Blizzard forcing players to "move along"?

Started by sheldor, December 06, 2010, 01:39:41 AM

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I have a few level 70's in Outland.   It appears Blizzard is forcing players to play "level appropriate" areas.  For level 70's

Kalimdor/Eastern 10%
Outland 10%
Northrend 100%

You still get full XP for completing quests, mining, farming and discovering areas.  IMO, all xp should be affected in the same way.

I guess they don't want players "hanging out" or grinding to level up.   IF move my 70's to northrend I get full xp.
I can understand not awarding any xp for "grey" mobs but we're talking about a level 70 killing a level 69.

Hoping this is just a bug but this has been going on for the last few days.

Here is the discussion forum -


Read through most of that thread.  Seems like the change probably was intentional by Blizzard.  It would be nice if they made these changes public.  But I don't think they wanted the grief.  It's frankly a dumb change.  The biggest issue I see is completing quests in a zone sometimes will keep you there longer.  So, the exp for the mobs you kill drops to a fraction if you stay too long to try and wrap some stuff up.  I would expect them to change this back at some point.  At least I hope they do.


I think for the lower level players, this works better than the big guys constantly killing the mobs so they have to go somewhere dangerous just to level up.


I rolled a new rogue, frankly the "new" areas are awesome, I'd much rather be questing though the "new" old world then through outland!

Also, I'm thinking that Northrend isn't going to make a ton of sense anymore. In the "old " world, Arthas is dead. In Northrend he isn't?


From what I know, this "XP change" only comes into play with you get up to the continent shift levels (60, 70, 80).  But I still think it makes little sense.  I play on a very player filled server (same as Joe and Mark).  I've never really had any issues with other players being in an area too long.  The world is plenty big for us all.  Truthfully, by doing this Blizzard is actually making players level quicker.  You make more exp. by going to the higher zones and fighting slightly tougher mobs.  Anyway, we will see what happens.

P.S.  I don't know what new level zones Cataclysm is adding tomorrow, but I still think you will need Outland and Northrend when you do 60 - 80.  Whether the lore still works or not.


This might come in handy :)


Nice map.  Still seems like Outland and Northrend are very needed for leveling up.


Yup! Actually I don't mind so much, I've only been though Outland on one toon.


Hmm, I thought with the changes to leveling pre 80, that leveling in those areas was rather superfluous really.  Interesting.

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They are penalizing people who want to finish up a zone.   Killing a mob one level less than you does not deserve a 90% reduction in xp.   I might as well farm.


Quote from: sheldor on December 06, 2010, 02:49:01 PM
They are penalizing people who want to finish up a zone.   Killing a mob one level less than you does not deserve a 90% reduction in xp.   I might as well farm.
I wouldn't know. I was constantly in areas where everything was a shade of red or with skulls on their names. I didn't stick around many places too long and missed most of the quests that had to deal with the mountain and the weird ore (been a long time).


Thanks for the map!!!!

Also, I could care less about this change. Seems OK to me. Bring on the expansion!
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.