Games I've Played

Started by Zarabeth32, January 22, 2011, 02:53:05 PM

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Yeah the King's Quest series were fun at the time I played them. It was always a challenge to type in the correct wording and the spelling. I also had fun with being naughty and typing things like "Kiss the barmaid" and the guy actually did it and then he would do this little weird drunk dance. (King's Quest III: To Heir is Human). Then it was frustrating to read the script for the spells because I wasn't quite good at reading cursive yet and if you got the spell wrong, that was the end of the game. So I remember having to save every few seconds depending on what parts of the game I was playing. It was just too easy to fall off a cliff or fall down the stairs and die. The cat definitely didn't make things easier.
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


i am a DS and WII person. i'd have to bet that the games i've played the most lately are mario kart and the legendary starfy (i love E rated games)