Non video game gaming?

Started by orangegorn, September 17, 2010, 02:32:00 AM

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Dice games!  My son and I have been playing Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice lately.  Has anyone else played these?  They are both from Steve Jackson Games.  They are very simple and very fast dice games.  Great for times when you don't have a lot of time to play, or for starting a gaming night where you'll play something more complex later.   

In a nutshell:

Zombie Dice:  You are the zombie and you roll dice with three different symbols on them (brains, shotgun blast, running away footprints) trying to eat 13 brains before the other player(s).  Such a fun and hilarious game. 

Cthulhu Dice:  Each player has 3 "sanity" stones and one die is rolled.  You play against other players and Cthulhu itself.  You basically want to be the last player with sanity, but sometimes everyone loses and Cthulhu wins!   

Anyone else have a favorite non-video game that they are playing lately?


My wife, kids, and I play a lot of different board games.  The old staples - Life, Monopoly, Blokus, etc.
I just ordered the Lego Harry Potter board game.  In this you build a Lego Hogwarts on the board, and each character (2-4) has to navigate the changing hallways, etc to get their homework assignments and head back to their particular House common room.  Looking forward to it.


Quote from: Bromptonboy on September 17, 2010, 04:23:30 AM
My wife, kids, and I play a lot of different board games.  The old staples - Life, Monopoly, Blokus, etc.
I just ordered the Lego Harry Potter board game.  In this you build a Lego Hogwarts on the board, and each character (2-4) has to navigate the changing hallways, etc to get their homework assignments and head back to their particular House common room.  Looking forward to it.

Oh that Lego Harry Potter game sounds cool.. gonna have to pick that up.


Yeah, we play a lot of board games too: Hasbro's Family Game night on the Xbox 360 :)


I was a pen and paper D&Der for many years but lost it when I left college and my regular game broke up.  I recently played a great card game, a famous Steve Jackson game called Munchkin.  This was hilarious and fun, played in a group of three or more where everyone starts out at level 1 and thee object is to be the first to reach level ten by fighting monsters, looting rooms, teaming up with other players, ganging up on other players, it's super funny and tons of fun.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


How about the HeroClix game being release for Star Trek???  My son and I currently play the DC version but the Trek should be pretty sweet especially if ships are involved!!
Trek gets better and better the more it is shared.


Cool games mentioned here!  Jobydrone4of20, I've been eyeballing Munchkin and it's various expansions lately.  Besides the Munchkin card game, there is a board game version called Munchkin Quest that looks interesting and may interest my son more than the card game. 

TreksInTeaching, that HeroClix Star Trek sounds sweet!  I have been interested in HeroClix and Heroscape for awhile now, but just haven't made the plunge.  A Trek version may sway me!

Anyone play Small World?  It looks like a lot of fun.  Kinda a faster, lighter version of Risk but in a cartoony fantasy setting, I'm told.   

Got a big chess game against my son this weekend.  We may even play Horseshoes outside!  ;D


Man horseshoe and chess..... now I a envious.  My son has started to learn chess, but not to the point of playing together in a competitive form yet :-)  However horseshoe would be up both of our alleys.
Trek gets better and better the more it is shared.


I would actually like for my wife and I to learn how to play Bridge.  We may take a night class offered at one of the local high schools.


Quote from: orangegorn on September 18, 2010, 01:31:15 AM
Anyone play Small World?  It looks like a lot of fun.  Kinda a faster, lighter version of Risk but in a cartoony fantasy setting, I'm told.   

Oh, yes, Small World is awesome! The designer cleverly created game boards for different sizes of groups: 2-players, 3, 4-5. And you have a race and an attribute. Races could be Amazons or Halflings or Sorcerers, examples attributes are wealthy or  seafaring. Flying giants are... well, really dangerous.

And I LOVE Munchkin. Just got the Sparkly Good Fairy for it. Man, she's nasty!


Hey! Who's played Battlestar Galactica? Fun stuff, Maynard.  :cylon

Then there's Munchkin--the latest is Munchkin Zombie!

And yesterday I played Give Me the Brain! It's nice to know that some jobs don't really require a brain.


Big gaming household here.  Some of our favourites are, in increasing order of attention span required:

Fluxx, especially Monty Python Fluxx - Draw a card, play a card, cards change the rules and victory conditions.

Grass - Card "race" game, like Mille Borne, but set in the "experimental glaucoma treatment" setting.

Werewolves of Miller's Hollow - pseudo rpg, find the werewolves amongst the villagers.

Zombies!!! - reveal the map, escape to the helipad, slay brain sucking monsters as you go.

Agricola - Medieval farming/survival/resource management game. You always seem to be one turn short...

Order of The Stick - satirical meta-D&D expanding map monster slaying, like Zombies, but more options/rules/etc.

Killer Bunnies - Bunnies killing bunnies, what's not to love.  Weapons include Lawn Darts (not so strong) and Sharks W.F.L.B (very strong). Mechanically, like Magic, but everyone plays out of the same deck.

Civilization - the ancient Avalon Hill game. Fortunately, one of us still owns a copy. Classic resource management game.

Rail Games - resource management, destination and route planning.  Still haven't finished one yet...


i've been playing several basic card games with my cousins like war and uno.
also Othelo, that has to be one of my favorites.


I used to play some Battletech / Citytech tabletop, I dabbled in D&D but never got into it very hardcore.


I played too much AD&D when I was still in school!  I dare not go back to it - it is like opium to me - which is why I avoid online gaming.  A slippery slope for me!  :)