Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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Open Call for New "Star Trek" Movie

Written by: Tony Artym (SoSF Contributor)

There is an open casting call on Saturday, November 10 in Burbank,Calif., for a feature film project called "Corporate Headquarters,"which appears to be a code name for the now-in-production "Star Trek"movie. has posted a notice seeking background talent for "the way Cool Sci-Fi Feature Film titled 'Corporate Headquarters'" which originally included descriptions for characters whose eyebrows will be "shaved from the arch outward to portray a 'Vulcan type' eyebrow shape." However, as of this morning the website changed the"Vulcan" reference to say instead, "'science fiction type' eyebrowshape." But it's out there, so the important point is that the casting agencyis looking for a few good men, women, and just about anyone with" interesting and unique facial features."

Besides "Vulcan" or "science fiction type" looks, the film is also looking for "military type" extras. They are looking for a pretty broad range of people with interesting features, all ethnicities, hair lengths, ages 18-90 and more. The HeadquartersCasting site has all the details for the call, with specific photographic requests. We recommend you read the descriptions carefully to simplify the process and to increase your chances of being picked for the film, should you decide to stop by Burbank this Saturday.

Headquarters Casting
3108 W. MagnoliaBurbank, CA 91505

The call takes place between 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.


Meet Spock's Mom

Anyone even remotely aware of the original Star Trek series and the six movies it spawned know that Spock, the Vulcan first officer of the Starship Enterprise for 40 years, had a Vulcan dad and a human mother named Amanda.

The role was played by the great dame of TV, Jane Wyatt for every appearance that Amanda made on the small and silver screen. Wyatt was the winner of 3 Emmy Awards over the course of her long television career, all for her role as the caring and intelligent 1950's mother in "Father Knows Best." Wyatt first appeared as Amanda in the 1967 Star Trek episode "Journey to Babel" and reprised the role in the 1986 Trek film "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home." Although she had limited camera time, her performance as Spock's mom left an indelible mark that permeated the entire history of Trek. One cannot think of Spock without remembering his father Sarek (Mark Lenard) and Jane Wyatt. She died last year at the age of 85.

J.J. Abrams will be including Spock's mom in the new prequel Trek film due out on Christmas Day 2008 and has cast Golden Globe winning actress Winona Ryder to play Amanda. Spock is being portrayed by "Heroes" star Zachary Quinto (Sylar).


I read this too earlier today.  Now that is some odd casting.  How much older than Quinto is she?  Hmmm,....


Wow.. really? Winona Ryder? That seems like an odd fit. But, I withhold judgement until I see the movie
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

The IC

Winona Ryder is 36 yo

Zachary Quinto is 30yo



Couple of possibilities.  Flashback to Spock as a boy.  Make Winona look older.  Or maybe both.


New Star Trek Film — Rumored Plot

If is to be believed, then the plot for the next, highly anticipated Star Trek movie will be different and yet familiar. The following is pure rumor thus far, but even if a rumored storyline is more spoiler than you can take, then read no further.

The big question from the very beginning, when it was rumored that J.J. Abrams would be doing a TOS prequel that included younger versions of Kirk, Spock and all the familiar Enterprise NCC-1701 bridge crew, was how will Abrams tell the story without trampling all over the sacred Trek canon? The answer, according to IESB is — Alternate Universe. Yep! If the site is to be trusted, then that old tried and true method of alternate timeline will be used to tell the story for this entry.

Please remember that everything that follows has not been confirmed by any official source from Paramount, the cast, or from Abrams' office. And, while what follows certainly sounds plausible, treat it all as unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

IESB claims to have two different sources for this one. These are the same sources that gave them the intel on Karl Urban cast as Bones and Chris Hemsworth joining on. Now, they have both given some very juicy tidbits on how this whole time travel/alternate timeline is going down.

First, the most important thing to remember is that writers Robert Orci and Alex Krutzman are big Trek fans, especially Orci and they both have a great respect for Trek history and canon and do nothing in this script to upset the apple cart in that regard. They did their best to keep the continuity of Trek alive in their script.

Much of the script will be along the lines of the most popular story to ever come out of Trek verse — "The City on the Edge of Forever," which starred Joan Collins as the pacifist Edith Keeler. Kirk fell in love with her but had to allow her to die in order to keep the timeline in tact.

For this new film, IESB offers the following plotline:

Romulans from the future, most likely TNG time frame led by a Romulan named Nero, played by Eric Bana, finds the City on the Edge of Forever and uses the Guardian of Forever to go back in time and kill the person who has been the biggest thorn in the Romulan's side and is crucial to the success of the Federation and Starfleet, James T. Kirk.

Mr. Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy in the original timeline, becomes aware of Nero's plan (not clear on the details of how he knows) and also goes back in time to protect his best friend, James Kirk. This is where the Old Spock (Nimoy) and Young Spock (Quinto) meet.

Old Spock warns young Spock about Nero's plans and it's up to them to protect the future Captain Kirk and also help try to protect the timeline and the future of the Federation and Starfleet.

This happens before Kirk and Spock form their life long friendship and bond. We have been told that there is a very cool scene where Old Spock tells the Young Spock about his friendship with Kirk, so while this may sound "illogical" (pun intended) it's been described as very emotional.

It's not totally clear, but this film may bring about the death of the older Spock, just as "Star Trek VII: Generations" saw the death of the aging Kirk at the hands of Dr. Soran.

The first time in the film that the audience is introduced to James T. Kirk is while he is taking a certain test that Starfleet cadets are required to take, the Kobayashi Maru. Kirk was the only cadet up to that point in Starfleet history to win the test's "no win scenario." Of course, using that Kirk perchant for disobeying the norm, he overcame the "no win scenario" by reprogramming the computer that ran the simulation. He was given a commendation for "original thinking" ("Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan").

So, there you have it in a nutshell. Is this the course Abrams plans on taking for his next film? With the script under very tight wrap, it is hard to say for sure, but with IESB's track record for accuracy I wouldn't totally count out the possibility that portions of what you just read might be true. However, until official word comes down from Paramount, it is pure speculation at this point in time.


I heard this very same rumor—I think I posted it here. It sounds to me like a great solution. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


All of this sounds close to what I've heard from a lot of different sources; I have a feeling that it is all more or less true.  I think the ideas could work-- I just hope that Abrams is up to executing them properly. 

With such a wild premise, this will most definitely NOT be a mediocre film.  It will be either one of the greatest Star Trek movies ever, or one of the worst.

Of course, I'll see it in either event (most likely several times).  After all; it IS Star Trek. ;)

The IC


You cheeky monkey—very cool! The costume and indoor set (if that's indeed a set) looks a tiny bit retro.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Oh, now that is too cool. Nice find!

Darth Gaos

Great pics!  Also I like Bruce Greenwood.  Ever since we watched him as JFK in Thirteen Days (excellent movie btw) I have liked him.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I like the story concept rumor Kenny posted above a geat deal, but it leaves me with a question. We know that Quinto has signed a mutli picture deal and I would hope that if the film is a sucess that more will be coming, but then how do they address canon and continuity issues? They'll be stuck again.

Also, Rico, I was just listening to the most recent podcast and had a comment abot the spy shots showing the extra's in cloaks to hid their uniforms. You mentioned all the colors and how they looked muted. If you go back and watch "The Cage", the uniforms of Pike's era were very muted and included peach as the command color! So from a continuity standpoint, we shouldn't see the bright red, blue, and gold we are more accustomed too.