Star Trek XI - spoilers!

Started by spidey27, July 22, 2006, 05:15:41 PM

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Well so far most people that have seen anything that has to do with this film have been impressed. Then again, Nemesis (which I did really like) could have been a much better movie if not for choppy editing. There is still a long way to go!


You can watch a video of New Frontiers producer James Cawley's interview with regarding his impressions of the new set, uniforms, and actors here-  Just scroll down towards the center of the page. 

I thought it was pretty interesting; the interviewer asked some pretty good questions.


Yelchin: I'm Signed For Three Star Trek Movies

Source: TrekWeb

Paramount Pictures is making a strong commitment to "Star Trek XI" -- or as writer Roberto Orci likes to call it, "Star Trek: Zero" -- and the entire movie franchise of Star Trek, as actor Anton Yelchin, who plays Pavel Chekov in the film, says he's on board for three Trek pictures.

Yelchin has been filming Chekov recently, and says he is trying to capture a little bit of what Walter Koenig originally brought to the table with the character, but sometimes it can be a little strange.

"Chekov is like the weirdest guy," Yelchin told IGN. "Like, watching the old show really makes you realize just how strange, but incredible it was. Like there's one scene where they're talking to Apollo or something, or the god that used to be Apollo in the old show, and Apollo is like, 'I am Apollo.' And Chekov is like, 'And I am the czar of all Russias.'

"That's not how I'd choose to do the accent, but it's like they gave him these lines. I mean he really is the weirdest, weirdest character."

As for many actors trying to recreate iconic parts, Yelchin studied a lot of what Koenig did as a character -- including his desire to change the letter "v" to the letter "w." He said he had to work closely with J.J. Abrams to capture exactly what the director was looking for in the new movie.

"I talked to JJ a lot about what he wanted, and his thing was like, we're not making something that's supposed to be the old Star Trek," Yelchin said. "He's making his own movie, but there is a bit of like I think people want to see what they love. And so we're all sort of trying to find things that will remind people of the old characters. And so that's been interesting sort of picking up little things."


QuoteAs for many actors trying to recreate iconic parts, Yelchin studied a lot of what Koenig did as a character -- including his desire to change the letter "v" to the letter "w." He said he had to work closely with J.J. Abrams to capture exactly what the director was looking for in the new movie.

I'd like to see Yelchin stay true to the character as Koening portrayed him.  It's "nuclear wessles", not "vessels". ;)

Re. Yelchin's 3-film deal:  If this film does OK, I think it's a given that we will see more.  I read somewhere that Abrahms and co. plan to store the bridge set after filming, instead of trashing it.


Here a Kirk, There a Kirk, Everywhere a Kirk-Kirk

It appears like everyone will get to play James T. Kirk in the next Star Trek movie, except for the original Kirk, William Shatner.

Paramount announced today that 11-year old Jimmy Bennett will play the childhood Kirk for J.J. Abrams' Trek movie. The young thespian already has an impressive resume with films such as "Hostage," "Firewall" and Evan Almighty."

daniels.jpgAlso, is reporting that 15-year old Spencer Daniels will be cast as Kirk's older brother George Kirk, Jr.. He was mentioned in the TOS episodes "What are Little Girls Made Of?" and "Operation: Annihilate!" George Jr. ended up having his own son named Peter, a nephew to James and one who will appear prominently in the upcoming Star Trek New Voyages 2-part episode "Blood and Fire," due for release in April.

I think it is safe to assume now that the third Spock, spoken of by Leonard Nimoy a few weeks ago for a television interview will also be the childhood version of the famous Vulcan.........perhaps.

Chris Pine stars as the young adult and Starfleet officer James T. Kirk. "Star Trek" is set to premiere December 25, 2008.


Since both Kirk and Spock's parents have been cast for this movie (and with relatively young actors in the roles) it has always been assumed we will see both a very young Kirk and very young Spock in the film as well as their older versions.  Should be neat to see.  Especially since except for the animated series we haven't seen the original main characters ever at a young age like this.


Official "Star Trek" Movie Forum Now Open

The official Paramount Website for the new Star Trek film is still under construction, however, the forum section has been launched and is ready for all registered users to participate in.

To become a part of the group and discuss Star Trek, what this movie means to you and much more, first visit the Forum's FAQ Page and then Register so you too can talk Trek with fellow fans of the legendary franchise.


Since that just came online today I can't believe how many threads have already been started on that board! If TrekSF was that busy I'd never be able to keep up!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Well, I looked to see how things are going at the Star Trek XI board and in one day they acquired (and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet):

Threads: 148, Posts: 3,118, Members: 995, Active Members: 995

Busiest Star Trek board on the web I'd have to say. Nice layout too and the skin design is nice looking.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


NASA Scientist Tapped for Star Trek Film

Written by: Derek Kessler (Trek United News Editor)

Carolyn Porco, the lead imaging scientist on the joint NASA/ESA Cassini mission to Saturn has been tapped by the "Star Trek" (2008) crew to provide her expertise to the graphics teams. She will be ensuring that the sets, mattes, and planets are all realistic and at least scientifically plausible, following a time-honored Star Trek tradition of bringing aboard scientific advisors to make the film that much more real.

Said J.J. Abrams, "Carolyn and her team have produced images that are simply stunning. I'm thrilled that she will help guide our production in creating an authentic vision of space, one that immerses our audience in a visual experience as awe-inspiring as what Carolyn's cameras have captured."

Porco directs the Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPS) at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. CICLOPS is the flight control center for Cassini and processes all of the imagery from Saturn that the probe sends back to Earth.

Porco will be working with Industrial Light and Magic's Roger Guyett, who has been working with ILM for 14 years. His work can be seen in such blockbuster films as "Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith," "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End," "Mission: Impossible: III," and the latest Harry Potter film. Carolyn Porco served as a consultant for the 1997 Jodie Foster movie "Contact," and worked with A&E television on the 25th anniversary Voyager mission special "Cosmic Journey."


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According to movie spoiler web site aint it cool dot com, a reporter visited the toy fair in Germany and found the toys for the new Star Trek film. Here is a quote from that site.

"In the special Star Trek room were about 50 action figures, a few phasers, play sets, Spock's ring, Spock's ears and the new Enterprise. The action figures were not the final versions, but you could hardly tell that they weren't from the original tv-series but from the new movie. Kirk wore his famous yellow uniform (and black trousers), Spock his blue one (a little bit darker though) and Scotty the red one. The Leonard Nimoy Spock had a white monk-like robe, that looked like a variation on the one he wore in The Search for Spock. Highlight was Zoe Zaldana as the new Uhura. She wore the same red communication uniform, but this time the skirt was much shorter and there was much more emphasis on her breasts. In this movie she will give Seven of Nine a run for her money!
The phasers and communicators were almost the same as in TOS. Even the
sounds were identical. And then... the new Enterprise. As a toy it had a great TOS feel to it. It's a little more 'organic' than the original one and I
think the two warp engines and the 'bite' taken from the central body are a
little bit bigger. The floor of the new transporter room is red, by the way."

For the full report from that go to this link I put that in as i don't want to be accused of stealing stories, best to be honest i think.


I posted this yesterday in the Collectable thread as well.. some pretty cool stuff coming our way.


Yeah some cool stuff. Hope you have started saving up those pennies. I have a feeling some serious cash is going to be spent.

Darth Gaos

I want some pictures....descriptions are great but....must see!!!
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?