years by Nichelle Nichols. Nichols reprised her role of Uhura in the upcoming and highly anticipated Tim Russ online independent Trek feature “Of Gods and Men.”

Saldana is currently starring in James Cameron’s mega-film “Avatar,” and a scheduling conflict could nix the Trek deal unless something can be arranged.

That now makes three casting choices for the new film: Zachary Quinto as Spock, Anton Yelchin in the role of Pavel Chekov and now Saldana, if it pans out, to be Uhura. Still, the big unanswered question - Who will be Kirk?

Dan M

She's easy on the eyes.


I'm really starting to wonder about the idea of having what seems to be the entire old crew together in this movie.  If it was set in the early days when Kirk first took command of the Enterprise that might make sense.  But this is probably either during their Academy days or just after that.  So to see the entire old bridge crew together will seem sort of odd to me.  Maybe some will just be small roles but I'm getting more curious on how all this is going to come together.

PS - The big other news I heard recently is Zach Quinto is suppose to be signed up for three movies total.