Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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I agree, it looks damn cool. I am very confident they took the NX-01 into consideration when they designed this version. I like the retro 'cowls' on top of the collectors.


Oh boy...and so the battle lines are drawn. Just like Star Wars, Star Trek will now be defined by those that had TOS as kids and those that had TNG!


I don't think that a line needs to be drawn at all. I saw every series in order. Sure I saw TOS and TAS in reruns, but I saw them all and liked them for what they were.

Even Gene felt that the effect could have been done better with better tech and more money. The big screen Enterprise and the Klingons were how Gene thought they always should have been. Even now we are getting better effects in the Enhanced Versions.

If the series had the money that they needed, we would have seen far more diversity in Trek. There were rampant redresses and repurposing of Models ... hell even the sound stages were in flux. Redress of Voyager or Enterprise sets filled the movies.

I think that this might work because it hold to the spirt of Trek. If there is a chance to make the vision of the future better and more inline with the current progress of technology, I say go for it.


Ok, I'll admit, it looks pretty darn cool. 

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Quote from: Just X on January 17, 2008, 08:06:24 PM
I don't think that a line needs to be drawn at all. I saw every series in order. Sure I saw TOS and TAS in reruns, but I saw them all and liked them for what they were.

Even Gene felt that the effect could have been done better with better tech and more money. The big screen Enterprise and the Klingons were how Gene thought they always should have been. Even now we are getting better effects in the Enhanced Versions.

If the series had the money that they needed, we would have seen far more diversity in Trek. There were rampant redresses and repurposing of Models ... hell even the sound stages were in flux. Redress of Voyager or Enterprise sets filled the movies.

I think that this might work because it hold to the spirt of Trek. If there is a chance to make the vision of the future better and more inline with the current progress of technology, I say go for it.

Oh, for sure, X, I agree with the reasoning behind a new look and that TOS, had it not been budget restrained, would have looked differently. What I am saying, in a very general sense, is that the older TOS crowd, of which I am just on the cusp being born in 1968, are going to be upset. I think they were hoping for a more true to the original story and look as opposed to a complete re-imagining. I also think a younger, more progressive audience will be willing to embrace this new look as making more sense and being visually more interesting. I sort of fall in the middle on that.

The IC

Here's a handi-cam version of the trailer.  Watch it before it gets yanked from Youtube!


Ok, even though I'm going to be seeing this in about 5 hours on the big screen I caved and watched.  First impression, very, very cool.  I like how they tied it into the space program, NASA, Kennedy, etc. just like Enterprise did.  I'm also very happy they didn't show much, but enough to get us fans excited I think.  Ok, now on to details....

Building her in space.  It's always been my impression from everything I have learned over the years that this Enterprise was assembled in space - much like the international space station is these days.  Components put together on Earth, then assembled into space.  It makes the most sense.  No problem at all from me on that.

The look of the Enterprise.  I like it.  She's still the Enterprise, but just a bit updated and I'll say "jazzed" up.  We all knew this was coming.  It wasn't going to look precisely like the TOS Enterprise.  And for someone like me that has every inch of the original burned into my brain to accept this I think is a good thing.  Right or wrong, this is a good step for the future of Star Trek.  And I'll say right now, it will help a lot to get the younger people to embrace the show and film even more.

I can't wait for December!


I like it. Same as Rico. When Spock started doing his thing I felt chills.


My impression is that the trailer is only symbolic and not footage from the actual film. The whole premise is to let you know that things are "under construction" like it says at the end of the trailer and also on their webpage. So I wouldn't get too excited about anything because they really have shown you nothing.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Although I am not wild about the design and would have preferred a more TOS looking ship, I do agree that in order to generate a new audience to keep the franchise viable, changes and modernization is needed.


I disagree.  I do think we will see some of that construction footage in the film.  As far as my excitement level, too late.  I've been excited since they green lit the movie!


I can't recall exactly, I know that Christopher Pike will be in the movie. Will he be captaining the Enterprise? I take it there is no mention of Robert April (I think that was the name of the first Captain).


Pike will be in the movie.  Bruce Greenwood is playing Pike.  I'm guessing the Robert April thing is just going to be ignored a bit.  It only really popped up a couple of times and most people don't know about Pike let alone April.


Has April actually ever been officially mentioned as being captain? I know he was the working name for the captain in the Gene Roddenberry's initial proposal and the pilot draft for The Cage according to "The Making of Star Trek" by Stephen Whitfield but I don't think the character has ever been canonized or spoken of on screen.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


not sure it'd be considered canon but he did show up in an ep of the animated series as well as a few books.