Wrath of Khan Tv Cut

Started by jonno8339, October 28, 2010, 02:39:08 PM

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I was watching a cut of the real Star Trek 2 with my dad (uber trek fan) The young cadet Preston, who Scott carries to the bridge after Khans first attack and dies in sickbay afterwards. Cadet Preston is Scotts nephew. I never knew that so thought id share that with you guys
In life all you need to be happy is a roof over your head, a bottle of wine and a good episode of Star Trek....everything else is a bonus.


Yeah Scotty mentions him when Kirk does his inspection at the beginning. Preston is in three scenes, introduction scene, then a scene on which he has a go at Kirk when Kirk ribbs him and then finally his death scene.


I do think that scene add more impacted to to that bridge and sickbay scenes when you know it's Scotty's nephew.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching."


yeah Ive always thought previous cuts Ive seen made the scene abit disjointed. But know knowing the family connection it makes sence
In life all you need to be happy is a roof over your head, a bottle of wine and a good episode of Star Trek....everything else is a bonus.