The Next Generation Turns 23

Started by Geekyfanboy, September 29, 2010, 03:49:37 PM

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This week is the 23rd anniversary of when Star Trek The Next Generation premiere in the US.

Thought it would be fun to reminisce about the first time you watched TNG... I'll go first

Well I was a fan of the movies and watched the original TV series late at night when I would come across it but I wouldn't call myself a Star Trek fan. When I heard about the new Trek series I wasn't really interested so I didn't watch it for the first few weeks. I can't remember why but I turned it on one day and was instantly hooked. I fell in love with Picard, Riker, Tori, Crusher, LaForge, Data, Worf, Yar and yes Wesley too. I came into the series about five or six episodes in and back in the day they only showed repeats during the following summer and there were no VHS let alone DVDs. So I watched the rest of the first season and devoured very episode. And when summer came around I made sure to catch the few episodes I missed at the beginning of the season. But I can say without a doubt after watching that first season I was a Trekkie, I loved everything Star Trek. I went back and re-watched the movies and tried to catch as many of the original series episodes as I could. I bought magazines, cards, action figures and anything else I could find that had TNG on it. My fanaticism grew as the series went on. When they started Deep Space Nine I was right there loving every minute.. then Voyager and finally Enterprise.

I always say Star Wars is what made me fall in love with Sci Fi and Fantasy but Star Trek made me appreciate Sci Fi and Fantasy and will always be very special to me. Thank you Mr. Roddenberry for sharing your universe with us.


Think I've said before on the podcast, but of course I had followed all the early press about the series and when the premiere day came watched it some of my old friends who grew up on TOS reruns like I did.  I think we enjoyed the first episode, but weren't blown away.  Kind of missed the original characters and cast.  But as the episodes continued and seasons went on, TNG became a series of it's own and still great Trek.  Congrats and thanks to the Great Bird of the Galaxy for this series and all the rest!


I remember exactly where I was when i saw Encounter at Farpoint.  I was at a friend's house in Maryland with her two boys.  They were not really Trek fans -- the boys had never been introduced to TOS -- so I announced that were going to watch this new cool SciFi show called Star Trek and they would love it.  So we sat down with some popcorn and watched.  The kids were pretty much hooked in by the first 20 minutes, asking me all kinds of questions!  Two things were evident as we watched: They immediately recognized Geordi as the Reading Rainbow guy, and they thought "Q" was very cool cuz he had awesome powers.  LOL

I found myself getting curious about this crew, a ship that could separate itself, and this new enemy that was all powerful.  Even though I loved TOS, I thought this show was going to be good -- at least the Enterprise looked cool (and they kept its designation)!  I never missed an episode (no DVRs back then).

The decades of Trek had begun and I was just happy that I could always sit down and watch something fun and intriguing once again in that universe!


I remember seeing the first episode and being so excited that Trek was back!  Loved the saucer seperation stuff, thought Picard and the Klingon were cool.  Ah yes, who knew it would become my very favorite TV show EVER?  it did, and it is.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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I didn't know TNG existed until 1990!  I was stationed in Yuma, AZ and had gotten back to the barracks to find about five other Marines watching TNG in the common lounge.  I was floored for two reasons.  1) Marines watching Star Trek,  and 2) This wasn't TOS.  I sat and watched and I don't even remember the episode.  During the show, they argued about which Trek was better, which captain was better, etc.  I found out that TNG had been on for awhile at this point, and that some of the guys were really into it.  Over the years I have learned to appreciate TNG a lot, and for some reason I actually prefer the 1st season over the others. 

Can't believe it's been that long.  My where does the time go?


I was in my freshman year at college when it debuted.  I had no TV in my dorm room so I watched it in a large group in the common room.  Turned out this was the best way to see it, with live reaction from an audience.  We watched it every week that way.  I remember wishing there were more overt references to TOS (like Naked Now and McCoy's guest spot in the pilot) but still enjoying it very much.  Of course now it's become my favorite cast and favorites of all the Trek iterations.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx