"The Event" - possible spoilers

Started by Rico, September 06, 2010, 04:13:00 PM

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yeah, I tried it, but wasn't hooked.  We will see.

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It surprises me after Lost, Flash Forward and to a degree Heroes that NBC would try this.  I saw bits of the first episode and it was watching mini-cliffhangers every 5 minutes.   Very annoying.   1-3 season long story arcs is ok but any more than that you will lose your audience.


This episode was better.  I'm kind of digging it now. 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Yes episode 2 was much better, and Rico was right about who some of the people were!


Well, it's been announced that NBC is giving this series at least one full season.  Maybe I should get caught up?


Yeah...not so sure about this one. I've watched all episodes so far and I gotta be honest...I'm not feeling it much! It's ok, but I wouldn't say I'd be horribly upset if it weren't there anymore. Just my opinion. Please, don't base your viewing choices based on my word. I am not a professional critic or anything! :)


I'm not all that pulled into either, I'm giving it another episode, maybe two, then cutting it from Hulu's feed unless it gets better.  I have no investment into the characters, the jumping around is down right annoying.  It feels like they are trying to be LOST, but without interesting characters, it's just bland.  LOST won with good solid characters, The Event is winning on............idk what. 

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Wow, a full season, that is a bit of a surprise to be honest. It is has been ok, but I have the same sentiments as the others, in that it is not really grabbing me. But on the flip side, it has not really driven me off, so I will keep with it since there are parts of the show I don't mind, even if I don't really care about the Characters.


Again it all makes me wonder who the target this show is aimed at?  Especially when geeks like us are not really grabbed by it.


viewed 2 episodes and 2 episodes sitting in my DVR waiting.. very unmotivated to watch.. may drop it.


OK, well just about enough of this "Ole Yeller, it was time to let her go" stuff.  I am very much liking this show (note Vartok is trying to be the one who is liking it on this thread compared to all of the "take it or leave its").  The Event started out with the great ending of the jet disappearing into a wormhole of sorts and is accelerating each week. 

[spoiler]I really like the "common man can win over bad people motif" and especially when "Vicky" caught a bullet from the heroine, only to find out it was setup to let her escape and lead the aliens to Sean Walker.  At this point the "event" is not revealed but hey who can hate a good alien invasion plot when we have so many to choose from.   Oh wait, we only have V when it restarts.  Let's hope we get an entire season, meanwhile there are enough other decent shows to watch as well. [/spoiler]


I have given up on the Event.  After 6 episodes, the characters are two dimensional, predictable and the plot is very uninteresting.  What really bites this series is the constant time-travel that is both random and confusing.  If your going to jump around the timeline, at least have rules.  LOST had rules, this show does not and is nothing but a muddled mess of flashbacks, broken stories and vagueness for vagueness sake.  Government-conspiracies gets old fast, especially when you keep adding onto them.  Maybe for some that's great, but for me...no. 

At least with LOST (and yes, I'm going to keep referencing it), we were both intrigued by the Island and the characters were enjoyable.  This has neither.  All it is, is some massive cover-up, I'm not sure what the "Event" is at all, is it the Plane, the attempted assassination attempt, what??  Idk!  If the "Event" is at the end of the season, the show isn't worth watching.  Sorry, but that is a massive amount of buildup for something that may not pay off at all, is not worth a season of TV. 

It failed.  Put simply.  The torture scenes, everyone in pain during that whole disease episode, the struggles of the characters didn't even tug at my heartstrings.  All I learned is that there is something more powerful than our Government, that the government covers everything weird up and that have some of the biggest security holes in the world.  Woohoo. 

I sound harsh, but for a show that won't be cancelled within a season, it should be better than this.  It feels like the show had some interesting premise, but the execution was poorly done, much like Heroes.  So I've cut it from my Hulu queue.  Chuck, No Ordinary Family and others have been more fun, more engaging and entertaining than this show.  I knew I had issues when I had to force myself to watch this episode. 

Soooo yeah, what did other people think?  ;)

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


I thought I'd posted in this thread. I found this on over here by accident on Friday night last week, watched the back half of the first episode and the beginnin of the second before therest k the night took priority.

I haven't given it a fair shot but as nothing grabbed me oarticularly in that period I didn't DVR it for later either so I guess I'm skipping it.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I have been watching the show since it aired.  While I still believe it has good potential, I have to agree with some of the other posters here that it is moving too slowly and is not capturing my imagination.  It is not really suspenseful and the threat of these aliens/metahumans is too vague to really be engaging.  So far, all we know is that they age very slowly and can generate wormholes.

I need more to keep me watching.  Next Monday is the last chance for the show to hook me in.  Otherwise, it disappears from my DVR schedule.


The first few episode were on uk tv. I didnt get into it as I thought I would.....Ill keep with it because you guys are further ahead than us
In life all you need to be happy is a roof over your head, a bottle of wine and a good episode of Star Trek....everything else is a bonus.