Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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I read a book many years ago, maybe the Star Trek Reader, that said the Enterprise was built in space, not on earth.  And in an episode, it was made clear that the Enterprise could not withstand the gravity of Earth so it could never land on the planet.

So how can they be building it on the planet?

Continuity, continuity, continuity....

But I am still oh so ready to see the trailer anyway!!!!!   :D


So the description of the trailer that I posted the other day seems to be correct.. Cloverfield has already opened in Australia and folks have scene the trailer and reported the same thing.

They officially released the first look at the new Enterprise.

Edit... you can check out a larger version here.



Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I wonder where the trailer will pop up first online today!


I just read at Trek Web that Paramount has confirmed that the trailer will appear online on Monday, January 21st. That's not to say a bootleg version will make it on sooner..


LOL! Trying to push "Cloverfield" biz...


That's what it sounds like to me.. most would release it at the same time online as it's released in theaters.. not this time...

Darth Gaos


I must have that as my wallpaper......looks good so far.

Actually with the release of the movie down under already I am surprised that the trailer isn't on line already
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


The engines look interesting!  Hope I can see more soon.

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I see they are going with a more TMP hull look with individual plates in different shades and the bridge is a bit off. It looks great, BUT it's different from TOS. I for one will be fine with that as the original filming model was bland and wouldn't stand up well on the modern big screen, but some other purist are going to freak!


And I should have known the RPF would be all over this subject! Many thing this is going to be close to the look of the ship as was speculated but dismissed a while ago. I don't like it at all.. :thumbsdown


Yea, it looks too....idk robotic like.  I mean, it looks cool and all, but I prefer the more original look personally.

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I LOVE that ship. The lines are fantastic. The ship looks like a starship. This ship LOOKS like a descendant of the NX-01. The rotating bussard collectors look much better in this version. You can see what causes the strobe effect. They got a better strobe in the enhanced version, but I am really enjoying this look.