Games I've Played

Started by Zarabeth32, January 22, 2011, 02:53:05 PM

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I've played videogames since I can remember.

The first game system I played on was Intelevision. Does anyone remember that system? The graphics and sound effects were so different than what we have today but at the time, I loved playing the games. I used to play boxing, there was some kind of tank game and a spaceship kind of game.

I loved the King's Quest Games. I started with the third one and tried to play the 4th game but couldn't figure out how to get by the hunter. My dad used to play Heroe's Quest. Those were fun to watch.

I played Super Nintendo games: Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Shadowrun.

When I got into the Play Station systems I played and still play: Final Fantasy X, XIII, Resident Evil, Primal, and Silent Hill.

I like games that make me think and have good story lines. I haven't really gotten into playing online because I don't have the access from home.

Hope everyone is well!


I'm currently playing FF-X (I love the Auron character). Primal is a great game. It's about a woman who finds out that she's part demon and can change into different forms depending on the environment.
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Ahhh, King's Quest.  Those were great games!  All I seem to play these days is World of Warcraft.  :)


It was always a challenge to make sure I would type the right command in. King's Quest III was a pain in the butt to play at times but I was determined to beat it. No one had beaten it at the school I was living at. I would play it everyday after my chores and school work was finished. I had to keep saving it over and over again if I was going down the mountain. I kept dying everytime. The wizard would always come back before I could finish my quest and I would be dead. It did have some funny moments of course.

I have a few friends who are into World of Warcraft. Maybe someday I'll join. Right now I need to pay off some loans and save up some money.  ;)
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


I was a big Nintendo fan, playing everything from NES, SNES, & GameBoy Advance (my favorite system of the lot). Although the N64 and GameCube are the ones I played more.  I barely played any of the non-Nintendo systems before I left the console "wars".  All I play these days are iPhone and PC games.  Used to be a WoW and EvE player. 

Currently playing Ai War: Fleet Command & Mass Effect 2, with Overlord & Dead Space on the side as well as a bunch of others that I bought during last Christmas sale.  College student though so I have to balance game vs studying.  

An old fan of Zelda and Metroid though, even though I haven't played either for years.  Miss it...

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
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Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


I very much enjoy strategy, rpgs, and racing games. The Age of Empires, The Legends of Zelda, the Halo games are fun, the Need for Speeds, Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic were a lot of fun to play through.

I'm not a really big gamer these days. Mostly when I game it's with friends, played Splinter Cell Conviction Co-op earlier today actually, occasional Halo live, EA's MMA (though it drives me nuts cause I don't know how to do things I know how to do in reality), and Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a lot of fun with friends, but many times that turns into actual brawling with us.


I am playing Half Life 2 on Steam!


The good old days of gaming!  I remember playing a Star Trek game on a terminal hooked to a mainframe.  It had no monitor, everything was done via printout.  From there it was Pong.  THAT was some technology.  The Atari 2600 was a leap in to the future.  Shortly afterwards I was playing lemonade stand and oregon trail on the Apple II.  One of my friends had a copy of Gorgon that was protected so we got another disc, locksmith to break the copy protection so we could make copies.  Those were the days.  Newspaper like catalogs with column after column of listings for software.  Castle Wolfenstien was da bomb back then as well.  This was also about the same time I got my hands on an IBM PC and the early Flight Simulator software...all green wire frame graphics.  After that the next big thing was the Nintendo and Mario...sorry Mario, your princess is in another castle.  Life got in the way after that and I didn't get back in to games again until 90 or so when I got my first 80282 machine.  Things like Armor Alley were the in thing.  A box of 3.5 inch floppies from Radio Shack cost me $50.  Let me tell you, those were the days though, Commander Keen, Jill of the Jungle, Duke Nukem....good times, good times.  I stopped playing games around then.  I've had the Dreamcast, Sega Genises, Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube, WII, etc, but I still miss the good old days, hanging out with my friends, overdosing on Coca Cola and playing that stupid tank game on the Atari 2600.  If I could go back and do it all again, I would in a heartbeat.


Unreal and Unreal Tournament.


I loved the Kings Quest Series - and played them all.  Sierra games had a few others that I was into - Like 'Space Quest', 'Police Quest, 'Heroes Quest' (which you mentioned), and 'Leisure Suit Larry' that was fun.
My favorite old game was the Ultima series by Origin.  I never played the online version, but did play Ultima 1-9 and the Underworld series.


This past week, I got back into playing Final Fantasy XIII for PS3. I love how all the Final Fantasy series has something new or something related to the other stories. There's always a Cid. I always think that's great!
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Quote from: Zarabeth32 on January 28, 2011, 03:40:41 PM
This past week, I got back into playing Final Fantasy XIII for PS3. I love how all the Final Fantasy series has something new or something related to the other stories. There's always a Cid. I always think that's great!

I heard that the latest Final Fantasy games are getting a lot of flak for not living up to their normal standards.  Interesting to hear someone like it :)  (No interest in the genre personally)

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


I remember the Intellivision.  I didn't have one, but my friend from down the street Adam did, and I was always jealous because his games looked cooler than my Atari 2600 games did. We played a ton of games on the Intellivision: Astro Smash, Baseball, and the licensed Dungeons and Dragons game come to mind.  That controller was certainly weird, with the giant disc and the numbered keyboard with the big buttons on each side and plastic overlays to slide over it for each game.  I imagine those overlays got lost quite often and made gameplay a bit more difficult.   

As a general rule I am not that into Japanese RPGs, and Final Fantasy certainly falls into that category as the ultimate JRPG.  From even the long lost days of Wizardry and and then later the gold box D&D games, I've always preferred western RPGs. 
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Yeah there are a few Final Fantasy games I couldn't get into but it was nice when they started making the characters somewhat proportional to the monsters. I was tired of seeing the tiny characters with the huge monsters. I like how each one tries to be unique but there are definitely similarities. I also love the Resident Evil series (didn't care for the cruise ship one though). I love games that are dark like Silent Hill although the graphics are really creepy. I played Ghostbusters for PS3 and I loved it. I'm glad that they got the main actors to come back and do the voices that was really cool.
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


I had a Gameboy, so that's what I played most. My first PC game was Monkey Island II.

I played only the last King's Quest game and I realize now it doesn't really fit the series, but I had fun. Recently saw some nice video reviews, so I know what you are talking about. My respect for beating Kings Quest III, I think this game would have driven me mad! :)


I remember getting my Amstrad 464 and my buddy had a Spectrum ZX and we started off playing Paperboy, Wild Bunch, The Hobbit, Frogger, Valhalla, Ghostbusters, Spellbound (i loved this), Jet Set Willy, Commando, Never Ending Story etc etc just looking on internet and i'm amazed at how many games there were. I then had a sega master system and sega megadrive, followed by a PS1, PS2 and the Xbox elite.

Resident Evil on the PS1 really blew my mind and i still have fond memories of playing that in the flat i shared with the lads. I thought about picking up a old spectrum or amstrad just for memory but i know that I would just cringe at the graphics lol