The truth about TV ratings, online viewing and sci-fi shows

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 20, 2011, 12:44:37 PM

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For me, one of the defining moments of the iPAD was the commercial where they show the star gazing app and it turns the stars into the constellations like looking through a magic window.


Quote from: Rico on January 20, 2011, 02:59:07 PM
Put up your hand if an ad on TV has made you buy a product - ever.  ;)
I can't say that I have.  I tend to buy stuff based on reviews - like on Amazon and so forth.


Quote from: Bromptonboy on January 20, 2011, 04:52:49 PM
Quote from: Rico on January 20, 2011, 02:59:07 PM
Put up your hand if an ad on TV has made you buy a product - ever.  ;)
I can't say that I have.  I tend to buy stuff based on reviews - like on Amazon and so forth.
No new snacks or cereal? Not even order out because you saw a pizza or something on sale?


Look, folks, advertising works,on all of us. My wife's career is in market research which is all about the mathematical study of how effective advertising is for companies. It works...big time. We can't help it. It's all about saturation. We are mentally overwhelmed by it and can't fight it. Sure,webcam alway choose to not buy a product, but wecwill be aware of it if the advertising is effective and that is the goal.


I still don't buy it. 

Ok how about this, I bought a bunch of PC games this last winter.  How many did I buy because of an ad?  0.  I bought Starcraft 2 before that and it was not due to ads because I had basically had already set my mind on getting it.  It was Blizzard after all. 

iOS.  There are ads on apps and websites in the apps, but it has not influenced what I have bought for the iOS.  iAds are not going to affect my decisions because they tend to be about insurance, cars and other such stuff. 

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Quote from: Kingisaaclinksr on January 20, 2011, 07:28:40 PM
I still don't buy it. 

Ok how about this, I bought a bunch of PC games this last winter.  How many did I buy because of an ad?  0.  I bought Starcraft 2 before that and it was not due to ads because I had basically had already set my mind on getting it.  It was Blizzard after all. 

iOS.  There are ads on apps and websites in the apps, but it has not influenced what I have bought for the iOS.  iAds are not going to affect my decisions because they tend to be about insurance, cars and other such stuff. 

How did you find out about the graphics and story of the game? Trailers are still ads. Did you go in blindly without seeing anything?


Dude...look, whatever you want to believe. The advertising industry isn't built on a fantasy. I understand you want to be the guy it doesn't work on. Fine, knock yourself out.


Actually X I did buy one game blind, I got lucky.  But if we're going to consider Trailers and Demos as advertising well then fine.  The Graphics and stories were found by reading the game description (which I guess is an advertisement if you want to say so).  However, 95% of the games were bought due to Reviews. 

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Ok, I will concede that advertising exposes the most amount of people to a product. 

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Ok, can I get a clarification on what you mean by advertisement Bryan?  I am only thinking in the strictest term of annoying visual ads that stick out like a sore thumb on websites and the 2min-sludge of commercials during TV show breaks. 

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Quote from: Kingisaaclinksr on January 20, 2011, 07:48:21 PM
Ok, can I get a clarification on what you mean by advertisement Bryan?  I am only thinking in the strictest term of annoying visual ads that stick out like a sore thumb on websites and the 2min-sludge of commercials during TV show breaks. 

Yes, you are. Product placement is advertising. That nike symbol that you see on your friend's shirt is advertising that you pay them to promote for them. Advertising is far more than commercials, but logos, product placement, word of mouth from friends, and commercials that work to build a brand in your head. Those reviews that you mention have another name. Word of mouth advertising. When someone you trust tells you about a product, then you are more likely to get it.  Then you have to figure out where they got the product and that nothing happens in a vacuum. Someone buys the advertising, writes good things about it and then you pick it up.

Actually, you're the person that advertisers love. You only need someone to tell you it's good and you're there. They can always find someone to like what they make.


Well how else can you find out if something is worth while or not?  Short of actually buying it, there is no other way of finding out if the product is quality or not. 

Brand Loyalty these days is getting harder and harder to trust.  There is a very short list of companies (not including food) that I trust these days and its been getting shorter year by year. 

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My point is this King ... you yourself declared that the PS3 version was the best version of Mass Effect 2. Having never played the game, someone sold you, hook line, and sinker on a game that you didn't touch. If that's not the power of advertising, I don't know what is.


And I meant that in the context of someone joining into the Mass Effect universe, due to the comic intro that is included as well as all DLC included in the PS3 disc.  From my point of view the PS3 is the best because it gives you a streamlined experience into Mass Effect 2.  I never did say that the Xbox version was worthless however. 

Either way, it doesn't matter because I wouldn't have gotten either version.  Even if I had both systems, I still would get the PC version.  Unless Steam Play came into play, that would change things....

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But fine, yes, it was word of mouth.  I still took what they said and weighed it against what I knew about the PC/Xbox experience. 

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