MASH 4077 Podcast

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 15, 2011, 01:52:50 PM

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Great show as usual! :)



Just started listening and I think it's great. I love that you discuss the episodes and that you play clips throughout as you talk about each one. I grew up watching MASH too and I love Alan Alda. Hawkeye was such a lady's man and very funny too! I thought it was very interesting when they had Alan Alda on ER playing a visiting doctor. Of course his character wasn't Hawkeye but it was great to see him as a doctor again.

Good luck with the podcast!

In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


I was just thinking how Star Trek and MASH are alike. Well for one thing, they both had a lot of guest star appearances from other tv show actors/actresses. Even Winchester was on ST:TNG. That was a great episode where Lwaxanna debates with him about what happens as we get older. It was a very controversial episode. The episode is called "Half a Life." There were quite a few other actors that made appearances on both shows though which was really cool to see from time to time.
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Cool points and thanks for listening. Feel free to send in comments to the show we will read them out :)


Check it out.. here's our final Logo for our podcast


Nice! How come Kenny's the only one with a drink?

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Feathers on May 18, 2011, 07:13:02 AM
Nice! How come Kenny's the only one with a drink?

And Kenny doesn't drink! For realism Meds should be holding a pint glass. ;)


That is an AWESOME logo!


Ironic, isn't it? I mean, I LOVE Scotch, Meds LOVES..well, alcohol, and Kenny doesn't drink at all! But it is a great logo. Thanks so much Kenny! I just didn't realize that I was that grey! :)


Quote from: QuadShot on May 18, 2011, 08:02:57 AM
Ironic, isn't it? I mean, I LOVE Scotch, Meds LOVES..well, alcohol, and Kenny doesn't drink at all! But it is a great logo. Thanks so much Kenny! I just didn't realize that I was that grey! :)

That's clearly a vodka martini :)


LOL.. the artist took a reference photo of Hawkeye, BJ and Winchester and drew our heads on the three bodies.. he happen to pick Hawkeye for me and he was holding the drink.


And he's right to have chosen you as're our leader! :) Thanks again for this Kenny, it's wild and awesome!



what an awesome drawing!  WOW!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Love the new logo... but where's Harry? I was getting used to hearing him on as a special guest. Guess I thought he was just going to become a regular podcast host.

On one of the podcasts, Meds was talking about Margaret liking Generals because they remind her of her father. Well that's not Freudian but it is related to the Oedipal Complex (boys in love with their mothers). Margaret having relationships with older men reminding them of her father would be the Electra Complex (girls in love with their father) which Carl Jung (a student of Freud) came up with. So you can take it either way I guess. I was a psych major at Keene State. So it would be Jungian.

Sorry to be so picky!  :P
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"