Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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Hey Guys... a German website has the Star Trek teaser trailer up.

I'll let everyone see it before I comment. Enjoy


I found it on You Tube already and in the comments some folks are saying it's a fake.. so I'm not sure.. guess will find out tomorrow.


It's a fake! I don't know why this is getting posted everywhere. The CGI is shakey, the music is from TOS and Generations and the Nimoy voice over is from the end of TWOK. Pretty well done for a fan effort but I wish these things would quit getting posted as the real deal. We will see it soon enough.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Thats actually fairly convincing for a trailer.  But I have to definitely agree with Ktrek.  I recognize Nimoy's voice from TWOK.  Not bad though, but I wish they would quit doing that. 

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No - it's not convincing at all.  It's complete hooey!  I'm with KTrek on this one.

Trust me, next week when you see the real deal you will have your socks blown off!

Darth Gaos

Yeah they better not waste 20 sec of a 30 sec trailer flying thru our solar system.....I don't want plot point or anything but I hope there is more than that.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Don't feel bad Kenny...I thought it was well made for a fan film. But I recognized a lot of it from other movies... even the fan made CGI was copying other scenes from Trek. It just makes me want to see the real deal all the more. When is Cloverfield being released? I'm going just to see the Trek trailer.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Darth Gaos

18 Jan 08 I believe.  I will jst wait until the 19th when it will most assuredly be online.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


"IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!!


Seriously though; the trailer looked pretty cool, but I agree that it isn't the real deal.  By the way, I read on SyFy Portal that the Enterprise will look like the ship we expect to see ON THE OUTSIDE, but there will be some changes to the internal structure and station layouts. 

QuoteIt's not only hard to get any information out of the "Star Trek XI" sets, it's almost impossible. But Dawn Brown, a multi-talented Hollywood artisan who has credits ranging from "Ocean's 11" to "The X-Files," has been working hard on J.J. Abrams' latest outing of the USS Enterprise, and while she still remains as tight-lipped as everyone else, Brown has some stories to tell.

There has been a lot of debate going back and forth on the Internet for months about what that Enterprise will look like -- with fans getting their first look at a new "Star Trek XI" teaser trailer next week on another Abrams film, "Cloverfield." It seems that those who were betting that the 2008 look of the NCC-1701 will be far different from the 1960s version should start collecting their winnings now.

"I think a lot of hardcore fans are going to freak out," Brown told SyFy Portal's Will N. Stape. "As far as I know, only the exterior of the Enterprise had to stay the same. I don't know if that came from J.J. or Paramount."

Some of that was to be expected, however, as only so much 1960s nostalgia would work in today's cinema. But stubbornness should really be checked at the door Christmas Day when the new Star Trek movie premieres.

"I can't discuss any details, all I can offer is that you lose all your expectations of what Star Trek should be," Brown said. "If you see this movie with an open mind and take it at face value, you may have a great time."

While there are some physical structures, a lot of "Star Trek XI's" sets will have what has become the more traditional CGI enhancements ... something that Brown is never fully happy with.

"I'm not a fan of the digital and green screen or blue screen sets," she said. "I understand they have their place, but I think it usually looks better when things are physically built. It gives the actors something to react to. The design of the film belongs to the art department, not the visual effects department. I worked on a very large set on 'Star Trek' that would have been an absolutely fantastic physical build. But it became a visual effects shot instead. My involvement was reduced to marking out blue screens and platforms. We have so many talented carpenters and scenic artists and sculptors, and I have seen some truly amazing sets. It is a shame to trade their contributions for green screens."

I imagine the interior might look something like the bridge of the NX-01 Enterprise.  I'm OK with changes, as long as they stay true to the spirit of the original series.  Can't wait till the 18th! ;D


Quote from: wraith1701 on January 11, 2008, 06:33:48 PMI'm OK with changes, as long as they stay true to the spirit of the original series.  Can't wait till the 18th! ;D

I agree! I'm very much agreeable to change as long as the spirit of Star Trek is left in tact. I do hope that the exterior "look" of the Enterprise ship is the same as the ship we have come to love as it is really one of the "characters" of the show. I think most Star Trek fans LOVE the ship design and would feel slighted if that was changed. I think most of us could accept an interior design change though as long as it was "functional". After all this is science fiction and NOT fantasy and sci-fi should take into account what "could" be within realistic expectations and projections.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I would expect that the inside of the ship should resemble what we saw in The Cage -- the timeframe would be close to that period.  It should be higher technology-wise than the NX-01 but not exactly where the Enterprise was when Kirk took over...



Well I came across a description of the Star Trek Teaser Trailer.. I don't know if it's real so please don't attack me for posting this. If you plan on seeing Cloverfield tomorrow and don't want to be spoiled then don't read it. If you don't care then read it and you can decide if it sounds like a trailer or not.


Here's the Star Trek trailer description.

Slow Paramount logo.

Bad Robot logo.

Black, suddenly some sparks (very saturated, Michael Bay looking cinematography)

We hear an old NASA radio countdown: "30 sec and counting."

Close up of a timeless guy with goggles leaning down doing some weilding and sparks flying around.

He lifts his googles — slightly futuristic head covering. It's not a space suit, btw.

The dude leans down and wields some more — he's standing on big metal.

"FROM DIRECTOR J.J. ABRAMS" (blue font with a nice lens flare)

Some Kennedy speech about space flight: "The eyes of the world now look to space."

People walking around the saucer section. The wielders are everywhere, showing size.

We hear, "The Eagle has landed."

Huge overhead shot pans across, suddenly showing what looks like miles of scaffolding underneath.


Really impressive shot from by the nacelle(?) of people all over the ship, and you can see a huge industrialize city or shipyard in the background. It's being built on Earth, not in space.

Neil Armstrong: "One small step for man..."

Camera slowly cranes up over the whole saucer section.

Then we hear then Leonard Nimoy's line: "Space, the final frontier," and the familiar "Star Trek" theme horns.

The shot continues, revealing the writing on the top of the saucer — "U.S.S. Enterprise," and these huge aircraft-like warp engines in the background. Technically, the first reveal of what we're seeing.

Just the Starfleet log (no title)



Darth Gaos

Oooooh...I just got chills reading it....I cannot wait to SEE the teaser!!!
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?